
IBM DB2 OLAP Server 7.1 
FixPak 6 
Release Notes

Applies to: All platforms

Patch Date: September 2001

Identification: R6.1.0_P3A and R2.0_P2


Starting in FixPak 6, IBM DB2 OLAP Server adds a new feature exclusive to IBM called DB2 OLAP Server Miner.  See Introducing DB2 OLAP Server Miner for more information about what OLAP Miner can do for you.

FixPak 6 also contains all the fixes from FixPak 5, but no additional fixes. If you have already installed FixPak 5, you do not need to install FixPak 6 unless you want to install OLAP Miner.   The service level of FixPak 6 is the equivalent of patch 3A for Hyperion Essbase Release 6.1 plus patch 2 for Hyperion Integration Server 2.0.

If you are installing client products from a DB2 OLAP Server FixPak, you must install server products to the same FixPak level. For example, if you install a FixPak 6 client, you must also install the FixPak 6 server. Using older server versions with newer client versions is not recommended and is not supported.


FixPak Installation Overview

This document describes how to install FixPak 6 for DB2 OLAP Server 7.1.  It also includes additional documentation, plus a list of problems corrected by the FixPak.  Even if you have only one of the problems listed in this document, you need to perform a full FixPak installation.

For instructions on downloading and installing the files in this FixPak, see Installing on UNIX or Installing on Windows, depending on your operating system. FixPak 4 and later adds additional function that requires Java; see Setting Up Java for instructions.  For more detailed information about installation, see the OLAP Setup and User's Guide.

FixPak 6 for DB2 OLAP Server Version 7.1 is the equivalent of patch 3A for Hyperion Essbase Release 6.1 plus patch 2 for Hyperion Integration Server 2.0.  Hyperion patches are cumulative; each patch contains new fixes, plus all the fixes for the previous patches.


FixPak 6:  FixPak 6 contains all the fixes from FixPak 5, plus a new feature, DB2 OLAP Server Miner 7.1.

FixPak 5:  R6.1.0_P3A is Essbase 6.1.0 Patch 3A from Hyperion, and R2.0_P2 is Integration Server 2.0 Patch 2 from Hyperion.  These are the service levels in FixPak 5 from IBM. FixPak 5 fixes problems on all server and client platforms for DB2 OLAP Server 7.1only; this FixPak does not add any additional fixes for DB2 OLAP Integration Server 7.1 beyond what was added in FixPak 4.

FixPak 4:  R6.1.0_P2 is Essbase 6.1.0 Patch 2 from Hyperion, and R2.0_P2 is Integration Server 2.0 Patch 2 from Hyperion.  These are the service levels in FixPak 4 from IBM. FixPak 4 fixes problems on all server and client platforms for DB2 OLAP Server 7.1 and DB2 OLAP Integration Server 7.1.

FixPak 3:  R6.0.0_P3 is Essbase 6.0.0 Patch 3 from Hyperion, and R2.0_P1 is Integration Server 2.0 Patch 1 from Hyperion.  These are the service levels in FixPak 3 from IBM. FixPak 3 fixes problems on all server and client platforms for DB2 OLAP Server 7.1 and DB2 OLAP Integration Server 7.1.

FixPak 2:  R6.0.0_P2 is Essbase 6.0.0 Patch 2 from Hyperion, which is in FixPak 2 from IBM.  FixPak 2 fixes problems on all server and client platforms for DB2 OLAP Server 7.1.

FixPak 1:  R6.0.0_P1 is Essbase 6.0.0 Patch 1 from Hyperion, which is in FixPak 1 from IBM.  FixPak 1 fixes problems on all server and client platforms for DB2 OLAP Server 7.1.

Before You Install the FixPak

To install this FixPak, make sure your system has enough memory.  Then download the files that match your operating system and language, or copy the files from a CD, and begin the installation.  For complete installation instructions, see the OLAP Setup and User's Guide.

Changes to Supported Software

FixPak 4 and later changes the levels of software supported by DB2 OLAP Server: See the OLAP Setup and User's Guide for more information about supported software.

Physical Memory and Disk Requirements

When installing DB2 OLAP Server, remember the following memory recommendations:
Minimum RAM 64 MB or greater (128 MB or greater for UNIX platform) base recommendation:

The base recommendation for running Hyperion Essbase and its sample applications is a 64 MB minimum. On UNIX platforms, base requirement is 128 MB of physical memory (256 MB recommended), and at least twice the MB of physical memory for swap space (when physical memory is less than .5 GB). Contact your system administrator or hardware vendor for optimum swap configuration. Start with the base amount of RAM for your platform, and then allocate additional memory to accommodate your applications.

Basic Amount of RAM Needed for Most Applications

Starting in FixPak 4, you should consider starting with 0.5-1.0 GB of physical memory on the server per processor or per 50-75 concurrent users. This number can vary depending on number of users, number of concurrent batch processes, and use of memory-intensive features. See the Database Administrator's Guide; Volume I, Chapter 15, "Estimating Disk and Memory Requirements for a Database."

Memory Problems

If memory is low, the following unpredictable problems can occur: When one of the above situations occur: HP-UX has memory management issues, and HP is working on a patch to resolve them. To avoid memory leaks, as a temporary work around set_M_ARENA_OPTS to 1:32.

Stopping Services on Windows before Installation

The installation program on Windows NT and Windows 2000 automatically stops the Windows services for DB2 OLAP Server and its features before copying files.  In rare circumstances the install program might appear to freeze after displaying the message that it is stopping the services.  If this occurs, exit the installation and manually stop any DB2 OLAP Server services that are running.

To stop Windows NT and Windows 2000 services:

  1. Select Services from the Control Panel.
  2. From the Service list, select the service for DB2 OLAP Server and, if present, the service for DB2 OLAP Integration Server.
  3. Click Stop.

Workaround for bug on Windows

On Windows, DB2 OLAP Server experiences problems if the TMP User Variable or the TEMP Environment Variable is longer than seven characters.  The temporary workaround is to set both variables to the following value:
To change your Windows 2000 TMP User Variable and TEMP Environment Variable, take these steps:
  1. On your Windows 2000 workstation, click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System.
  2. Select the Advanced tab of the System Properties dialog.
  3. Click Environment Variables.
  4. In the User variables box, scroll down to the TEMP variable, highlight it, and click Edit....
  5. On the Edit User Variable dialog, change the Variable Value to c:\temp and click OK.
  6. In the System  variables box, scroll down to the TMP variable, highlight it, and click Edit....
  7. On the Edit System Variable dialog, change the Variable Value to c:\temp and keep clicking OK until you close the Environment Variables dialog.
OLAP Miner experiences similar problems on Windows 95 and Windows 98. To change your Windows 95 or Windows 98  TMP User Variable or the TEMP Environment Variable, take these steps:
  1. Edit the Autoexec.bat file located in C:\ root.
  2. Enter these two lines:

Migrating Applications to FixPak 4 and later

The installation program does not reinstall the sample applications, databases, and data files. Your existing applications and databases are not affected in any way. However, it is always a good idea to back up your applications and databases before an installation.

Your applications are automatically migrated to the latest FixPak level when you open them.

Installing the FixPak

This section describes how to install servers on AIX, clients and servers on Windows, and how to configure Java on AIX and Windows.  Starting in FixPak 4, DB2 OLAP Server requires Java to enable new function.

Installing on UNIX

This FixPak for DB2 OLAP Server on UNIX consists of two files. The first file is for your UNIX computer and it contains upgrades for the server, SQL Interface, and API components. The second file is for your Window client computer and it contains upgrades for the Application Manager, Spreadsheet Add-in, and other client components for your language.  In FixPak 4 and later, you need to configure Java if you have not already done so.

On UNIX operating systems, the server component of OLAP Miner is available on AIX only.

The OLAP Setup and User's Guide incorrectly states that you must be logged on with a user ID that has root privileges when you install DB2 OLAP Server on UNIX systems.  You do not need root privileges to install the product.

Installing fixes for the UNIX Server

Download one of the following files, depending on which UNIX operating system you use, to a temporary directory on the UNIX computer on which you installed the server.  If you are installing from a CD, copy the file to the temporary directory.
Filename Server Components
aix.tar  AIX OLAP Server 
AIX OLAP Integration Server
AIX SQL Interface 
AIX Application Programming Interface
solaris.tar  Solaris Operating Environment OLAP Server 
Solaris Operating Environment OLAP Integration Server
Solaris Operating Environment SQL Interface
Solaris Operating Environment Application Programming Interface
hpux.tar HP-UX OLAP Server 
HP-UX OLAP Integration Server
HP-UX SQL Interface 
HP-UX Application Programming Interface

To start the server installation:

  1. On your UNIX system, expand the server file by entering the following command from the temporary directory containing the .tar file:

  2. tar -xf filename.tar

    This command extracts the files necessary to perform a complete installation.

  3. Run setup.sh to launch the installation program.  Follow the installation instructions in the OLAP Setup and User's Guide.

  4. On AIX, if you get a segment fault or a core dump when you install or use DB2 OLAP Server, then the current AIX stack size on the computer is not large enough.  To increase the stack size, run the AIX command "ulimit -s unlimited".  For more information about the ulimit command, see the AIX Commands Reference.

  5. After the files are expanded, you can delete the .tar file.

Using Scripts to Update Environment Settings on UNIX

Starting in FixPak 5, DB2 OLAP Server includes scripts you can use to update environment settings for DB2 OLAP Server and Java. (Java is a requirement in FixPak 4 and later; see Setting Up Java for more information.)  The scripts are in the main installation directory.  They can be called directly by the profile file to activate the DB2 OLAP Server and Java environment settings.  An explanation of the scripts is provided in the file essbaseenv.doc, which is also located in the main installation directory.  The following scripts are provided:

Installing fixes for the Windows Clients of the UNIX product

Download one of the following files, depending on your language, to a temporary directory on the Windows computer on which you have installed the clients.  If you are installing from a CD, copy the file to the temporary directory.  If you have installed clients on other computers, you need to download the file to those computers, too.
Client Components
wincd1.zip Japanese
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese 
Application Manager
Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel
Spreadsheet Add-in for 1-2-3
Integration Server desktop
OLAP Miner (English only)
wincd2.zip English
Brazilian Portuguese
Application Manager 
Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel
Spreadsheet Add-in for 1-2-3
Integration Server desktop
OLAP Miner (English only)
wincd3.zip Danish
Application Manager 
Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel
Spreadsheet Add-in for 1-2-3
Integration Server desktop
OLAP Miner (English only)

To start the installation:

  1. Expand the executable file by typing the name of the file (without the extension) from a command prompt, or by double-clicking the file.
  2. Run SETUP.EXE to launch the installation program.  Follow the installation instructions in the OLAP Setup and User's Guide.
  3. On one of the installation prompts, you can choose to install the OLAP Miner documentation along with the client.  Installing the documentation is recommended.
  4. After the files are expanded, you can delete the zip file.

  5. Starting in FixPak 4, DB2 OLAP Server requires Java on the server computer.  To complete your installation, follow the steps in Setting Up Java.

Installing on Windows

This FixPak for DB2 OLAP Server on Windows consists of one file that contains upgrades for the server and client components.  If you run your servers and clients on different computers, you can download the same file to each computer.  In FixPak 4 and later, you need to configure Java if you have not already done so.

Installing fixes for the Windows server and clients

Download one of the following files, depending on your language, to a temporary directory on the Windows computer on which you have installed the server.  If you are installing from a CD, copy the file to the temporary directory.  If you have installed clients on other computers, you need to download the file to those computers, too.
Server Components
Client Components
wincd1.zip Japanese
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
OLAP Server 
OLAP Integration Server
SQL Interface
Application Programming Interface
OLAP Miner
Application Manager 
Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel
Spreadsheet Add-in for 1-2-3
Integration Server desktop 
OLAP Miner (English only)
wincd2.zip English
Brazilian Portuguese
OLAP Server 
OLAP Integration Server
SQL Interface
Application Programming Interface
OLAP Miner
Application Manager 
Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel
Spreadsheet Add-in for 1-2-3
Integration Server desktop 
OLAP Miner (English only)
wincd3.zip Danish
OLAP Server 
OLAP Integration Server
SQL Interface
Application Programming Interface
OLAP Miner
Application Manager 
Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel
Spreadsheet Add-in for 1-2-3
Integration Server desktop 
OLAP Miner (English only)

Starting the Installation

  1. Expand the executable file by typing the name of the file (without the extension) from a command prompt, or by double-clicking the file.
  2. Run SETUP.EXE to launch the installation program.  Follow the installation instructions in the OLAP Setup and User's Guide.
  3. On one of the installation prompts, you can choose to install the OLAP Miner documentation along with the server and client.  Installing the documentation is recommended.
  4. After the files are expanded, you can delete the zip file.

  5. Starting in FixPak 4, DB2 OLAP Server requires Java on the server computer. To complete your installation, follow the steps in the next section, Setting Up Java.

Setting Up Java

This section describes how to enable DB2 OLAP Server for work with the JavaTM Runtime Environment (JRE) and the Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP).  Starting with FixPak 4, DB2 OLAP Server requires Java for custom-defined macros and custom-defined functions.  The Java Runtime Environment and the Java API for XML Parsing must be installed on computers running the server component.  This includes the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is a component of the JRE.

The following levels of Java are included with DB2 OLAP Server:

To enable Java to work with DB2 OLAP Server, take the following steps:
  1. Install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP).
  2. Set the JVMMODULELOCATION parameter in the essbase.cfg file so you can designate a specific installation of the Java Runtime Environment for use with DB2 OLAP Server . This setting is particularly useful if you have multiple versions of Java installed on the computer running the OLAP server component.
  3. Set environment variables.
If you have already installed a supported version of the Java Runtime Environment, you do not have to reinstall the JRE. However, you must verify that the JAXP component is installed, set the JVMMODULELOCATION parameter, and set  environment variables.

