Troubleshooting Guide

Installation issues

This section details errors that can occur when you install or initialize the Data Warehouse Center product.

Windows NT or Windows 2000 cannot install services for Data Warehouse Center components

When you install the Data Warehouse Center, the warehouse logger and warehouse server files are not installed in the Windows NT or Windows 2000 Services folder.


You are installing from a Windows NT or Windows 2000 user ID that does not have administrative authority.


Log off of Windows NT or Windows 2000 and log on with a user ID that has administrative authority.

Initialization fails at "Add install path to NT service path" message

Data Warehouse Center initialization stops at the Add install path to NT service path message.


You are installing from a Windows NT user ID that does not have administrative authority.


Log off of Windows NT and log on with a user ID that has administrative authority.

Initialization fails with a "3043 Disk or Network Error" message

Data Warehouse Center initialization cannot write to the TEMP or TMP directories, or the drive is full.


Either the TEMP or TMP directory (or both) is not defined.


You must have the following valid statements in the User Environment Variables list in your System folder.

 TEMP = drive:\TEMP
 TMP  = drive:\TEMP

where drive is any drive with available space for temporary files.

The System folder is located in the Control Panel folder. The TEMP directory must be defined in the User Environment Variables list in the System folder.

To direct the Data Warehouse Center initialization process to write to the TEMP or TMP directories:

  1. Create the TEMP directory to which the statements refer.
  2. Ensure that the statements are in your User Environment Variables folder.
  3. Restart your workstation.
  4. Initialize Data Warehouse Center again.

Data Warehouse Center files disappear after you install the product again

You installed the Data Warehouse Center again, but you cannot locate the product files.


You installed the product without restarting after the removal procedure.


You must restart your workstation after you remove the product and before you install the product again. See DB2 Universal Database Quick Beginnings for more information.

The Data Warehouse Center will not start

You receive the error message, SYS0005: Access denied. As a result, you cannot access any Data Warehouse Center services.


You tried to access the Data Warehouse Center by using a different user ID than the one that you used when you installed the product.


Log on to your Windows NT or Windows 2000 workstation with the same user ID that you used when you installed the Data Warehouse Center.

Initialization fails with an "Unable to connect" message

You receive the following message, Unable to connect to Database: IWHDB01... after a successful installation, even if you can connect to the database by using the DB2 Command Line Processor.


There are several reasons why you might get this message:


Try one of the following corresponding solutions:

Initialization fails with a 9159: Win32 function RegOpenKeyEx failed message

You attempted to initialize the Data Warehouse Center after you installed the Data Warehouse Center from a Windows NT or Windows 2000 user ID that does not have administrator authority.


The Data Warehouse Center could not open a key in the Windows NT or Windows 2000 registry.


Install the Data Warehouse Center again from a Windows NT or Windows 2000 user ID that has administrator authority.

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