Application Development Guide

Include Files for FORTRAN

The host-language specific include files for FORTRAN have the file extension .f on UNIX platforms, and .for on OS/2. You can use the following FORTRAN include files in your applications.

SQL (sql.f)
This file includes language-specific prototypes for the binder, precompiler, and error message retrieval APIs. It also defines system constants.

SQLAPREP (sqlaprep.f)
This file contains definitions required to write your own precompiler.

SQLCA (sqlca_cn.f, sqlca_cs.f)
This file defines the SQL Communication Area (SQLCA) structure. The SQLCA contains variables that are used by the database manager to provide an application with error information about the execution of SQL statements and API calls.

Two SQLCA files are provided for FORTRAN applications. The default, sqlca_cs.f, defines the SQLCA structure in an IBM SQL compatible format. The sqlca_cn.f file, precompiled with the SQLCA NONE option, defines the SQLCA structure for better performance.

SQLCA_92 (sqlca_92.f)
This file contains a FIPS SQL92 Entry Level compliant version of the SQL Communications Area (SQLCA) structure. This file should be included in place of either the sqlca_cn.f or the sqlca_cs.f files when writing DB2 applications that conform to the FIPS SQL92 Entry Level standard. The sqlca_92.f file is automatically included by the DB2 precompiler when the LANGLEVEL precompiler option is set to SQL92E.

SQLCODES (sqlcodes.f)
This file defines constants for the SQLCODE field of the SQLCA structure.

SQLDA (sqldact.f)
This file defines the SQL Descriptor Area (SQLDA) structure. The SQLDA is used to pass data between an application and the database manager. See Allocating an SQLDA Structure for details of how to code an SQLDA in a FORTRAN program.

SQLEAU (sqleau.f)
This file contains constant and structure definitions required for the DB2 security audit APIs. If you use these APIs, you need to include this file in your program. This file also contains constant and keyword value definitions for fields in the audit trail record. These definitions can be used by external or vendor audit trail extract programs.

SQLENV (sqlenv.f)
This file defines language-specific calls for the database environment APIs, and the structures, constants, and return codes for those interfaces.

SQLE819A (sqle819a.f)
If the code page of the database is 819 (ISO Latin-1), this sequence sorts character strings that are not FOR BIT DATA according to the host CCSID 500 (EBCDIC International) binary collation. This file is used by the CREATE DATABASE API.

SQLE819B (sqle819b.f)
If the code page of the database is 819 (ISO Latin-1), this sequence sorts character strings that are not FOR BIT DATA according to the host CCSID 037 (EBCDIC US English) binary collation. This file is used by the CREATE DATABASE API.

SQLE850A (sqle850a.f)
If the code page of the database is 850 (ASCII Latin-1), this sequence sorts character strings that are not FOR BIT DATA according to the host CCSID 500 (EBCDIC International) binary collation. This file is used by the CREATE DATABASE API.

SQLE850B (sqle850b.f)
If the code page of the database is 850 (ASCII Latin-1), this sequence sorts character strings that are not FOR BIT DATA according to the host CCSID 037 (EBCDIC US English) binary collation. This file is used by the CREATE DATABASE API.

SQLE932A (sqle932a.f)
If the code page of the database is 932 (ASCII Japanese), this sequence sorts character strings that are not FOR BIT DATA according to the host CCSID 5035 (EBCDIC Japanese) binary collation. This file is used by the CREATE DATABASE API.

SQLE932B (sqle932b.f)
If the code page of the database is 932 (ASCII Japanese), this sequence sorts character strings that are not FOR BIT DATA according to the host CCSID 5026 (EBCDIC Japanese) binary collation. This file is used by the CREATE DATABASE API.

SQL1252A (sql1252a.f)
If the code page of the database is 1252 (Windows Latin-1), this sequence sorts character strings that are not FOR BIT DATA according to the host CCSID 500 (EBCDIC International) binary collation. This file is used by the CREATE DATABASE API.

SQL1252B (sql1252b.f)
If the code page of the database is 1252 (Windows Latin-1), this sequence sorts character strings that are not FOR BIT DATA according to the host CCSID 037 (EBCDIC US English) binary collation. This file is used by the CREATE DATABASE API.

SQLMON (sqlmon.f)
This file defines language-specific calls for the database system monitor APIs, and the structures, constants, and return codes for those interfaces.

SQLSTATE (sqlstate.f)
This file defines constants for the SQLSTATE field of the SQLCA structure.

SQLUTIL (sqlutil.f)
This file defines the language-specific calls for the utility APIs, and the structures, constants, and codes required for those interfaces.

Including Files in FORTRAN

There are two methods for including files: the EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement and the FORTRAN INCLUDE statement. The precompiler will ignore FORTRAN INCLUDE statements, and only process files included with the EXEC SQL statement.

To locate the INCLUDE file, the DB2 FORTRAN precompiler searches the current directory first, then the directories specified by the DB2INCLUDE environment variable. Consider the following examples:

Note:The setting of DB2INCLUDE is cached by the DB2 Command Line Processor. To change the setting of DB2INCLUDE after any CLP commands have been issued, enter the TERMINATE command, then reconnect to the database and precompile as usual.

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