After the Java components are installed on your system, you can use a Java development kit (JDK) of your choosing to create your own custom-defined macros and custom-defined functions.  A JDK is not supplied with DB2 OLAP Server.

Setting Up Java on Windows

This section describes how to install the JRE and the Java API for XML parsing on Windows.

Setting up the Java Runtime Environment on Windows

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required by DB2 OLAP Server to enable Java-based features, such as custom-defined macros and custom-defined functions. The JRE must be installed on the computer running the OLAP server component.

The DB2 OLAP Server installation program copies the Java files to your workstation.  However, to avoid interfering with any existing Java environments you might have on that workstation, the installation program does not set up the environment variables that DB2 OLAP Server needs to access the Java files.  To complete the installation of Java, set up the following environment variables:


If you have already installed a supported version of the Java Runtime Environment, you do not have to reinstall the JRE. However, you must verify that the JAXP component is installed and set the JVMMODULELOCATION parameter to enable DB2 OLAP Server to find and load Java.


JVMMODULELOCATION is a setting in the essbase.cfg file that enables you to designate a specific installation of the Java Runtime Environment for use with DB2 OLAP Server . This setting is particularly useful if you have multiple versions of Java installed on the computer running the OLAP server component.
To set the JVMMODULELOCATION parameters, you must specify the full path and filename of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) library. On Windows systems (JRE 1.3), the default location and the name of the JVM Library File is:
c:\Program Files\IBM\DB2 OLAP Server\java\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll
where  c:\Program Files\IBM\DB2 OLAP Server\ is %ARBORPATH% in this example.


  1. On the computer that runs the OLAP server component, change to the ARBORPATH\bin directory.
  2. Locate the essbase.cfg file in this directory and open the file in a text editor. If the file does not exist, create and open a new text file named essbase.cfg .
  3. In the essbase.cfg file, add a new line to the end of the file and type JVMMODULELOCATION followed by the full path and file name of the JVM library file.  For example:
  4. VMMODULELOCATION c:\Program Files\IBM\DB2 OLAP Server\java\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll
  5. Save the changed text file as essbase.cfg .
  6. Close the file and exit the text editor.

Installing Java on UNIX

The Java Runtime Environment installation packages and installation procedures for each of the supported platforms are substantially different. Readme files and installation instructions from the JRE providers are included in .txt or .htm files with each package. Review these instructions carefully. You may need to refer to the web site of the JRE provider for additional information about installing the JRE.

To install the Java Runtime Environment on UNIX systems:

  1. Log in using an account that has root privileges.
  2. Copy the ARBORPATH/bin/jrte_<platform>.tar file into the /tmp directory.
  3. Extract the Java package using tar xvf jrte_<platform>.tar. On AIX, a .gz file is extracted from the jrte tar file, which can then be opened using gunzip on UNIX, or Winzip or PKZip on Windows to extract the .rte package to be installed below.  Install the extracted package as follows (the X’s are in place of specific version numbers):

  4. AIX: AIX requires that the following packages are installed prior to installing this package.  You must have root privileges to install these packages:

    To install JRE, run the following command:
      installp java_devX.rte

    HP: To install JRE, run the following command:
      swinstall rte_XXXXX.depot

    Solaris: Update the permissions on the .bin file:
      chmod +x jXrel_XXXXX-solsparc.bin

    Then run the self-extracting binary:

The next step is to set the Java environment variables for your operating system.
Updating UNIX Environments for Java
On AIX and HP-UX, you must update environment variables to enable DB2 OLAP Server to use the Java Runtime Environment. JREHOME represents the installation directory for the Java Runtime Environment.

After setting the environment variables below, log out of the system and back on to activate the new settings. Run the following to verify that the correct version of Java is set before starting Essbase:

> java –fullversion

Updating Environment Variables for Java on Solaris

On Solaris  you must set the ESS_JVM_OPTION option.

NOTE that JREHOME must be at the beginning of the PATH statement, before /usr/bin.

If you use the C shell, add the following text to the.cshrc file:

setenv ESS_JVM_OPTION1 "-XX:+AllowUserSignalHandlers"
setenv JREHOME "$ARBORPATH/bin/j2re1_3_0"
setenv PATH "$JREHOME/bin:$PATH"
setenv CLASSPATH "$ARBORPATH/java/jaxp.jar:$ARBORPATH/java/parser.jar:$CLASSPATH"
If you use the Bourne or Korn shell, add the following text to the .profile file:
export JREHOME
export PATH
export CLASSPATH=$ARBORPATH/java/jaxp.jar:$ARBORPATH/java/parser.jar:$CLASSPATH
Updating Environment Variables for Java on AIX

On AIX, you must update the LIBPATH setting to include the JREHOME/bin/ and the JREHOME/bin/classic/ directories. These LIBPATH directory entries must be added to the beginning of the LIBPATH environment variable.

Important: If you are using a DB2 instance ID, then you need to add the variables into the .profile BEFORE the DB2 instance profile is invoked.

If you use the C shell, add the following text to the .cshrc file:

setenv JREHOME "/usr/java_dev2/jre"
setenv LIBPATH "$JREHOME/bin:$JREHOME/bin/classic:$LIBPATH"
setenv PATH "$JREHOME/sh:/usr/java_dev2/sh:$PATH"
setenv CLASSPATH "$ARBORPATH/java/jaxp.jar:$ARBORPATH/java/parser.jar:$CLASSPATH"
Note that $JREHOME/binmust be added to the beginning of LIBPATH.

If you use the Bourne or Korn shell, add the following text to the .profile file:

export JREHOME=/usr/java_dev2/jre
export LIBPATH=$JREHOME/bin:$JREHOME/bin/classic:$LIBPATH
export PATH=$JREHOME/sh:/usr/java_dev2/sh:$PATH
export CLASSPATH=$ARBORPATH/java/jaxp.jar:$ARBORPATH/java/parser.jar:$CLASSPATH
Note that $JREHOME/bin must be added to the beginning of LIBPATH.

Updating Environment Variables for Java on HP-UX

On HP-UX, you must update the SHLIB_PATH setting to include the JREHOME/lib/PA_RISC/ and the JREHOME/lib/PA_RISC/classic/ directories.

Note: The directory, PA_RISC, may be PA_RISC2.0, depending on the processor used by the computer running HP-UX.  In addition, due to a problem with the Just In Time compiler in release 1.2.2 of the JRE for HP-UX, you must also set an ESS_JVM_OPTION.

Finding which shell you are using

If you use the C shell, add the following text to the .cshrc file:

setenv JREHOME "/opt/java1.2/jre"
setenv ESS_JVM_OPTION1 "-Djava.compiler=NONE"
setenv PATH "$PATH:$JREHOME/bin"
setenv CLASSPATH "$CLASSPATH:$ARBORPATH/java/jaxp.jar:$ARBORPATH/java/parser.jar"
If you use the Bourne or Korn shell, add the following text to the .profile file:
export JREHOME
ESS_JVM_OPTION1=-Djava.compiler=NONE; export ESS_JVM_OPTION1
CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$ARBORPATH/java/jaxp.jar:$ARBORPATH/java/parser.jar; export CLASSPATH
To find out which shell is currently running on your UNIX system, you can run this command:

> echo $SHELL

Which gives this result:


This indicates you're using the Korn Shell.  Here is a list of other responses you might get:

/usr/bin/sh        Bourne Shell.
/usr/bin/rsh      Restricted Bourne Shell
/usr/bin/jsh      Bourne Shell, with job control
/usr/bin/ksh      Korn Shell
/usr/bin/rksh   Restricted Korn Shell
/usr/bin/csh   C Shell

Another way is to examine at the file called etc/passwd, which you can see by running the cat command, as follows:

cat /etc/passwd

Giving the OLAP server access to JAXP  on UNIX
The Java API JAXP for XML parsing is required by DB2 OLAP Server to enable Java-based features such as custom-defined macros and custom-defined functions.  JAXP is installed on your system when you install the JRE.  In most situations, installation and configuration of the JRE for DB2 OLAP Server is complete.  However, if you have installed the JRE but your server cannot detect JAXP, make sure the following files have been copied to JREHOME/lib/ext:


Then set the JVMMODULELOCATION to enable Hyperion Essbase to find and load Java.  JVMMODULELOCATION is a setting in the essbase.cfg file that enables you to designate a specific installation of the Java Runtime Environment for use with DB2 OLAP Server. This setting is particularly useful if you have multiple versions of Java installed on the computer running the OLAP server component.  To set the JVMMODULELOCATION parameters, you must specify the full path and filename of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) library. The location and name of this library varies, depending on the JRE version and the operating system you are using.  To set JVMMODULELOCATION:

  1. On the computer that runs the OLAP server, change to the ARBORPATH/bin directory.
  2. In the essbase.cfg file, add a new line to the end of the file and type the following text:

  3. JVMMODULELOCATION FullpathAndFilenameOfJvmLibraryFile

The following examples show where to find how to set JVMMODULELOCATION on the UNIX systems supported by DB2 OLAP Server.  Do not include spaces in the path and filename. Do not enclose the parameter in quotation marks. A semicolon is not required at the end of the line.

On Solaris (JRE 1.3): The path of the JVM library file is:

CAUTION: On Solaris, do not set the JVMMODULELOCATION to point directly to the libjvm.so file, or the JVM will crash when DB2 OLAP Server attempts to load it. Set JVMMODULELOCATION to the symbolic link for this file. The default location for the symbolic link is:
where /olaptest/essbase7/bin/ is the ARBORPATH in this example.
On AIX (JRE 1.2.2): Make sure you enter this setting in mixed case, as follows:
JvmModuleLocation /usr/java_dev2/jre/bin/classic/libjvm.a
On HP-UX (JRE 1.2): Make sure you enter this setting in mixed case, as follows:
JvmModuleLocation /opt/java1.2/jre/lib/PA_RISC/classic/libjvm.sl
The directory, PA_RISC, might be PA_RISC2.0, depending on the processor used by the computer running HP-UX.
Advanced Configuration Options for Java
If you are having difficulties getting DB2 OLAP Server to work with Java, it may be necessary to set start-up options for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). You can make DB2 OLAP Server use specific JVM start-up options when it loads the JVM by setting the environment variables ESS_JVM_OPTION1 through ESS_JVM_OPTION9. For Solaris and HP-UX, you must set one of these options so that DB2 OLAP Server can work with the JVM.

Introducing DB2 OLAP Server Miner

Starting in FixPak 6, DB2 OLAP Server 7.1 adds a new feature called DB2 OLAP Server Miner (OLAP Miner), which brings together IBM's data mining and OLAP technologies.  OLAP Miner applies a sophisticated data mining algorithm called Deviation Detection to the data stored in OLAP cubes. The algorithm scans slices of cubes, identifying values that deviate from the norm. The results of a data mining run can be used by the business analyst to focus on the interesting or surprising values in context of the source OLAP cube. You can still use the usual slice, dice, and drill operations to explore the data, but now you let the values discovered by OLAP Miner drive your analysis.

The OLAP Miner client component includes a graphical user interface that guides the user through the process of setting up a deviation detection definition. This involves selecting:

OLAP Miner supports the following operating systems: For more information about OLAP Miner, see the OLAP Miner User's Guide, a new book in FixPak 6 and later.

IBM DB2 OLAP Server Miner is licensed for use only with IBM DB2 OLAP Server.

Other New Features and Changes in this FixPak

FixPak 6 and later introduces a new OLAP component called DB2 OLAP Server Miner.

FixPak 5 fixes defects listed in the Problem Summary. FixPak 5 does not introduce any new function.

FixPaks 4 and later add the following features and changes to DB2 OLAP Server V7.1:

Custom-Defined Macros and Functions:

The Hyperion Essbase calculator language can now be extended through the creation of custom-defined macros and functions.

Concering Java in this FixPak:

The Java runtime environment included this FixPak is not set up for general use by other Java applications on your system.  This FixPak does not define a path to the Java JRE in either your system environment variables or user environment variables; the JRE will not interfere with other Java environments already on your system.

New Calculator functions:

The following Calculator functions are new starting in FixPak 4:
Member Set Functions:
Mathematical Functions:
Dynamic Calculator Cache:
The dynamic calculator cache helps manage memory usage for calculations involving Dynamic Calc members. Managing data blocks in the dynamic calculator cache also reduces the overall memory space requirement and can improve performance by reducing the number of calls to the operating system to do memory allocations.
FixPaks 4 and later add five new ESSBASE.CFG settings that you can use to establish the size of this cache and define how it is used.
MaxL administration language:
MaxL is the multi-dimensional access language for DB2 OLAP Server. MaxL is a practical, expressive interface for administering Hyperion Essbase system administration in the following ways:
Improved Diagnostics:
Two performance statistics commands, GETPERFSTATS and RESETPERFSTATS, have been updated in Hyperion Essbase Release 6.1. The GETPERFSTATS command returns short, medium, and long performance statistics for the thread, database, and application. The statistics appear as tables in the ESSCMD window.
The RESETPERFSTATS command resets statistics gathering for a specified persistence and scope.
Improved Password Protection:
FixPaks 4 and later provide an enhanced encryption algorithm for transferring login information over the network. The encryption takes place at the API level, so all of the tools should be compatible with this change. Hyperion Essbase Release 6.1 uses the Blowfish algorithm from Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. For more information, see http://www.counterpane.com/blowfish.html .
Parallel Export:
In previous versions of DB2 OLAP Server, export for the multidimensional storage manager was a single-threaded process. Starting in Fixpak 4, the PAREXPORT command enables administrators to export OLAP databases natively using multiple threads. The export process is therefore multithreaded and allows users to leverage the full power of their hardware investment.

The parallel export process works only with the multidimensional storage manager, not the relational storage manager.

