Troubleshooting Guide

Overview of Client Connectivity

This section provides an overview of how DB2 clients connect to DB2 servers. This information can help you understand the areas where connectivity problems typically occur.

Client workstations are connected to a DB2 server through a communications protocol (for example, TCP/IP, APPC, Named Pipes (NPIPE), NetBIOS, or IPX/SPX). This connection enables applications to run on a client and interact with DB2. Examples of applications are Lotus Approach, Microsoft Access, or user-written applications.

When an application needs to access a database, it uses a CONNECT statement. The database alias identified in the CONNECT statement references an entry in the client's database directory. This entry contains these important elements:

The node directory indicates where the database is physically located. Each node directory entry specifies which network communication protocol to use to connect to the database, and the protocol parameter values required to make the connection.

The database directory and node directory ensure that access to a database is transparent to users and applications, regardless of where the database physically resides. If a database has been cataloged correctly on the client, you can connect to the database if you know the local database alias name.

The catalog node number represents a node as defined within the db2nodes.cfg file, where the CREATE DATABASE statement was issued. All system catalog tables for that database reside on the specified node.

For more information about maintaining the information in the database and node directories, see the Quick Beginnings guide for your platform.

In addition to the directories, the following are required for client communications to a DB2 server:

For details on client connectivity, see the Quick Beginnings guide for your platform.

Client Connectivity Tools

After installing DB2, you can use the following tools to connect a client to a database on a server:

Setup Communications
Sets up communications for server instances, including those that are remote UNIX-based environments. To update communications for a server instance, select the instance in the Control Center and select Setup Communications from the pop-up menu.
Note:The communications protocol stack must already be set up.

Client Configuration Assistant
Lets you define connections to databases so that the databases can be used by applications.

Alternatively, use the command line processor to set up clients in UNIX-based environments. Refer to the Command Reference for information on the CATALOG DATABASE and CATALOG protocol NODE commands.

For more information, see the Quick Beginnings guide for your platform.

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