Application Development Guide

What is Stored Procedure Builder?

Stored Procedure Builder is a graphical application that supports the rapid development of DB2 stored procedures. Using Stored Procedure Builder, you can perform the following tasks:

To create an application which has a stored procedure, Stored Procedure Builder provides a single development environment that supports the entire DB2 Universal Database family, including the OS/2, OS/390, OS/400, AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris Operating Environment, and Windows 32-bit operating systems.

Supported Platforms for Stored Procedure Builder

The Stored Procedure Builder is an optional component of the DB2 Application Development Client on AIX, Solaris** Operating Environment**, and the Windows 32-bit operating systems.

You can use Stored Procedure Builder on your client to build and deploy Java stored procedures and SQL procedures on DB2 Universal Database servers for the following platforms:

Stored Procedure Language
Supported DB2 UDB Platforms

OS/2, OS/390, AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris Operating Environment, and Windows 32-bit operating systems

OS/2, OS/390, OS/400, AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris Operating Environment, and Windows 32-bit operating systems

You can export SQL stored procedures and create Java stored procedures from existing Java class files. To provide a comfortable development environment, the Stored Procedure Builder code editor enables you to use vi or emacs key bindings, in addition to the default key bindings.

Launching Stored Procedure Builder

On Windows 32-bit operating systems, you can launch Stored Procedure Builder from the DB2 Universal Database program group, issuing the db2spb command from the command line, or from any of the following development applications:

On AIX and Solaris Operating Environment clients, you can launch Stored Procedure Builder by issuing the db2spb command from the command line.

Stored Procedure Builder is implemented with Java and all database connections are managed with Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). Using a JDBC driver, you can connect to any local DB2 alias or any other database for which you can specify a host, port, and database name.
Note:To use Stored Procedure Builder, you must be connected to a DB2 database for development. For more information about using Stored Procedure Builder, refer to the IBM DB2 Stored Procedure Builder online help.

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