New Formula Validation Options:
Through new menu options in Outline Editor and Formula Editor, users can choose whether Hyperion Essbase validates formulas on the client or on the server.
Release 6.1 ESSCMD Commands:
New ESSCMD Command --
Updated ESSCMD Commands --
Release 6.1 ESSBASE.CFG Settings:
New ESSBASE.CFG Settings --
Updated ESSBASE.CFG Setting --
MERANT ODBC drivers version 3.6 are provided with the FixPak 4 and later SQL Interface.
New Spreadsheet Add-in Platform:
The Spreadsheet Add-in clients now support Lotus 1-2-3 Millennium R9.5.
FixPaks 3, 2, and 1 fix defects listed in the Problem Summary. These FixPaks do not introduce any new function.

Additional Documentation

Although the following additional documentation refers to Hyperion Essbase, it applies to DB2 OLAP Server as well.

Updated Books

All of the latest books are also available on our Web site:


In FixPak 6 and later:  A new book, the OLAP Miner User's Guide, is provided to describe DB2 OLAP Server Miner, a new feature of DB2 OLAP Server.

In FixPak 4 and later:  The following books for DB2 OLAP Server have been updated to the Hyperion Essbase 6.1 level and are shipped in this FixPak:

In FixPak 2 and later:  The following books for the DB2 OLAP Integration Server have been updated to the Hyperion Integration Server 2.0 level and are shipped in this FixPak:

Compiling Solaris Operating Environment API Programs

Solaris Operating Environment customers must create soft links to libessapi.so.1 and libessotl.so.1 in order to compile Grid API programs:

Root.sh Information

The OLAP Setup and User's Guide incorrectly states that you must be logged on with a user ID that has root privileges when you install DB2 OLAP Server on UNIX systems.  You do not need root privileges to install the product.

Solaris and HP-UX SQL interface users should not run the file root.sh unless they want to turn on the "Cache Memory Locking" feature. Furthermore, if they want to use Cache Memory Locking, they need to have root privileges to run root.sh.

API Troubleshooting

When using the outline API, if you frequently encounter the error message "Cannot create temporary file name," consider making your temp directory (TMPDIR on UNIX, TMP on NT) environment variable point to a shorter directory name.

Top-Down Calculations

A top-down calculation is time consuming. The application log indicates which formulas are executed in top-down mode. Use @CALCMODE to alter your formulas to run faster.

Creating OIS samples on HP-UX

To create the sample database on HP-UX, take the following steps:
  1. Change directories to access the DB2 library libdb2.sl file.  For example:

  2.    cd $DB2INSTANCEHOME/sqllib/lib

  3. From this directory, run:   $ISHOME/bin/olapsmp -sample

Additional instructions for OLAP Integration Server

This section contains the following topics:

ODBC Requirements

Configuration Tips

New Sample Applications

ODBC Requirements

Starting with Fixpack 2, IBM DB2 OLAP Integration Server, requires an ODBC.ini file for operation of Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) connections from OLAP Integration Server to the relational data source and to the OLAP Metadata Catalog.

On Windows systems, this file is in the Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ODBC. Use ODBC Data Source Administrator to store information about how to connect to a relational data source.

On UNIX systems, DB2 OLAP Integration Server installation creates a model odbc.ini file. To store information about how to connect to a relational data source, edit the file using your preferred editor.

The ODBC.ini file is available in ODBC software packages and is included with Microsoft Office software. For more information about applications that install ODBC drivers or the ODBC Administrator, visit the following web site:


For Oracle users on AIX and HP-UX computers: To configure ODBC for Oracle, you must update the ODBC.ini file to point to the MERANT 3.6 drivers.

Operating System Requirements:

With Fixpak 2, DB2 OLAP Integration Server manages ODBC connections to the relational data source and to the OLAP Metadata Catalog.  To accommodate these ODBC connections, DB2 OLAP Integration Server software uses ODBC drivers on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris.

Supported ODBC Drivers matrix:

Configuration Tips

This supplements the OLAP Setup and User's Guide for DB2 OLAP Integration Server 7.1.

Configuring Data Sources on UNIX Systems

On AIX, HP-UX and Solaris, you must manually set environment variables for ODBC and edit the odbc.ini file to configure the relational data source and OLAP Metadata Catalog.  Note: Edit the odbc.ini file if you add a new driver or data source or if you change the driver or data source.
Configuring ODBC Environment Variables
On UNIX systems, you must set environment variables to enable access to ODBC core components. The is.sh and is.csh shell scripts that set the required variables are provided in the DB2 OLAP Integration Server home directory. You must run one of these scripts before using ODBC to connect to data sources. You should include these scripts in the login script for the user name you use to run OLAP Integration Server.
Editing the odbc.ini File
To configure a data source in an odbc.ini file, you must add a name and description for the ODBC data source and provide the ODBC driver path, file name, and other driver settings in a separate section that you create for the data source name. The DB2 OLAP Integration Server installation program installs a sample odbc.ini file in the ISHOME directory. The file contains generic ODBC connection and configuration information for supported ODBC drivers. Use the file as a starting point to map the ODBC drivers that you use to the relational data source and OLAP Metadata Catalog.

Note: If you use a different file than the odbc.ini file, be sure to set the ODBCINI environment variable to the name of the file you use.

To add a data source to an odbc.ini file:
  1. On the computer running OLAP Integration Server, open the odbc.ini file by using a text editor such as vi.
  2. Find the section starting with [ODBC Data Sources] and add a new line with the data source name and description; for example:  mydata=data source for analysis.  To minimize confusion, the name of the data source should match the name of the database in the RDBMS.
  3. Add a new section to the file by creating a new line with the name of the new data source enclosed in brackets; for example:   [mydata]
  4. On the lines following the data source name, add the full path and file name for the ODBC driver required for this data source and any other required ODBC driver information. Use the examples shown in the following sections as a guideline to map to the data source on your RDBMS.  Note: Make sure that the ODBC driver file actually exists in the location you specify for the Driver= setting.
  5. When you have finished editing odbc.ini, save the file and exit the text editor. For more information about the odbc.ini file and the ODBC driver settings for each RDBMS, see the MERANT DataDirect Connect ODBC Reference in PDF format and the related Readme files in the ODBCDocs directory. For more information about native ODBC driver settings, refer to the installation documentation for your RDBMS native ODBC drivers.
Example of ODBC Settings for DB2
Following is an example of how you might edit odbc.ini to connect to a relational data source, db2data, on DB2 Version 6.1 (on AIX), using an IBM DB2 native ODBC driver.

Use the vi $ODBCINI command to edit the odbc.ini file and insert the following statements:

[ODBC Data Sources]
db2data=DB2 Source Data on AIX
Description=DB2 Data Source - AIX, native
Example of ODBC Settings for Oracle
Here is an example of how you might edit odbc.ini to connect to a relational data source, oradata, on Oracle Version 8 (on Solaris), using a MERANT Version 3.6 ODBC driver.  Note: LogonID and Password in this example are overridden with the actual values used in the Hyperion Integration Server user name and password.
[ODBC Data Sources]
oradata=Oracle8 Source Data on Solaris
[myoracle] Driver=
Description=my oracle source
Note: ServerName=mytnsServerName must refer to the name of an Oracle database defined in the tnsnames.ora file. For more information, see the Oracle installation documentation.

Tip: Run ivtestlib to verify that the environment is set to run the correct odbc driver file. For example, run ivtestlib and paste the path and file name that follow Driver= in the odbc.ini file that you have edited.

Configuring the OLAP Metadata Catalog on UNIX Systems

Configuring an OLAP Metadata Catalog on AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris is similar to configuring a data source. For the OLAP Metadata Catalog database, add a data source name and section to the odbc.ini file. No other changes are required.

You must create an OLAP Metadata Catalog database in a supported RDBMS before configuring it as an ODBC data source.

Here is an example how you might edit odbc.ini to connect to the OLAP Metadata Catalog, TBC_MD, on DB2 Version 6.1 (on Solaris), using a native ODBC driver:

[ODBC Data Sources]
ocd6a5a=db2 v6
Using ODBC drivers coded in Unicode on Solaris:
On Solaris, the OLAP Integration Server (OIS) Desktop does not support ODBC drivers coded in Unicode.  If you use a Unicode ODBC driver, you might experience problems connecting to the server component.  To enable the connection, update your odbc.ini file and specify a non-Unicode driver, such as libdb2_36.so, under the $ISHOME/odbclib directory.  For example:
[ODBC Data Sources]

Description=Sample DB2 ODBC Database

Description=Sample DB2 ODBC Database


Configuring Data Sources on Windows Systems

To configure a relational data source on Windows NT or Windows 2000 systems, you must start ODBC Administrator and then create a connection to the data
source that you will use for creating OLAP models and metaoutlines. Run the ODBC Administrator utility from the Windows Control Panel. Note: This example creates a DB2 data source. The dialog boxes for other RDBMSs will differ.

To configure a relational data source with ODBC Administrator, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Windows desktop, select Start > Settings > Control Panel to open the Control Panel window.
  2. In the Control Panel window, perform one of the following steps:
  3. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box, click the System DSN tab.
  4. Click Add to open the Create New Data Source dialog box.
  5. In the driver list box of the Create New Data Source dialog box of ODBC Administrator, select an appropriate driver-for example, IBM DB2 ODBC Driver-and click Finish to open the ODBC IBMDB2 Driver - Add dialog box.
  6. In the ODBC IBM DB2 Driver - Add dialog box Database alias drop-down list, select the name of the database for your relational source data (for example, TBC in the sample application). The name of the selected database is automatically displayed in the Data Source Name text box.
  7. If you want to change the name of the data source, select the name displayed in the Data Source Name text box, press Enter, and type the name you want to use for the data source.
  8. In the Description text box, type an optional description that indicates how you use this driver and click Add. For example, type the following words to describe the My Business database:Customers, products, markets You might type the following words to describe the sample application database: Sample relational data source The descriptions help to identify the available data sources for your selection when you connect from Hyperion Integration Server Desktop.
  9. Click OK to return to the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box. The data source name you entered and the driver you mapped to it are displayed in the System Data Sources list box on the System DSN tab.
To edit configuration information for a data source:
  1. Select the data source name and click Configure to open the ODBC IBM DB2 - Add dialog box.
  2. Correct any information you want to change.
  3. Click OK twice to exit.

Configuring the OLAP Metadata Catalog on Windows Systems

To configure an OLAP Metadata Catalog on Windows NT or Windows 2000, start ODBC Administrator and then create a connection to the data source that contains the OLAP Metadata Catalog database.

Note: This example creates a DB2 data source. Dialog boxes for other RDBMSs will differ.

To create a data source for the OLAP Metadata Catalog, complete the following steps:

  1. On the desktop, select Start > Settings > Control Panel to open the Control Panel window.
  2. In the Control Panel window, perform one of the following steps:
  3. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box, click the System DSN tab.
  4. Click Add to open the Create New Data Source dialog box.
  5. In the Create New Data Source dialog box of ODBC Administrator, select an appropriate driver-for example, IBM DB2 Driver-in the list box, and click Finish to open the ODBC IBM DB2 Driver - Add dialog box.
  6. In the Database alias drop-down list, select the name of the database for your OLAP Metadata Catalog  (for example, TBC_MD in the sample application).  The name of the selected database is automatically displayed in the Data Source Name text box.
  7. If you want to change the name of the data source, select the name displayed in the Data Source Name text box, type a new name to indicate how you use this driver, and click Add.  For example, you might type the following name to indicate that you are using the driver to connect to the first OLAP Metadata Catalog:OLAP Catalog #1You would type the following name to indicate that you are connecting to the sample application OLAP Metadata Catalog database: TBC_MD

  9. In the Description text box, enter a description that indicates how you use this driver. For example, you might type the following words to describe the OLAP Metadata Catalog:My first models and metaoutlinesYou might type the following words to describe the sample application OLAP Metadata Catalog database: Sample models and metaoutlines

  10. The descriptions help you to identify the catalog that you want to select when you connect to the OLAP Metadata Catalog from Hyperion Integration Server Desktop.
  11. Click OK to return to the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box. The data source name you entered and the driver you mapped to it are displayed in the System Data Sources list box on the System DSN tab.
To edit configuration information for a data source:

1. Click Configure to open the ODBC IBM DB2 - Add dialog box.
2. Correct any information you want to change.
3. Click OK twice to exit.

After You Configure a Data Source

After you configure the relational data source and OLAP Metadata Catalog, you can connect to them from DB2 OLAP Server. You can then create, modify, and save OLAP models and metaoutlines.

Note: The SQL Server ODBC driver may time out during a call to an SQL Server database. Try again when the database is not busy. Increasing the driver time-out period may avoid this problem. For more information, see the ODBC documentation for the driver you are using.

For more information on ODBC connection problems and solutions, see the DB2 OLAP Integration Server OLAP System Administrator’s Guide.

Migrating to OLAP Integration Server 7.1

If you are migrating to IBM DB2 OLAP Integration Server 7.1, fixpack 2 or higher, from an earlier release of the Hyperion Solutions product Hyperion Integration Server, you should assess several system environment and data migration issues before installing the new software. This topic explains and recommends solutions for the following migration issues: Read the following topics carefully to assess migration issues that may affect your OLAP Integration Server installation. Note that the following tasks cannot be completed until after you have installed OLAP Integration Server:
Preserving Existing ODBC Driver
Starting with Fixpak 2, OLAP Integration Server 7.1 has a new architecture that concentrates ODBC driver configuration solely on the computer that runs the server component of OLAP Integration Server. With this new architecture, you do not have to configure ODBC drivers for client computers that run OLAP Integration Server Desktop or worry about upgrading ODBC drivers on clients.

If you use the INTERSOLV (now MERANT) Version 3.10 or Version 3.11 ODBC drivers supplied with previous versions of Hyperion Integration Server, you might want to preserve the older drivers for compatibility with the other applications. In general, however, you should upgrade the ODBC drivers to the versions provided with the latest release of OLAP Integration Server.

