Application Development Guide

Declared Temporary Tables

A declared temporary table is a temporary table that is only accessible to SQL statements that are issued by the application which created the temporary table. A declared temporary table does not persist beyond the duration of the connection of the application to the database.

Use declared temporary tables to potentially improve the performance of your applications. When you create a declared temporary table, DB2 does not insert an entry into the system catalog tables, and therefore your server does not suffer from catalog contention issues. In comparison to regular tables, DB2 does not lock declared temporary tables or their rows, and does not log declared temporary tables or their contents. If your current application creates tables to process large amounts of data and drops those tables once the application has finished manipulating that data, consider using declared temporary tables instead of regular tables.

If you develop applications written for concurrent users, your applications can take advantage of declared temporary tables. Unlike regular tables, declared temporary tables are not subject to name collision. For each instance of the application, DB2 can create a declared temporary table with an identical name. For example, to write an application for concurrent users that uses regular tables to process large amounts of temporary data, you must ensure that each instance of the application uses a unique name for the regular table that holds the temporary data. Typically, you would create another table that tracks the names of the tables that are in use at any given time. With declared temporary tables, simply specify one declared temporary table name for your temporary data. DB2 guarantees that each instance of the application uses a unique table.

To use a declared temporary table, perform the following steps:

Step  1.


Step  2.

Issue a DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement in your application.

The schema for declared temporary tables is always SESSION. To use the declared temporary table in your SQL statements, you must refer to the table using the SESSION schema qualifier either explicitly or by using a DEFAULT schema of SESSION to qualify any unqualified references. In the following example, the table name is always qualified by the schema name SESSION when you create a declared temporary table named TT1 with the following statement:


To select the contents of the column1 column from the declared temporary table created in the previous example, use the following statement:


Note that DB2 also enables you to create persistent tables with the SESSION schema. If you create a persistent table with the qualified name SESSION.TT3, you can then create a declared temporary table with the qualified name SESSION.TT3. In this situation, DB2 always resolves references to persistent and declared temporary tables with identical qualified names to the declared temporary table. To avoid confusing persistent tables with declared temporary tables, you should not create persistent tables using the SESSION schema.

If you create an application that includes a static SQL reference to a table, view, or alias qualified with the SESSION schema, the DB2 precompiler does not compile that statement at bind time and marks the statement as "needing compilation". At run time, DB2 compiles the statement. This behavior is called incremental binding. DB2 automatically performs incremental binding for static SQL references to tables, views, and aliases qualified with the SESSION schema. You do not need to specify the VALIDATE RUN option on the BIND or PRECOMPILE command to enable incremental binding for these statements.

If you issue a ROLLBACK statement for a transaction that includes a DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement, DB2 drops the declared temporary table. If you issue a DROP TABLE statement for a declared temporary table, issuing a ROLLBACK statement for that transaction only restores an empty declared temporary table. A ROLLBACK of a DROP TABLE statement does not restore the rows that existed in the declared temporary table.

The default behavior of a declared temporary table is to delete all rows from the table when you commit a transaction. However, if one or more WITH HOLD cursors are still open on the declared temporary table, DB2 does not delete the rows from the table when you commit a transaction. To avoid deleting all rows when you commit a transaction, create the temporary table using the ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS clause in the DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement.

If you modify the contents of a declared temporary table using an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement within a transaction, and roll back that transaction, DB2 deletes all of the rows of the declared temporary table. If you attempt to modify the contents of a declared temporary table using an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, and the statement fails, DB2 deletes all of the rows of the declared temporary table.

In a partitioned environment, when a node failure is encountered, all declared temporary tables that have a partition on the failed node become unusable. Any subsequent access to those unusable declared temporary tables returns an error (SQL1477N). When your application encounters an unusable declared temporary table the application can either drop the table or recreate the table by specifying the WITH REPLACE clause in the DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement.

Declared temporary tables are subject to a number of restrictions. For example, you cannot define indexes, aliases, or views for declared temporary tables. You cannot use IMPORT and LOAD to populate declared temporary tables. For the complete syntax of the DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement, and a complete list of the restrictions on declared temporary tables, refer to the SQL Reference.

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