Application Development Guide

Object Linking and Embedding Samples

Table 49. Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Sample Programs
Sample Program Name Program Description
sales Demonstrates rollup queries on a Microsoft Excel sales spreadsheet (implemented in Visual Basic).
names Queries a Lotus Notes address book (implemented in Visual Basic).
inbox Queries Microsoft Exchange inbox e-mail messages through OLE/Messaging (implemented in Visual Basic).
invoice An OLE automation user-defined function that sends Microsoft Word invoice documents as e-mail attachments (implemented in Visual Basic).
bcounter An OLE automation user-defined function demonstrating a scratchpad using instance variables (implemented in Visual Basic).
ccounter A counter OLE automation user-defined function (implemented in Visual C++).
salarysrv An OLE automation stored procedure that calculates the median salary of the STAFF table of the sample database (implemented in Visual Basic).
salarycltvc A Visual C++ embedded SQL sample that calls the Visual Basic stored procedure, salarysrv.
salarycltvb A Visual Basic DB2 CLI sample that calls the Visual Basic stored procedure, salarysrv.
testcli An OLE automation embedded SQL client application that calls the stored procedure, tstsrv (implemented in Visual C++).
tstsrv An OLE automation stored procedure demonstrating the passing of various types between client and stored procedure (implemented in Visual C++).

Table 50. Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLE DB) Table Functions
Sample Program Name Program Description
jet.db2 Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51 Provider
mapi.db2 INTERSOLV Connect OLE DB for MAPI
msdaora.db2 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle
msdasql.db2 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
msidxs.db2 Microsoft OLE DB Index Server Provider
notes.db2 INTERSOLV Connect OLE DB for Notes
sampprov.db2 Microsoft OLE DB Sample Provider
sqloledb.db2 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

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