DB2 OLAP Integration Server 7.1 Fixpak 2 supports MERANT Version 3.6 ODBC drivers; it does not operate with MERANT Version 3.10 or Version 3.11 ODBC drivers.

Install the new MERANT Version 3.6 ODBC drivers and preserve the older drivers by installing OLAP Integration Server to a new location. Be sure that you do not update the ODBC register settings when prompted to do so by the installation program. You can continue to use the previous ODBC definitions.

Choosing an Installation Directory
If you are upgrading from Hyperion Integration Server, you should install the software to the same directory as the Hyperion product to take advantage of the previous environment settings. However, if you want to preserve older ODBC driver settings for other applications, you should install Hyperion Integration Server to a different directory.
Verifying Path Variable Settings
If you are upgrading to the current release of OLAP Integration Server from an earlier release of Hyperion Integration Server, allow the setup program to update the environment variables for you. After installation is complete, however, you should check that the path variables are set properly for the system configuration:
Operating System Path Variable Settings  (1)
Windows NT or 
Windows 2000 (2)
Solaris (3)  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=

Table Notes:%ISHOME% represents the main installation directory of OLAP Integration Server on Windows systems. $ISHOME represents the main installation directory of OLAP Integration Server on UNIX systems.For Windows systems, check to make sure that the setup program did not add duplicate path entries for the OLAP Integration Server directories.

If you are using MERANT (formerly INTERSOLV) ODBC drivers, place the MERANT library at the beginning of the library path; for example, LIBPATH=$ISHOME/odbclib: $LIBPATH:$ISHOME/esslib).

Migrating Existing OLAP Metadata Catalogs
If you have an existing OLAP Metadata Catalog from Hyperion's Integration Server product, you must upgrade it before using the OLAP Metadata Catalog with the current release of the software.

You cannot upgrade an existing OLAP Metadata Catalog until after you have completed the installation process.  The Hyperion Integration Server setup program installs the scripts that you need for the upgrade.

CAUTION:  If you have installed the sample application from Hyperion Integration Server, you should back up your existing sample database, OLAP Metadata Catalog, and the OLAP models and metaoutlines stored in the catalog. You can then upgrade your existing catalog to be compatible with the current release of the software. You cannot, however, store new sample OLAP models and metaoutlines in your previous catalog.

To upgrade an existing OLAP Metadata Catalog, perform the following tasks:

Upgrading the OLAP Metadata Catalog
If you have OLAP Metadata Catalogs from a earlier releases of Hyperion Integration Server, you need to upgrade the OLAP Metadata Catalogs before you can use them with this release of DB2 OLAP Integration Server 7.1, Fixpack 2.

Upgrade the tables of an OLAP Metadata Catalog with the same utility program you normally use to create tables running SQL scripts. The SQL scripts to upgrade tables for the OLAP Metadata Catalog are in the ocscript directory where you installed OLAP Integration Server. The upgrade scripts are named ocdatabase_name_upgrd20.sql and are listed the following table, along with the utility programs with which they have been tested.
Database DBMS SQL Script  Utility Program
DB2 ocdb2.sql
DB2 Command Center, or:
>DB2 -tvf
Oracle ocoracle.sql
MS SQL Server ocsqlsrv.sql
ISQL (MS SQL Server 6.5) 
Query Analyzer (MS SQL Server 7.0)

To upgrade tables for the OLAP Metadata Catalog database, perform the following tasks:

  1. Start the utility program.
  2. Connect to the database you created for the OLAP Metadata Catalog as the user who created the original OLAP Metadata Catalog tables.
  3. Open the appropriate SQL script file in the ocscript directory.
  4. Run the SQL script to upgrade the tables. On SQL Server, you receive a message that you did not create data or rows. This message is normal because you created only tables and columns.
  5. Verify that you have created the additional OLAP Metadata Catalog tables.  For example, type the following command:SELECT * FROM OM_DESCRIPTIONor start the RDBMS and verify that the OLAP Metadata Catalog has the new tables.
  6. Close the utility program.

New Sample Applications

IBM DB2 OLAP Integration Server provides a sample database based on a fictitious company named The Beverage Company (TBC). A new sample OLAP Metadata Catalog (TBC_MD) contains a sample OLAP model (TBC Model) which includes attribute-enabled columns, and a sample metaoutline (TBC Metaoutline), which includes attribute dimensions.

Shipped with DB2 OLAP Integration Server are two Drill-Through  sample spreadsheets based on the TBC sample data.  These two spreadsheets are:  essdt.xls and essdt.123.  Both spreadsheets are located in IS\Samples\Spreadsheets.

In order to use the sample HIS Drill-Through reports, essdt.xls and essdt.123, you need to login to a computer that has both the DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server installed. You must run member and data load and calculate the data for the sample OLAP Integration Server database that you will access from Spreadsheet Add-in.

Problem Summary

Starting in FixPak 6, IBM DB2 OLAP Server adds a new feature exclusive to IBM called DB2 OLAP Server Miner.  See Introducing DB2 OLAP Server Miner for more information about what OLAP Miner can do for you.

FixPak 6 also contains all the fixes from FixPak 5, but no additional fixes.

The following problems are fixed in FixPak 5.

A report takes 24 hours to run after adding an attribute dimension to the outline. (23423, P3A)
When the outline is modified to add an attribute dimension with one attribute, a report that previously took only 4 minutes to run now takes 24 hours to run. The attributes are not being referenced at all in the report script.

When using cache memory locking on Solaris, the warning #1008133 appears: "Unable to allocate memory, permission denied." (24604, P3A)
The root.sh file distributed with Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server for Solaris is incorrect and does not provide adequate access to use cache memory locking. With this fix, the root.sh is corrected.

In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel, the "Retain on Keep and Remove Only" and "Retain on Zooms" options do not work. (24910, P3A)
The Formula Preservation options on the Mode tab of the Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel Options dialog box are not working. If you select "Retain on Keep and Remove Only," the formula is not preserved after removing the members. If you select "Retain on Zooms," the formula does not jump down to the proper member when zooming. If you select "Retain on Zooms, with Formula Fill," the formula is not properly replicated to the child members.

Using SSAUDITR in the Essbase.CFG file causes long update times if dynamically calculated cells are present in the update. (25402, P3A)
When an Essbase audit file is associated with an application to track updates, any write operation from the Spreadsheet Add-in to the server takes an extremely long time. For example, an update that takes 45 seconds without an audit log may take 16 to 45 minutes with an audit file. This occurs when dynamically calculated cells are included in the group of cells being sent to the server.

The Hyperion Essbase API does not properly support cancelling retrievals. (25411, P3A)
CancelRetrieve does not call the user-defined cancel retrieve callback function when the user attempts to cancel a retrieval.

The @IRR Calculator function returns 15% when all values are zero. (26388, 23884, P3A)
If a range of values is all set to zero, when using the @IRR function on this range, the result is 15%. With this bug fix, to indicate that @IRR on a range of zero values is ambiguous, the function will now return #Missing.

Data load into the target partition does not work. (26686, P3A)
Loading data into the target when the final location for the data is in a source does not work in some circumstances. The server indicates that data successfully loaded, but no data was actually sent to the source.

Saving the modified outline of a Source database in a Transparent Partition crashes the application. (26798, P3A)
When using Transparent Partitions, if you save the modified outline of the Source database, the application crashes. This behavior occurs only when adding a group of shared children members to each of the new members.

In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel, locking and sending a zero value to the database does not update the database. (26805, P3A)
If you lock and send a zero value to the database, the database is not correctly updated to reflect the zero value. Other values sent to the database are correctly updated, however.

If you repeatedly do dimension-build and delete-member operations, the system may run out of memory. (26852, 25205, P3A)
On HP-UX 11.00, if you perform a dimension build operation, then manually edit the outline and delete all children in a dimension, then repeat the dimension build operation, memory utilization will consistently grow.

Certain formulas on two-pass calculation members cause the server to crash when retrieving with an attribute member. (26865, P3A)
When querying on attributes, if one or more members in the attribute query is tagged as two-pass calculation, and the formula involves one or more of the following functions -- @CURRMBR, @(S)PARENT, @(S)ANCEST, @(S)(MD)PARENTVAL, or @(S)(MD)ANCESTVAL -- the server crashes. With this bug fix, the formula is ignored during an attribute calculation. This is an Essbase limitation.

Memory is not regained by the operating system after running a long calculation and then exiting from Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, resulting in a system crash. (26898, P3A)
When a calculation runs for longer than 15 minutes, memory resources gradually diminish until eventually the operating system crashes. This occurs with Windows 95 or on Windows NT/2000 systems with low memory.

When drilling in on attribute members, the result may be displayed incorrectly. (26930, P3A)
When drilling in from upper-level attribute members, the retrieval results are placed in the wrong position. This occurs when attribute members from different levels appear in the same report.

When retrieving data into the target of a transparent partition, where the target database contains an attribute dimension, the data fails to come across to the target, and an error appears after a zoom in. (26978, 24256, P3A)
The following sequence of events causes a data retrieval to the target to fail: - Add an attribute dimension to an outline - Associate the attributes with a dimension - Create a transparent partition - Make sure the attribute dimension is mapped to void - Validate the partition - Load data into the source cube and run a default calculation - Retrieve from the target

Additionally, if you zoom in on an unrelated dimension, you see error #1023046: "Incorrect number of dimensions in request from remote site 6 sent 5 required." To get the correct result, you need to map all the attribute calculation members and the attribute dimension to void. This will solve the problem if the source database and the target database are under different applications. If the two database are created within one application, then you need to add "EVENT 5" to your essbase.cfg file.

Using the lev0 function the retrieval results are erroneous. (9340, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, if you attempt to retrieve all level 0 members using the lev0 function, the Retrieve option may not return data for the level 0 members but instead considers all members at the same generation as the first level 0 member and then retrieves their data.

If you have filtered access to a linked partition database, then you may encounter a server crash while launching the partition. (13907, P3)
If you have Read-only privilege to a filter on a linked partition database, attempting to launch the partition may result in an exception file and a server crash.

Attempting to validate a linked partition fails. (19115, P3)
If you create a linked partition database and map the source outline to the target outline, attempting to validate the partition may generate the error message, "Target dimension count mismatches in Area One."

When you perform a default calculation containing FIX( @IDESCENDANTS(COMPANY,-1)), the database restructure fails. (19284, P3)
When you are performing default calculation containing FIX( @IDESCENDANTS(COMPANY,-1)) for a database, the settings in the Set Default Calc dialog box may change from the Use Calc Script Object option to the Use String option, and the statement FIX(@IDESCENDANTS(COMPANY, -1) may be truncated. As a result, your attempt to perform a database restructure may fail.

If dimension names are similar but not duplicate, the Essbase Member Selection dialog box displays an incorrect dimension. (19413, P3)
If an outline has similar dimension names, the Essbase Member Selection dialog box may ignore the dimension that is selected on a spreadsheet and display an incorrect dimension and its members.

In Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server, the Agent messages are mistranslated. (19476, 19937, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server, the following messages may be mistranslated: "port," "ports available," "connections in use," and "ports in use."

The Linked Objects Browser dialog box does not display the scroll bar. (19500, P3)
When you open the Linked Objects Browser dialog box, the scroll bar may not be visible at the bottom of the dialog box. The scroll bar may be displayed when you enlarge the dialog box or try to resize the columns.

In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 1-2-3, the context-sensitive help is mistranslated. (19508, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 1-2-3, the context-sensitive helps may not be translated.

The default query name is not translated in the Hyperion Essbase Query Designer dialog box. (19510, P3)
In the Hyperion Essbase Query Designer dialog box of Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel, the default name assigned to a new query may not be translated.

In the Hyperion Essbase Query Designer dialog box, the drop-down list box name is truncated. (19532, P3)
In the Hyperion Essbase Query Designer dialog box, the Data Sort panel drop-down list box name, Ordering, may be truncated. The problem may be noticeable in non-English versions of Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in.

The short cut key to select Enable Secondary Button does not function properly. (19595, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, in the Global tab section of the Essbase Options dialog box, the short cut key for selecting Enable Secondary Button fails.

After retrieving data for a new query, the mouse pointer does not change back to an arrow. (19697, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 1-2-3, after retrieving data for a new query in the Hyperion Essbase Query Designer dialog box, the mouse pointer may not change back to an arrow.

F1 key does not consistently display help in Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in. (19918, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, the F1 key does not consistently display Essbase Help.

In non-English versions of Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server, while initializing Essbase.exe, the server requires the English characters. (19988, P3)
In non-English versions of Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server, such as on German NT, while initializing Essbase.exe, the confirmation message accepts the English alphabet "Y" instead of a language-independent value.

The Find option in the Edit menu of the Member Selection dialog box does not function properly. (20266, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, when you use the Find option to locate a value for a member that is selected in the Member Selection dialog box and using a Windows Server, the Find option may search for the value incorrectly.

Cannot delete the Server log if the Application Server is running on Windows 95/98. (20630, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, You cannot delete the Server log if the Application Server is running on Windows 95/98.

Attempting to rename a Boolean attribute member corrupts the outline. (20901, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, if you attempt to rename a Boolean attribute member directly on the outline and then enter the changes in the Boolean Member Names fields of the Attribute Member Names dialog box, when you reopen the outline, you may find the outline is corrupted.

If a dimension consists of more than 32 members with a single non-consolidated child, the attribute association with that dimension is erroneous. (21933, 23982, 25014 P3)
If there are more than 32 members in one dimension, and that dimension contains a parent with exactly one child that does not consolidate to its parent, an attempt to associate attributes to that dimension may result in a corrupt outline, with no error message.

Attribute query with sparse Two-Pass calculation members returns incorrect values. (22752, P3)
If the attribute query contains a sparse Two-Pass Dynamic Calc member, and the calculation formula refers to some blocks that are not included in the query, the result of the attribute query may not include the missing blocks.

