IBM DB2 Query Patroller Installation Guide

Distributed Installation

If you are planning to install multiple DB2 Query Patroller Servers across your network, you may want to consider using a network-based distributed installation. With a network-based installation, you can roll out multiple copies of DB2 products, with a minimal amount of effort. You can define the installation and configuration you want in a response file. You would then use this response file to pass along the install information to all target servers where you want to install a DB2 Query Patroller.

Since you can use this installation method for any DB2 product, we also recommend that you use this method to roll-out DB2 clients across your enterprise. For example, you could create a response file for a DB2 Administration Client that would not install the Control Center, but would install the required Java Support component. You could then use this response file to install multiple copies of a DB2 Administration Client with this component. You would not have to deselect the other components associated with a DB2 Administration Client for every installation.

You can push or pull a distributed installation. You can push an installation across your network using a system management tool. You can pull an installation from a mounted drive using the db2setup -r command or execute an install script at each target workstation.

There is a sample response file, called db2qp.rsp, which you can use for a DB2 Query Patroller Server distributed installation. This sample response file is located in the /cdrom/db2/install/samples directory on your DB2 Query Patroller CD-ROM (where /cdrom is the mount point of your CD-ROM).

For more information and instructions on how to perform a distributed installation, refer to the Installation and Configuration Supplement.

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