SQL Reference


Each row contains function mappings.

Table 60. SYSCAT.FUNCMAPPINGS Catalog View
Column Name Data Type Nullable Description
Name of function mapping (may be system generated).
FUNCSCHEMA VARCHAR(128) Yes Function schema. Null if system built-in function.
FUNCNAME VARCHAR(1024) Yes Name of the local function (built-in or user-defined).
FUNCID INTEGER Yes Internally assigned identifier.
SPECIFICNAME VARCHAR(18) Yes Name of the local function instance.
Authorization ID under which this mapping was created.
WRAPNAME VARCHAR(128) Yes Wrapper name to which the mapping is applied.
SERVERNAME VARCHAR(128) Yes Name of the data source.
SERVERTYPE VARCHAR(30) Yes Type of data source to which mapping is applied.
SERVERVERSION VARCHAR(18) Yes Version of the server type to which mapping is applied.
CREATE_TIME TIMESTAMP Yes Time at which the mapping is created.
REMARKS VARCHAR(254) Yes User supplied comment, or null.

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