The retrieval time increases compared to the previous releases of Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server. (22836, 24397 P3)
When retrieving data on a large number of sparse member combinations, the retrieval process is slower than the previous releases of Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server.

Calculation script does not set cells to #MISSING. (22961, 25168 P3)
In a calculation script, if a formula on a sparse member results in #MISSING, cells may not be updated.

While importing an outline from a rules file, you receive a segmentation fault. (23115, P3)
In MaxL, while importing an outline from a rules file, you may notice a segmentation fault.

The application crashes while retrieving data on an attribute dimension. (23211, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, an attempt to retrieve data on an attribute dimension may crash the application.

On UNIX, you cannot run the Grid API with more than 16383 rows, but on Windows NT, you can run more than 65000 rows. (23520, P3)
On the UNIX platform, when you are using the Grid API function, EssGlnit with the number of rows larger than 16383, the Grid API program returns an error code.

The "Allow" settings may fail if a supervisor attempts to log in. (23657, P3)
If you disallow commands, connects, or updates through Application Manager in the Application Settings dialog box, through the SETAPPSTATE command in Esscmd, or using the "alter application" command in MaxL, the settings may change if another supervisor simultaneously attempts to log in.

Shared members of a sparse Dynamic Calc member are not aggregated. (23865, P3)
Batch calculations involving shared members that are shared members of sparse Dynamic Calc members may produce incorrect results.

An EQD (Essbase Query Designer) query for more than 65536 rows crashes a spreadsheet. (23871, P3)
Using Hyperion Essbase Query Designer, attempting to create queries for more than the limit of 65536 rows crashes the spreadsheet.

When attribute dimensions are added, calculations are performed incorrectly during data retrieval. (23881, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in or Report Writer, when attribute dimensions are added, calculations may be performed incorrectly on Two-Pass member formulas during data retrieval.

Queries involving attributes and Two-Pass calculation members may sometimes yield incorrect results. (23903, P3)
If a query involving attributes references a Two-Pass member and that two-pass member is dependent in turn on other two pass member(s) the query results may sometimes be incorrect.

The Visual Basic API function, EsbGetApplicationInfoEx, returns incorrect number of users connected. (23911, P3)
Although the user is connected to an application and a database, the Visual Basic API function, EsbGetApplicationInfoEx, may return zero users connected with no error code.

When performing a replicated partition on a large amount of data, an exception file is generated. (24051, P3)
In Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, when you perform a replicated partition on a large amount of data, the replicated partition may fail, resulting in a network error and an exception file.

The Visual Basic API function, EsbLROAddObject(), generates an application error. (24116, P3)
When the Visual Basic Main API function, EsbLROAddObject, is applied to associate linked reporting objects to a cell, the error message, "Cell: EXCEL.EXE - Application Error" may occur.

In an outline, the dimension order affects XREF results. (24281, P3)
XREF may return incorrect results if the dimension order in the source cube differs from the dimension order in the target cube.

Calculation never finishes across a transparent partition database. (24292, P3)
Transparent partitions may cause the database calculation to run infinitely.

Retrieving data on a spreadsheet containing a generation name produces an exception log and crashes the application. (24384, P3)
If you attempt to retrieve data on a spreadsheet containing a generation name, you may encounter an exception log and application crash.

While loading data, if the data file consists of attribute members, some data are skipped. (24477, P3)
While loading data, if the data file consists of attribute members, Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server may skip the remaining records after the first attribute member.

Using the Grid API function, BeginConditionalZoomIn, with the report specification, {UCHARACTERS}, causes a crash. (24521, P3)
If using the BeginConditionalZoomin function with the report specification, {UCHARACTERS}, results in an underlined character string longer than 127 characters, the Grid API program may crash.

During multiple bitmap mode calculation, excessive memory is allocated. (24552, P3)
When there are many shared members in the last sparse dimension, multiple bitmap mode calculation may use too much memory. Set the configuration parameter MultipleBitmapMemCheck to TRUE to prevent the excessive use of memory.

Attempting to validate an outline while performing incremental building generates an error message. (24557, P3)
While performing incremental dimension building, if you try to validate the outline, the incremental dimension building process fails and generates an error message.

If a query involving too many dynamic calculations with complex formulas fails to execute because of insufficient memory on the server, the application crashes instead of the query failing. (24669, P3)
If a query involving too many dynamic calculations with complex formulas fails to execute because of insufficient memory on the server, the application crashes instead of the query failing.

An attribute calculation with Two-Pass calculation returns inconsistent results. (24786, P3)
If you attempt to perform attribute calculations with Two-Pass calculation repeatedly, you may encounter inconsistent results.

Programs with multiple calls to EsbOtlGetAssociatedAttributes and EsbOtlGetMemberInfo result in a crash. (24807, P3)
Using the Visual Basic Main API functions, EsbOtlGetAssociatedAttributes and EsbOtlGetMemberInfo repeatedly may crash the Visual Basic program.

Registering more than 20,000 Essbase users to Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server gives fatal error when restarting. (24875, P3)
After registering 20,000 users to Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server, if you terminate Essbase and then restart, you may encounter the error message, "Fatal Error: Error reading security file [22]."

Retrieving data on a blank cell results in an application crash. (24895, P3)
If you try to retrieve data on a blank cell, the application may crash with an exception file.

In Hyperion Essbase Application Manager Japanese version, the Dynamic Time Series (DTS) settings cannot be saved. (24905, P3)
Hyperion Essbase Application Manager Japanese version may not retain the DTS settings.

While retrieving data on sparse dynamic calculation members, you may receive incorrect results. (24976, P3)
If the formula is executed in a cell mode, attempting to retrieve data on sparse dynamic calculation members may result in incorrect #MISSING values.

The Grid API function, EssGetApplicationInfoEx(), generates the error 1051030 when you pass a Null parameter to it. (24982, P3)
The use of a Null value as the second parameter in the Grid API function, EssGetApplicationInfoEx(), generates the error message 1051030, "Application does not exist."

The Agent hangs when another user attempts to access the same application while filters are being verified. (25089, P3)
Hyperion Essbase OLAP Agent may hang if one user attempts to verify a filter, while another user attempts to access the same application.

Attempting to perform a zoom in on attribute members may result in the Spreadsheet Extractor error 1130001. (25127, P3)
If you attempt to expand attribute members, you may receive the Spreadsheet Extractor error 1130001.

Attempting to retrieve data on attribute members crashes the server. (25278, P3)
Attempting to retrieve data on specific attribute members results in an exception log and application crash.

Creating 60,000 filters causes the server to crash and corrupt security files. (25298, P3)
If you try to create 60,000 filters using the ESSCMD, copy filter command, the server may crash with an exception segmentation violation. Moreover, if you attempt to restart Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server, you may receive an error message, "The security file is corrupted."

A database may lose its currency link upon stopping the Essbase Agent. (25364, P3)
If you shutdown Hyperon Essbase OLAP Server, the currency link to your database may disappear.

Deleting a shared member removes all data from the actual member. (25376, P3)
If you delete a shared member, all data from the actual member may be deleted.

Attempting to retrieve data on attribute members across transparent partitions results in incorrect values. (25585, P3)
If you perform a retrieval on attribute members from a target database of a transparent partition, you may receive incorrect results.

Using the ESSCMD command, ENDARCHIVE, the .cfg setting _SM__BUFFERED_IO TRUE results in a crash. (25715, P3)
With the .cfg setting __SM__BUFFERED_IO TRUE, if you attempt to complete archiving of data using the ESSCMD command, ENDARCHIVE, or the MaxL command END ARCHIVE, the application may crash.

The .cfg setting, __SM__BUFFER_IO TRUE, erroneously returns zero values. (25789, P3)
If the buffered IO setting is set to True, the calculated values may erroneously return zeros.

Sub-optimal performance for formulas executed in top-down mode. (26003, P3)
If a formula attached to a member is executed in a top-down mode as indicated in the application log file, performance may be sub-optimal.

The following problems are fixed in FixPak 4.

----------- For DB2 OLAP Server:

Some ESSBASE.CFG settings are not displayed in the Essbase Configuration panel of the Server Information in Application Manager. (7381, P2)
Some dialog box settings in ESSBASE.CFG are not displayed in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager Server > Information > Essbase configuration.

Locking and sending data to the target of a transparent partition may not work. (12008, P2)
When using either Spreadsheet Add-in with Free-Form interpretation or the C or Visual Basic API, an attempt to lock and send data to the target of a transparent partition may fail and generate the following error message: Error the 1014004 - Unable to update members which have not been locked.

Syntax checker does not move to the problematic line. (14020, 15997 P2)
When the syntax checker is run in the Calc Script Editor, and if an error is found, the window may not scroll to show the problematic line. To locate the line, you may have to scroll through the calculation script text to find the highlighted information.

Performing an Edit > Replace on a large calculation script will delete some portions from the calculation script. (18490, P2)
In Application Manager, performing an Edit > Replace on a large calculation script may stop the replace process or delete the replaced text and may subsequently generate the following message, "Text is not found. Do you want to start at the beginning of the file?"

If an Excel spreadsheet consists of unknown members, retrieving with Repeat Member Labels selected may result in a corrupted spreadsheet. (18733, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, retrieving for unknown members with Repeat Member Labels selected may return scrambled data.

Column shifts to the left after a Keep Only. (18973, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, an attempt to perform a Keep Only may shift the first column to the left.

Database state does not get updated when the data load is partially successful. (19176, P2)
If a data load is partially successful when you select Database > Calculate, you may encounter the message, "the database does not contain any data" even if the database contains data.

NLS characters get corrupted for object name when viewed in the server console. (19546, P2)
User, Database, and Application names containing non-English European characters are not displayed correctly in the server console.

In Lotus 1-2-3, NLS characters in cascading filenames are displayed incorrectly. (19833, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in for Lotus 1-2-3, non-English European characters are incorrectly displayed in the filename when specifying them in the prefix, suffix, or workbook text box in the Cascade Options dialog box.

Incorrect SSAUDITR setting in .CFG corrupts database. (19844, P2)
An incorrect SSAUDITR setting in the Essbase.CFG may give the error message, "unable to connect to database" when you attempt to connect to the database in any client program.

In the Application Manager Japanese version, Field Properties dialog box contains mangled characters. (19953, P2)
In the Application Manager Japanese version, in the Data Prep Editor, you may find some mangled characters in the Data Load Properties and the Dimension Building Properties tabs of the Field Properties dialog box.

When searching for a string, the Calc Script Editor does not scroll through to locate it. (20492, P2)
When updating a calculation script, the Edit > Find function does not cause the window to scroll to the next occurrence and locate the string that you are searching for.

The first part of the formula disappears when you use Flashback. (20589, P2)
When using the Spreadsheet Add-in with Lotus 1-2-3, an attempt to retrieve data on a formula that has an error followed by a Flashback may cause the first part of the formula to disappear.

EsbGetDatabaseState does not return default or modified values. (20626, P2)
The VB API routine, EsbGetDatabaseState, does not return correct values in the ESB_DBSTATE_T structure. In particular, the default values for Retrieval Buffer Size and Sort Buffer Size are either 0 or incorrect. Additionally, any new values that you enter through Hyperion Essbase Application Manager are ignored.

@SUM function does not work correctly with User Defined Attribute (UDA). (20758, P2)
@SUM function may not work correctly with more than one macro as its expList.

Incorrect handling of operators, such as AND and OR inside a FIX statement. (20766, P2)
FIX command involving member functions used with AND, OR operators may generate incorrect member sets.

While using the @CHILDREN function, you cannot put space between the parentheses and the member name. (21174, P2)
While using the @CHILDREN function within a FIX statement, inserting a blank space between the parentheses and the member name may yield an error message.

Zoom In results in an error message if maximum number of rows exceeds 8,192. (21242, 23210 P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in with Lotus 1-2-3, an attempt to zoom into more than 8,192 rows may result in an error message.

Generating an exception log file, while synchronizing outlines causes the application to crash. (21293, P2)
While synchronizing outlines, a crash may occur and an exception error log is generated when using an alias in the partition definition.

Error in outline synchronization with transparent partition on a shared member. (21620, P2)
During outline synchronization, an attempt to add both shared and regular members in the same dimension to a target database may not add the shared member, and it may give the error message, "There is 1 Message in the application log identifying a change that was not applied during the outline synch."

Calculation on a transparent partition seems to run indefinitely. (21651, P2)
Two types of formulas, Constant Assignment and Forward References, when attached to a sparse member, trigger top-down execution. But the application log may not contain messages indicating top-down execution.

Unable to restructure data on an HP-UX 64-bit machine if the directory name exceeds 8 characters. (21656, P2)
Creating directory names with more than eight characters may generate an exception error log file and hinder the data restructure process.

Translation for Member Selection is incorrect. (21744, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in with Excel, Essbase Member Selection features are erroneously translated. For example, "insert list before active cell" translation is misleading. Also, the message at the bottom of the Member Preview dialog box is mistranslated. This problem is noticed in Spreadsheet Add-in (Essbase Release 6.0 P1) Japanese version.

Text type attribute member having only numeric values does not get associated. (21748, P2)
While using a rules file to associate the attribute members with the base member, a text type attribute member that contains only numeric values and begins with the 0 may not get associated with the base member.

Zoom In may cause incorrect results if Essbase Options are checked. (21785, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, when the options, Display > Cell > Repeat Member Labels and Zoom > Member Retention > Remove Unselected Groups are selected, an attempt to zoom in may cause incorrect results.

When the row header has invalid alias name, the Excel spreadsheet shows incorrect values. (21804, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, if the option Use Both Member Names and Aliases for Row Dimensions is selected, retrieving may result in incorrect values when row members contain invalid alias names.

Case sensitivity does not work correctly during dimension building. (21906, P2)
Case sensitivity may not function correctly and may cause the server to freeze during dimension building.

