Troubleshooting Guide

Dump Files

Dump files are created when an error occurs for which there is additional information that would be useful in diagnosing a problem (such as internal control blocks). Every data item written to the dump files has a timestamp associated with it to help with problem determination. Dump files are in binary format and are intended for DB2 Customer Support representatives. They should be collected and sent along with the db2diag.log.

When a dump file is created or appended to, an entry is made in the db2diag.log indicating the time and the type of data written. These db2diag.log entries resemble the following:
1997-03-16-    Instance:payroll   Node:000
PID:44829(db2agent (SAMPLE))     Appid:*LOCAL.payroll.970317140834
relation_data_serv          sqlrerlg    Probe:17   Database:SAMPLE
DIA9999E An internal return code occurred. Report the following : "0xFFFFE101".
Dump File:  /home/db2/sqllib/db2dump/56772.000 Data : SECTION STMT (1)


In this UNIX example, SECTION STMT data is stored in a file named 56772.000 located in the /home/db2/sqllib/db2dump directory.


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