DB2 Connect Quick Beginnings for Linux**

Step 2. Configure the DB2 Connect Workstation

The following steps configure this protocol on the DB2 Connect Workstation. Replace the sample values with your worksheet values.

A. Resolve the Host's IP Address

Figure car not displayed.

If your network has a name server, or you are planning to directly specify the IP address (ip_address) of the server, skip this step and proceed to B. Update the Services File.

The DB2 Connect workstation must know the address of the host system to which it is attempting to establish communications. If a name server does not exist on your network, you may directly specify a hostname that maps to the IP address (ip_address) of the host system in the local hosts file. On your Linux system, the hosts file is located in the /etc directory.

Figure hint not displayed.

If you are planning on supporting a UNIX client that is using Network Information Services (NIS), and you are not using a domain name server on your network, you must update the hosts file located on your NIS master server.

Using a text editor, add an entry to the DB2 Connect workstation's hosts file for the host system's hostname. For example:     nyx   # host address for nyx

represents the ip_address

represents the hostname

represents a comment describing the entry

Figure hint not displayed.

If the host system is not in the same domain as the DB2 Connect Workstation, you must provide a fully qualified domain name such as nyx.spifnet.ibm.com, where spifnet.ibm.com is the domain name.

B. Update the Services File

Figure car not displayed.

If you are planning to catalog a TCP/IP node using a port number (port_number), skip this step and go to Step 3. Catalog the TCP/IP Node.

Using a text editor, add the Connection Service name and port number to the DB2 Connect workstation's services file. This file is located in the same directory as the local hosts file that you may have edited in A. Resolve the Host's IP Address. On your Linux system, the services file is located in the /etc directory. For example:

   host1  446/tcp  # DB2 connection service port


represents the Connection Service name

represents the Connection port number

represents the communication protocol that you are using

represents a comment describing the entry

The port number used on the DB2 Connect workstation must match the port number used on the host system. Also, ensure that you did not specify a port number that is being used by any other process.

Figure hint not displayed.

If you are planning on supporting a UNIX client that uses Network Information Services (NIS), you must update the services file located on your NIS master server.

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