Zoom Out does not function correctly if Formula Preservation is checked. (21949, P2)
When Formula Preservation is selected in the Spreadsheet Add-in, zoom out may give erroneous results.

Attribute dimension building corrupts the outline. (22020, 22325, P2)
When a user tries to build and associate an attribute dimension on the base dimension, Application Manager randomly associates attributes at all levels and corrupts the outline.

Internal Rate of Return (@IRR) function produces incorrect results. (22163, P2)
Using @IRR in a calculation script may produce incorrect Retrieve results.

Database restructure causes the application to crash. (22206, P2)
If a member is renamed after another member that is deleted, the new member may map to both previous and existing members and cause the server to crash.

"Invalid Block Header" error following a calculation script or other long running update operation. (22256, P2)
Error 1006010 or 1006016 appears following a calculation script or other long-running update operation. Although the problem has been corrected by this patch, the error message indicates that the database was corrupted. This patch will not fix corruption that has already occurred. You must therefore restore the most recent clean backup of the database or start over with an empty database.

Lotus 1-2-3 results in an error message if #MISSING is set to 0. (22333, P2)
In Spreadsheet Add-in with Lotus 1-2-3, if the #MISSING label is set to zero and there is no data, an error message is produced stating, "The sheet contains an unknown member 0."

Dimension building for base member hierarchy does not work properly. (22350, 22695 P2)
Dimension building for a base member hierarchy may not work properly when using the generation build method. The rules file does not contain attribute member associations, but when the rules file updates the outline, it assigns attributes to members of different levels.

A crash may occur when verifying an outline containing lengthy date and numeric attribute member names. (22395, P2)
If a full name of a date or numeric attribute member, including parents and ancestors when applicable, is larger than 80 characters, an attempt to save or validate the outline may cause a crash.

Loading and unloading data for a 250 GB database may result in a memory leak. (22412, P2)
When starting DB2 OLAP Server, when you build dimensions by Dynamic Dimension Build, upload data by Dynamic Data Load, or calculate and then shutting down the product, allocated memory may not be released and the operating system may crash.

Passwords visible on UNIX when using the secure mode. (22491, P2)
When DB2 OLAP Server is installed on UNIX in secure mode, passwords may still be visible.

The C API routine, ESSCMD EssOtlOpenOutlineQuery, leads to a memory leak. (22543, P2)
The C API function, EssOtlOpenOutlineQuery, allocates memory that is not released in EssOtlFreeMembers as it should be, which eventually seriously hinders system performance.

After default calculation lower level data may override upper level data. (22742, P2)
When Aggregate Missing is off, lower level consolidation that results in #Missing may override upper level data.

Data not rolling up properly when using an attribute dimension. (22756, P2)
When an attribute dimension is used, the Spreadsheet Add-in may not generate correct data roll-up.

The ESSCMD GETDBSTATS fails when executed. (22816, P2)
Then ESSCMD GETDBSTATS may not function if it is executed on a cube whose dimension name consists of a particular character, such as '%n.'

The ESSCMD EssOtlQueryMembers returns wrong result when outline exceeds 16K members. (22853, P2)
The outline API, routine EssOtlQueryMembers, does not return the correct number of outline members when the outline contains more than 16K members.

Sparse restructure causes Linked Reporting Object (LRO) counter to be reset. (22926, P2)
When adding a new LRO immediately after a sparse restructure, the following error occurs: "Object # already exists".

Unable to initialize GRID API when Regional Setting is German (Austrian). (22962, P2).
The GRID API will fail to initialize when the Regional Setting in the Control Panel is set to German (Austrian).

Memory leak in EssVSetSheetOption and EssVSetGlobalOption. (22998, P2)
The VBA routines, EssVSetSheetOption and EssVSetGlobalOption, leak memory on Windows 95/98 clients, causing degraded performance when they are used repeatedly.

"Cannot access object: Ess00000.TMP" error when running 4 batch jobs. (23034, P2)
When running concurrent programs that use the Outline API, Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server occasionally cannot create temporary file names and displays the error message, "Cannot access object: Ess00000.TMP."

Hyperion Essbase Application Manager is not displaying the Disk Volume. (23059, P2)
The Storage tab on the Database Settings dialog box in Application Manager contains a table that is not always in synchronization with the Disk Volume edit field or updated when changes are made to the disk volumes.

EssCell may not work for Dynamic Time Series. (23119, P2)
In Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, running EssCell (Y-T-D) on an outline with attributes may return #MISSING instead of the Y-T-D value.

EssVGetDataPoint returns incorrect values for Dynamic Time Series. (23130, P2)
When using Dynamic Time Series in a spreadsheet to return a specific H-T-D (April), the EssVGetDataPoint mistakenly returns "H-T-D" instead of "H-T-D(April)."

Sparse Dynamic Calc fails in a calculation script. (23156, P2)
If a calculation of a stored member depends on a virtual block, either through parent-child relationship or through formula, calculation of the virtual block may not be triggered correctly, causing incorrect results for the stored member.

GRID API crashes with multiple concurrent logins and logouts on a multiprocessor machine. (23175, P2)
The GRID API may crash on connect or disconnect when using multiple threads on a multiprocessor machine.

Data is incorrect when aggregated with Create Block on Equation and from bottom-up. (23274, P2)
When using SET FRMLBOTTOMUP ON, the dependencies of top-down formulas may be processed incorrectly, causing some blocks to be missed during calculation.

EssVGetDataPoint function does not return correct data for a first page header. (23275, P2)
EssVGetDataPoint function may not work properly for the first page header of a query unless the cell being inquired is in the first column.

Division by values between .000000000000004 and -.000000000000004 results in a #MISSING. (23375, P2)
In FixPak 4, the division with denominator values between .000000000000004 and -.000000000000004 may result in a #MISSING.

While ignoring the TimeStamp parameter, EsbGetLogFile returns the entire log. (23396, P2)
The Visual Basic API routine, EsbGetLogFile, ignores the TimeStamp parameter and returns the entire log file rather than the entries of the log file produced after the date and time specified by the TimeStamp parameter.

@XREF triggered by a query will not automatically log off the source database. (23470, P2)
Queries involving Dynamic Calculations with @XREF leave users logged into the remote sources of @XREF references.

The server produces incorrect results if the number of blocks to be locked exceeds the LOCKBLOCK setting. (23656, P2)
When using formulas on sparse members for which the number of blocks to be locked exceeds the LOCKBLOCK setting, the current LOCKBLOCK setting may not return correct values.

After moving members of a sparse dimension, the server crashes while doing a base level restructure (23925, P2)
After moving a sparse dimension member, an attempt to restructure at the base level may result in a network error, 10054, or may even cause the data to disappear.

----------- For OLAP Integration Server:

Cannot Tag a Parent and Child Dynamic Calc and Store with Dimension Build (14688, 15277)
In Hyperion Application Manager, a parent with a single child cannot be tagged with Dynamic Calc and Store using Dimension Build.

Drill-Through Reports May Not Work if Level Build is Done with Null Value in the First Column (21388, 22041)
If doing a level build with a null value in the first column (GEN2) and a drill-through report is defined on the lower level of the hierarchy, the drill-through reports do not appear when drilling down on all the lower level members in Excel. If, however, you add an upper-level drill-through report, the lower-level report is accessible.

Workaround for 21388 and 22041:
Set the following configuration parameter in essbase.cfg:

This parameter sets the Hyperion Integration Server drill-through mode for the application specified in appname.

Shared Members Not Added if Data is Sequential (21706)
When metaoutline members are created from columns with sequential data, the "Add as shared members" option is not applied.

Base Dimension Name Not Automatically Updated After Renaming Attribute Member (21795)
When renaming an attribute member, the base dimension name is not updated onscreen without first performing a refresh (F5).

DB2 OLAP Integration Server Fails on Metaoutlines when Missing Corresponding Items in OLAP Model (21803)
In a Metaoutline, attempting to view the Properties on an attribute dimension column that does not have the corresponding dimension in the OLAP Model causes Hyperion Integration Server to fail.

Columns Added to Drill-Through Reports are Sometimes Not Saved (21859)
On occasion, columns added to Drill-Through reports are not saved. This sometimes occurs after adding both intersections and columns to a Drill-Through report.

Columns in Drill-Through Reports are Sometimes Displayed Incorrectly (21860)
On occasion, after editing a Drill-Through report, columns set to be sorted in a descending order are listed instead in an ascending order.

Member and Data Loads Sometimes Report Zero Members Loaded (21865)
Following a member and data load, Hyperion Integration Server Desktop may sometimes report that zero members are loaded and some of the data is rejected. This may occur after adding a dimension and a filter to an OLAP model and then previewing the results before performing a member and data load.

Renaming an Attribute Dimension as a Standard Dimension May Cause Server Crash (21928)
If an attribute dimension is renamed as any of the standard dimensions in an OLAP model, the validation will pass but during a member load, the server may crash.

A Problem Occurs if Applying a Boolean Condition when Creating Metaoutline with a Boolean Attribute Dimension (21975)
The Boolean condition of "not case sensitive" is not applied when creating a metaoutline with a Boolean Attribute dimension.

Data Loads Containing a Large Number of Duplicate Members Cause DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server to Freeze (21998, 22147)
Performing a data load using data that contains thousands of duplicate members causes DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server to freeze.

Workarounds for 21998 and 22147:
Set the following configuration parameters in essbase.cfg:

NoMsgLogginOnDataErrorLimit = TRUE

DataErrorLimit = 1
Then, restart the Essbase server.

An alternate workaround is to start the OLAP Server component (olapisvr.exe) from the DOS prompt with the -C parameter set to 3100 or less.

Incorrect Null Promotion in Outlines Built with Aliases (22232)
In an OLAP Metaoutline, if a null value occurs where a value for a GENERATION or LEVEL field is expected, the child value is promoted in its place. A problem occurs when adding aliases to dimension members in an OLAP Metaoutline, causing incorrect null promotion in the resulting Essbase outline.

Using ODBC Version 3.6x Instead of Version 3.7x with SQL Server 7 Causes Catalog Access Problems in Some Cases (22388)
You may experience ODBC errors if you are using Microsoft SQL Server version 7 with version 3.6x of the ODBC drivers, included in version 2.5 of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC). The type of problem encountered involves user access to catalogs other than their own residing on the server. If you are experiencing this problem, please visit the Microsoft web site for information on obtaining the latest MDAC.

Installation Script Links esslib to lib when Installing Over Existing OLAP Integration Server (23191)
When installing over an existing DB2 OLAP Integration Server, the installation script creates a symbolic link from esslib to lib, placing all ess* shared library files in the wrong directory.

Query Does Not Properly Group By Parent for Data Loads of Parent/Child Dimensions (23377)
When performing an attribute load for parent/child dimensions, the SELECT statement used by OLAP Integration Server does not contain the correct "GROUP BY" clause. This causes incorrect results when there are shared dimension members.

Important Note: The fix included in this patch, a modification to the GROUP BY clause of the SELECT statement, is not supported on Informix databases and is a limitation for this patch.

Query for Attribute Loads Does Not Use the Keyword, "DISTINCT" (23382)
The SELECT statement used by OLAP Integration Server when performing an attribute load does not contain the keyword "DISTINCT". For some databases, this omission can result in a large number of rejected records in the log file, slow load times, and, occassionally, an Essbase server failure.

The following problems are fixed in FixPak 3.

DB2 OLAP Integration Server Is Unable to Obtain a Read Lock Using Oracle (23433)
A date format problem occurs when using certain combinations of the MERANT ODBC driver and the Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS). In this circumstance, DB2 OLAP Integration Server is unable to lock a model ormetaoutline in the OLAP Metadata Catalog, thus preventing access to OLAP models or metaoutlines.

Error message "Cannot access object: Ess00000.TMP" when using the Outline API. (23034, P3)
When running concurrent programs that use the Outline API, DB2 OLAP Server occasionally cannot create temporary file names and displays the error message "Cannot access object: Ess00000.TMP".

HP-UX and AIX only: correct header file versions required. (23460 P3)
FixPak 2 contained incorrect versions of API header files for the HP-UX and AIX platforms. If you installed the FixPak 2 C API for these platforms, you should install FixPak 3 over your FixPak 2 installation.

Database fails to load with buffered I/O in effect and an Index Page size less than 8K. (21733, P3)
When buffered I/O is in effect (see the information message in the application log) and the user specifies an Index Page size less than 8K, DB2 OLAP Server over-allocates memory to the Index cache during database startup. If the user then specifices a large Index cache (for example 500M), the Index cache memory allocation might consume most or all of the available memory, in which case the database fails to load.

The following problems are fixed in FixPak 2.

Cannot Tag a Parent and a Child Dynamic Calc and Store with Dimension Build. (14688, P2)
In the Application Manager, a parent with a single child cannot be tagged with Dynamic Calc and Store using Dimension Build.

EsbLROAddObject() May Give Error 1030718. (17507, P2)
If the usOption parameter of EsbLROAddObject is set to ESB_STORE_OBJECT_API, the API may produce error 1030718: Invalid object option for cell not entered.

The Server May Not Be Able to Create Database Whose Names Contain Certain Foreign Characters. (18532, P2)
If a database name contains certain foreign characters, like Kanji or Katakana, the Application Manager may produce an error 1019002: Failed to create database.

An Attempt to Create and Delete a Chart on Lotus 1-2-3, Release 9.0 May Disable the Double-Click Drilling Function of the Mouse. (18719, P2)
When creating and deleting a chart on the spreadsheet using DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 FixPak 7 (Essbase 5.0.2 P7) with Lotus 1-2-3 Release 9, may disable the double-click drilling function.

Server Crashes During Extremely Heavy Concurrent Update Workload. (19397, P2)
Server crashes during extremely heavy concurrent update workload.

Excel Does Not Prompt to Save When Essbase Cascade Is Performed. (19431, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, if a cascade is performed the users are not prompted to save the file on exit.

Database Setting "Create block on equation" Behaves Differently After Release 5.0.2 P9. (19496, P2)
When "Create blocks on equation" is enabled, execution of certain formulas during calculations may clear contents of some data blocks.

Essbase EssRetrieve Macro Lock Option for 2 and 3 No Longer Works for Lotus 9.1. (19522, P2)
The lock options 2 and 3 available for the EssRetrieve macro may no longer work for Lotus 9.1. When EssRetrieve macro is run with EssSend macro, the following error message appears in Lotus: "Unable to Update Members Which Have Not Been Locked."

5.0.2 P10 Locale Files and ESSBASE.MDB Are Not Replaced in a New Patch Installation. (19775, P2)
Patch installation does not update <ARBORPATH> /bin/essbase.mdb or locale files because they are read/only.

Long Member Formula Gets Truncated with Member Load Using Rules File. (19902, P2)
An attempt to load members using rules file fails when long member formulas are truncated in the member load rules file field. But if the same member formula is entered manually using the member formula editor text box, then it works fine.

ESBGetLogFile Will Not Get the Server Log File Unless Application Name Is Undefined. (19936, P2)
The VB API routine EsbGetLogFile will not get the server log and will return a non-zero value when the AppName parameter is explicitly set to null. It only works properly when the AppName parameter is undefined.

EssVRetrieve (Empty, Empty, 1) and EssVFlash (Empty) Use 100 % of CPU. (19946, P2)
EssVRetrieve or EssRetrieve with the range parameter is set to empty it may use close to 100% of the CPU for 2-3 minutes. Furthermore, after the retrieve, EssVFlash may use close to 100% of the CPU.

Volume Spanning Has Been Set but Index File Creation Is Not Rolling Over to the Next Volume. (19973, P2)
The error 1019028: "Out of disk space, unable to write information to file," appears when a new page file is created and the current disk volume has less than 1024 bytes of available space.

Retrieve Returns Invalid Values on Certain Databases with Circular Dependencies Between Blocks. (20158, P2)
If a circular dependency between blocks exists, retrieval of Dynamic Calc values may produce incorrect results.

Retrieval Through C API Renders Incorrect Results When Compared to Excel. (20283, P2)
An Essbase report containing a member name in quotes immediately followed by an '!' without any space in between may not get recognized. This may result in a row with the unrecognized members to repeat the value from the row above.

EssOtlFreeMembers() Is Declared Twice in ESSOTL.H. (20409, P2)
API programs that include the file ESSOTL.H do not compile because EssOtlFreeMembers() is declared twice.

Calc Never Finishes Across a Transparent Partition. (20579, P2)
Transparent partitions may cause database calculation to run infinitely.

Renaming a Member with Shared Attribute Incorrectly Causes Complete Restructure. (20764, P2)
In a time dimension, an attempt to add, rename, and categorize members as shared members in the data storage may rapidly reduce the page size indicating that complete data restructuring has taken place. But upon each time, if a shared member is deleted or added to the outline, and the outline is saved, the page file does not change, thus, indicating that data restructure is not taking place.

Attributes with Lengthy Text Names May Crash the Application. (20795, P2)
In a Hyperion Essbase outline, if the sum of all the text characters for attribute member names exceed 80 characters, saving or verifying the outline may crash the application.

Spreadsheet Retrieval Causes the Application to Crash and Core Dump on HP-UX. (20813, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, when using a specific spreadsheet view where the Essbase option Use Both Alias and Member Name is enabled and where some dimensions are not represented, performing a Zoom In will cause the application to crash. A core dump may also be created as a result of the application crash.

EssVSetOption Does Not Work. (20866, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, the use of EssVSetOption may not work if the focus is on any of the VB controls at the time of the calls.

Unable to Synchronize an Outline After the Outline Is Revised for Transparent Partition. (20904, P2)
An attempt to re-synchronize outlines of transparent partitioned databases may disable the Edit and Apply option buttons on the Synchronize Outline dialog box.

Sample Report Generates Error. (20913, P2)
Running Sample report asym.rep generates an error message: "incorrect asymmetric report [8] records processed." This has been fixed only in the Japanese version.

Right Click of the Mouse to Collapse Member Values Displays Irregular Layout with Spreadsheet Add-in. (20916, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, if Repeat Member Labels and Use Both Member Names and Aliases for Row Dimension settings are enabled, an attempt to collapse data to higher levels may display irregular layout for member names.

When Substitution Variables Are Set to Validate a Calc Script an Error "Unknown Member" Is Generated. (20927, P2)
When running a calc script that is associated with an outline, the application generates an error message: "unknown variable or member name," if the substitution variables are a substring of another.

VB API Crashes on EsbOtlGetMemberInfo. (20941, P2)
VB API crashes when the API call EsbOtlGetMemberInfo is used for a text attribute that returns a null string value.

Report Script with a Substitution Variable May Result in an Error Message in Double-Byte Platforms. (20945, P2)
An attempt to run a report script repeatedly on a double byte platform with a substitution variable added to may result the following error message: "10001070 UNKNOWN LAST MEMBER FOR _uY-T-D_v IN REPORT."

Performance Problem with Dimension Build for Aliases on Shared Members. (20997, P2)
When doing a Dimension Build on an outline where a large number of shared members that have aliases are being added, the dimension build may become slow.

If There Is More than One Substitution Variable, Changing One Value May Cause Some of the Previous Substitution Variable to Disappear. (20999, P2)
If more than 1 substitution variable is defined, changing the value of any one substitution variable may cause the first or the previous substitution variable to disappear.

Record #65536 Is Missed When Doing a File/Update Outline. (21000, P2)
Record #65536 is missed when doing a File/Update Outline with a large data file (having more than 65535 records).

In the Japanese Application Manager, Except for the Active Application, No other Application Names Are Listed for Copying. (21001, P2)
Unlike the Application Manager English version, the Japanese Beta of DB2 OLAP Server 7.1 (Essbase Release 6.0 Japanese Beta) does not provide any choices of application names to be listed for copying to the database.

Some Items Are Truncated and Misaligned in Server Information Dialog Box and Database Information Dialog. (21002, 21035, P2)
Some items are truncated and misaligned in the Application Manager Server Information dialog box and Database Information dialog box.

Attribute Query with Shared Members and Two-Pass Calc Members May Cause Server to Crash. (21099, P2)
On AIX 4.3.3 server, in ESSBASE. CFG file, if the setting is OUTLINECHANELOG TRUE, an attempt to add a member and save the outline may generate an exception log.

In the Japanese Spreadsheet Add-in One of the Error Messages Is Not Correctly Translated. (21135, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, if Essbase Member Selection menu is selected then an attempt to select a member will give the incorrectly translated message "1 no 22 sentak saremashita."

Clicking a Member Cell May Clear the Spreadsheet. (21159, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, when dimensions listed in the column heading appear in only one row, double-clicking a data cell may clear the spreadsheet.

Renaming a Logical Column Name in a Model Causes Member Load to Abort. (21184, P2)
When the contents of a FIX statement results in an empty list, the OLAP server ignores the FIX statement and performs the calculation on the whole database.

In the Japanese Application Manager, Event Log Displays Overwrapping Characters When Scrolled to Left. (21188, P2)
In the Application Manager, event log displays overwrapping 2-byte characters when the window scrolls to right and then scrolls back to left.

Escape Characters ("\) Do Not Work Properly in DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 FixPak 7 (Essbase 5.0.2 P11). (21189, P2)
The Escape characters used in ESSCMD to update substitution variables fail when used with FixPak 11, but work fine for FixPak 7.

Adding Members to Outline with OUTLINECHANGELOG TRUE Crashes the Database. (21190, P2)
On AIX 4.3.3 server, in ESSBASE. CFG file if the setting is OUTLINECHANELOG TRUE, an attempt to add a member and save the outline may generate an exception log.

Drill-Through May Not Work When Outline Has Attribute Dimensions. (21202, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, invoking Server Drill-Through may generate an error message.

The Multiple UPDATEVARIABLE Command Updates the First Variable. (21207, P2)
In DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 FixPak 11, when running the calc script, multiple UPDATEVARIABLE commands only update the first variable.

Dynamic Calc May Generate Inconsistent Results. (21215, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, retrieval may generate inconsistent results for the same member combination depending on the view and order of retrievals.

Loading Data by Using an Excel Workbook with Formulas or Custom Text After the First Sheet Crashes the Application. (21219, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in DB2 OLAP Server Version 7, loading data using an Excel spreadsheet as a source, if there are formulas or custom texts on the sheets after reading the first sheet the application crashes.

Loading Data with Rules File Set with "Add to existing value" with #MISSING After 0 Value, Gives #MISSING. (21272, P2)
In a rules file when loading data is set with "Adding to the existing value" and if you load data with #MISSING after a value of 0 is loaded, the Retrieve instead of returning 0 returns #MISSING.

The Option CALCOPTCALCHASHTBL TRUE Causes Inconsistent Results. (21300, P2)
In some cases when the CALCOPTCALCHASHTBL is set to TRUE in the ESSBASE.CFG file, incorrect data values may be calculated.

Report Script Produces Different Results from Release 5.0.2 P11 to 6.0 P1. (21305, P2)
In the Application Manager, a report script with more than one MASK command produces different output from Release 5.0.2 P11 to 6.0. P1. The file output in 6.0 P1 is larger than 5.0.2 P11.

Esssvr Crashes When Performing Dense Restructure. (21501, P2)
Essbase server generates a general protection fault while doing dense restructure for level 0 data.

Application Manager Crashes When Viewing a Member with a User-Defined Attribute (UDA) List Display Larger than 4k. (21534, P2)
If a member has a UDA that is greater than 4K, when the outline is expanded in the Outline Editor where such a member with a UDA exists, Application Manager crashes.

Wording of Grandparent and Parent option of Member Name Format in Application Manager Is Incorrect (21574, P2)
In the member name format panel of the attribute member names dialog of Application Manager, the member name format grandparent and parent is not correct. It should read grandparent.

Retrieval on a Dynamic Calc Member Across Transparent Partitions May Be Slow on 5.0.2 P11. (21636, P2)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, retrieval on a Dynamic calc member in a transparent partition may be slower in 5.0.2 P11 than in 5.0.2 P7.

In the API EsbSetUser, if the PwdChgNow Option Is Set to True, then the User Is Prompted to Change the Password Only One Time. (21683, P2)
If the Application Manager Global Server Setting for the "Number of days before user needs to change password" is set to greater than 0, and the EsbSetUser option PwdChgNow is set to True, then the user is requested to Change Password only once upon the first login.

Attribute Calc Does Not Aggregate Values from Upper Level Shared Members. (21684, P2)
Attribute calc does not aggregate values to the parent of a shared member, if the shared member is related to an upper level member that has base members as its children.

Retrievals on a Transparent Target Database Take Longer on 5.0.2 P11 than on 5.0.2 P7. (21692, P2)
A retrieval on a target database with three source databases takes approximately 35 seconds with FixPaks 11 and 12 for DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 (5.0.2 P11 and 5.0.2 P12) compared to approximately 6 seconds with FixPak 7 for DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 (5.0.2 P7).

No libglobalc.so in Essbase\api\lib. (21768, P2)
FixPak 11 for DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 (5.0.2 P11) UNIX installation does not put libglobalc.so into the Essbase\api\lib directory. This may result in compiler errors when using the API.

Calc Time Degrades from FixPak 10 to FixPak 12 for DB2 OLAP Server V1.1. (21772, P2)
Calc script time increases from FixPak 10 of DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 (5.0.2 P10) to FixPak 12 (5.0.2 P12).

User with Create/Delete Permissions Cannot Edit Users. (21810, P2)
Two users have been provided with Create/Delete user permissions and without Create/Delete user permissions respectively. If you attempt to edit the second user while logged in as a first user who has Create/Delete permissions, the check boxes are grayed out.

Huge Formulas with Many Member References Can Cause an Essbase Internal error. (21821, P2)
If a formula (attached to a member in an outline or in a calculation script) involves references to more than a 1000 members, Hyperion Essbase server can report an internal error "Calculator Stack Contains a NULL Object."

Not All Data Returned When Buffer Size Is 32K. (21838, P2)
When the API call EsbGetStringBuf is used on a particular report with a buffer size of 32767, records are skipped in the report. The report is correct with the buffer size is 32766.

Retrieval on a Target Database Crashes the Target Application. (21876, P2)
Retrieval across transparent partitions with attributes could cause crashes in certain cases.

Data Load Causes Error on the UNIX Server. (21884, P2)
On UNIX platform, loading data with text file and rules file may generate error message, " unknown member[...] found while processing string [...]."

In the Application Manager, the RUN Button in the Calc Script Editor or Report Writer Dialog Box Is Enabled When the Database Is (all dbs). (21901, P2)
When a calc script or a report file is created and saved in the (all dbs) database dialog box in Hyperion Essbase Application Manager, the RUN button is enabled which actually should not be enabled.

Unable to Set Calc Scripts as Default Calc with FIX, LOOP, and IF Statements. (21909, P2)
If a calc script containing FIX/LOOP/IF statement is set to serve as default calculation, Essbase crashes. The same calc script can be executed as a non-default calculation without any problem. It is the "Set Default Calc" operation that causes Essbase to crash.

Security Files May Get Corrupted When Installing Version 1 FixPak 1. (21924, P2)
When migrating from DB2 OLAP Server Version 1.1 to Version 7, additional copies of the of the database may get created each time the server is stopped and started.

Cannot Delete Server Log if Application Server Is Running. (22035, P2)
In the Application Manager, an attempt to delete event log may fail if application server is running. This is fixed in all server platforms except Windows 95/98.

EssVCascade Ignores Suppress #MISSING Option. (22044, P2)
The Spreadsheet Add-in VBA function EssVCascade ignores the suppress #MISSING flag set in Essbase options.

Changes to Original and Shared Members on Source Do Not Synchronize Properly to Target. (22048, P2)
Changes to original and shared members on the source outline do not properly synchronize at the target outline and produce an error message in application log, "There is 1 message in the application log identifying a change that was not applied during outline synchronization."

Calc Works in FixPak 11 of DB2 OLAP Server V1.1 (5.0.2 P11) but Causes Exception Log in Version 7.1 (6.0 P1) (Only with Data). (22142, P2)
In Version 7.1 (6.0 P1) execution of formulas that contain lists of numbers mixed with member names may cause the application to crash.

EssCell May Not Work with Dynamic Time Series. (22184, P2)
#MISSING is returned instead of the Dynamic Calc member value when EssCell is used on a Dynamic Time Series member (for example, EssCell ("Q-T-D") ).

@AVG Member Formula in 6.0 P1 Causes the Server to Crash. (22189, P2)
If a Dynamic Calc member has an @AVG member formula attached, upon retrieval, zooming in the parent of this member causes the server to crash and generate an exception log file.

Loading Data with Rules File May Cause Memory Leak. (22349, P2)
Data Load with 4-GB rules file errors after loading 10 million records.

Unloading and Loading a Database in Read-Only Mode, Does Not Start the dbwriter. (22411, P2)
When a database is unloaded, while in read-only mode and loaded back again, the dbwriter is not started. So the data operations following this sequence crash the application when it tries to initiate the dbwriter.

The following problems are fixed in FixPak 1.

Server Ignores Formulas With Members which Contain a Dot in Their Names. (15758, P1)
The application log gives error 1200324, if you use a "." in the member name. Furthermore in Application Manager the Dimension Specification dialog box shows the error: "!!FORMULA NOT LOADED!!"

No Error Is Generated for Invalid Formulas. (15815, P1)
No Error Message is generated if member names with a dot are not quoted.

In a Calc Script, no Error Is Generated When there Is no Statement After an IF Clause. (17654, P1)
An IF statement not containing a semicolon is erroneous and the error should be reported.

Insufficient Rights to Various Essbase Tasks After Running "root.sh." (17830, P1)
After running the root.sh file, the ownership of many files are changed from "arbor" to "root." Also, some files cannot be opened; for example, the outline file.

If Multiple Threads Attempt to Use Essbase APIs Concurrently, the API May Become Unstable. (18117, P1)
Concurrent API calls may cause instability or crashes because the API is not thread safe.

In Spreadsheet Add-in, Repeat Member Labels Option May Cause Incorrect Retrieval. (18734, P1)
During retrievals the Repeat Member Labels Option, if set to true may change some of the column headers and retrieve incorrect data.

Cannot Pivot on Certain Members When Repeat Member Labels Option Is Set to True. (18738, P1)
When Repeat Member Labels option is set to true in the Spreadsheet Add-in, the pivot operation works only if mouse points to a specific cell in the target row. It gives an error for all other cells in the target row.

Incorrect Behavior if Repeat Member Labels Option Is Set to True. (18740, P1)
When the Repeat Member Labels option is set to true in the Spreadsheet Add-in, the Remove Only or Keep Only operations may not function correctly.

Status Is Returned to Cell on a Wrong Sheet After Flashback Is Called. (18802, P1)
The return value of Lotus Spreadsheet macro may be displayed on the wrong sheet after the Spreadsheet Add-in Flashback command is called.

Year-To-Date (Y-T-D) Changes When Order of Months Changes. (19073, P1)
In some cases, the Y-T-D data shown in the Spreadsheet Add-in retrieval differs when the presentation order of month columns is changed. This bug is a duplicate of 18147, Patch 11.

The Set Substitution Variable Scope Option in the Formula Editor Shows a Problem. (19160, P1)
An attempt to reconnect to the server after choosing set Substitution Variable Scope may result in an error message: "Invalid Login ID - request [List Applications] failed."

EssOtlQueryMembersEx Does not Handle Label Only Members Properly. (19207, P1)
The EssOtlQueryMembersEx API command does not return shared or label only members.

If a Member Name Is 0 in the Outline, Error: "Data item found before member" May be Displayed. (19291, P1)
While using the Spreadsheet Lock & Send feature with data set to 0 or #MISSING the error: "Data item found before member" occurs.

No Result When Member Has a Calc Script Formula that Contains Dynamic Member and Cross-Dimensional Operator. (19393, P1)
#MISSING is returned upon retrieval of a member if the value of the member is "fixed" by a calc script that contains a Dynamic Calc member. This bug is a duplicate of 17946, Patch 11.

Users who Are not Logged Into Application Manager Are not Logged Off. (19469, P1)
Users who log on to the Application Manager but do not log on to any applications are not automatically logged off after some timeout. This bug is a duplicate of bug 18482, P11.

Certain Foreign Characters May Cause the Spreadsheet Add-in to Freeze. (19479, P1)
If certain foreign characters are used in the worksheet or file name, the Spreadsheet Add-in freezes.

Using the Down Arrow Key in the Linked Reporting Objects (LRO) Causes the System to Crash. (19489, P1)
In the Spreadsheet Add-in, using the down arrow key in the LRO browser may cause the system to crash. This problem is specific to Lotus 1-2-3 R9.0 on Windows NT.

Running Currency Conversion Calc Script Crashes the Application. (19892, P1)
The Application Manager may crash when running a currency conversion calc script on a database that has attribute dimensions.

A Rules File that May Be Saved in Application Manager In DB2 OLAP Server 7.1 May not Work. (19950, P1)
When saved in DB2 OLAP Server Application Manager Release 7.1, rules file for SQL import failed.

Migrating the Database Index from DB2 OLAP Server Version 1 Format to Version 7 Format Failed with the Version 1 .PAG File Size Between 2 GB and 2 GB Minus 8 Kb. (20008, P1)
This is a boundary case that affected .pag files whose size is 2 Gb minus 8 Kb when being migrated from Version 1. Note that part of this fix imposes a maximum file size of 2147475456 bytes (2 Gb minus 8 Kb) for index and .pag files in Version 7.  Files migrated from Version 1 can be a full 2 Gb on NT and 2147483647 bytes (2 Gb - 1 byte) on UNIX.

Database Without Data May Take Long Time to Restructure. (20063, P1)
With the fix, if the database does not have data, Link Reporting Objects (LRO), or partitions defined on it, DB2 OLAP Server  will take no time to restructure.

CopyApp Command May not Function Correctly With Multibyte Characters. (20228, P1)
CopyApp command functions incorrectly if the source application name contains multibyte characters; for example, Japanese character sets such as Kanji.

If Advanced Online JFS Is not Installed, DB2 OLAP Server Will not Start on HPUX. (20319, P1)
If Essbase is using vxfs as its disk volumes and if advanced online JFS is not installed, then direct I/O will not be used, buffered I/O will be used instead. Otherwise, Direct I/O is used. This is a new behavior of DB2 OLAP Server Version 7.

Error 1200420 and 1200324: Compiler Errors on Member Formulas. (20325, P1)
Member formulas with IF, ELSEIF, and ENDIF statements may generate compilation errors and be ignored.

Performance Fixes for Formula Calculation Using Certain @IS* Functions. (20679, P1)
Fixed problem which caused performance degradation in formula calculator on cubes with large blocks; optimized @ISLev(dimName, levName | levNum),@ISGen(mbrName) functions and also, other functions from this family.

DB2 OLAP Server 7.1 May Freeze on UNIX Platforms. (20684, P1)
DB2 OLAP Server 7.1 may freeze on some faster UNIX platforms.

When the Spreadsheet Add-in Is Installed in Excel, Excel Is Unusable from Within Internet Explorer (IE) V5. (20688, P1)
When the Spreadsheet Add-in is not installed, Excel works fine within IE V5; but if the Spreadsheet Add-in is installed, basic Excel functionality does not work.

Occasionally the Server Crashes When Users Logout After Outline Synchronization. (20717, P1)
The server may occasionally crash with a "not responding" error when users logout after outline synchronization.

DB2 OLAP Server May Crash Doing CALC ALL on an Outline with Attribute Dimensions. (20727, P1)
CALC ALL on an outline with attribute dimensions may cause Hyperion Essbase to crash.

Known Problems and Limitations

----------- For DB2 OLAP Server:

In DB2 OLAP Server Miner, the Linked Reporting Object functions do not work.  (n/a)
When you select either the 'Create LRO' or  'Delete LRO' options in OLAP Miner at the FixPak 6 level, an error message occurs.  IBM is working on a solution that will be available in a future FixPak.

Online HTML books might not display properly in Netscape Navigator (n/a)
When you use Netscape Navigator to display HTML books that are intended for a three-frame layout, Netscape might not load the book completely, displaying only one page of information and not displaying the table of contents in the navigation pane on the left. If this occurs, click the Reload button on the Netscape Navigator browser to display the book in three-frame format.

On AIX, a core dump or segment fault error during installation or use of DB2 OLAP Server is caused by inadequate memory. (n/a)
On AIX, if you get a core dump or a segment fault error when you install or use DB2 OLAP Server, then the memory allocated to DB2 OLAP Server on your AIX machine needs to be increased.  The default ulimit value on AIX is 1G, but DB2 OLAP Server files require 2G.   You can increase the memory by using the AIX command called ulimit.  For example, to increase the stack size, enter the following command:

ulimit -s unlimited

For more information about the ulimit command, see the AIX Commands Reference.

Starting in DB2 OLAP Server FixPak 4, the outline import/export function is no longer included in the Application Manager.
The outline import/export function has been removed from the Application Manager from FixPak 4 (Hyperion Essbase 6.1 Patch 2).  This function continues to be available in the Spreadsheet Add-in.

On Windows, directory names greater than 8 characters cannot include spaces.  (n/a)
On Windows, when loading data from a directory, if the name of the directory includes spaces and is longer than 8 characters, an error occurs.   Either rename the directory to remove the spaces, or shorten the directory name to 8 characters or less.

Server Rejects: @AVG("SKIP_Param", expList) the Following Client Is out of Synchronization. (19340)
The server does not accept quotations marks around the following skip parameters: SKIPNONE, SKIPMISSING, SKIPZERO, SKIPBOTH. The Calc Script Editor and client outline verification will not detect this error. When a calculation is run with this syntax error, the application log has the following error message output:
Error parsing formula for member (line <no>): invalid skip instruction in function .
Note that the server validation will catch this error in the Formula Editor.

Calc Script Editor Does Not Generate an Error Message When Reserved Words Are Not Quoted. (20343)
When validating a calculation script, the client may not generate an error message for the incorrect usage of a non-quoted reserved word used for a dimension or member name.
Calculation script reserved words include calc script commands, operators, report script commands, function names, and function arguments in addition to the basic terms, such as AND, BEGIN, MEMBER, FUNCTION, IF, THEN, and so on. For a list of these terms, see the Hyperion Essbase Database Administrator's Guide. It is better not to use these reserved words as dimension names, member names, and aliases. If you do use them as names or aliases in calculation scripts, you must enclose them in quotation marks.

The ESSCMD Batch Job Is Canceled When Regular User Logs out by the Supervisor CONSOLE. (20434)
When running the nightly batch job, the application log appears and can be logged out via CONSOLE because the Essbase script files are not locked, the user has no firewall connections, and has read-only access to the Essbase script files.

In the Japanese Version, Header and Footer Strings that Are Set in Cascade Menu Item Are Preceded by Incorrect Characters. (21011)
With Japanese Hyperion Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in for Excel, header and footer strings that are set in the Cascade menu item are preceded by incorrect characters when printing and previewing.
Work around: Go into Print Preview > Setup to the Header/Footer tab and specify a custom header/footer that does not contain the incorrect characters.

Set Member Filter in Essbase Query Designer (EQD) Value with MBCS Displays Broken Character. (21012)
From within the Essbase Query Designer, attempting to create a member filter using multi-byte characters and an IME mode causes a data entry problem in both Excel and the Essbase Query Designer.
Work around: Launch the Notepad (or any other text editor that accepts multi-byte input), enter the multi-byte text, copy, and paste the text into the Essbase Query Designer.

If "Allow Application to Start" Setting Is Disabled When the ESSCMD, Call BEGINARCHIVE, Is Used, the Application and Database Cannot Restart. (21247)
If "Allow Application to Start" setting is disabled and a database is placed in the archive mode with ESSCMD, BEGINARCHIVE, after stopping the application, the application and database may not restart.

Attribute Calculation with Sparse Two-Pass Calculation Members Returns Incorrect Value. (22752)
When the attribute query contains a Sparse Two-Pass Dynamic Calc member, and the calculation formula refers to some blocks that are not included in the query, the result of the attribute query may not include the missing blocks.
Work around: Include Sparse members within the calculation formula as part of the attribute query.

Cryillic characters don't work in Outline/Calc editors
If you want to use Cyrillic characters in the outline or calc editors, remember to change the font.  From the Options menu, select Font, and then select Cyrillic from the pull-down box, the last item in the list.

----------- For OLAP Integration Server:

Support for Sybase and Informix RDBMSs
Hyperion Integration Server Release 2.0 Patch 2 provides ODBC driver support for Sybase 12 and Informix 9.2 relational database management systems (RDBMSs) for Windows NT, Windows 2000, HP-UX (does not support Sybase RDBMS), and Solaris operating systems.

Note: Sybase and Informix are not supported on the AIX platform. However, AIX users running other RDBMSs may install this patch for the software fixes described in the Problem Summary section.

ODBC Installation When Using this Patch with Essbase 6.1
Please note the following:

  1. On Windows platforms, the patch installation automatically places the ess*.dll files in both the ISHOME\bin and ISHOME\esslib\bin directories. This is done to avoid DLL conflicts between Hyperion Integration Server and Essbase.

  2. Essbase 6.1 SQL Interface is shipped with Merant 3.6 ODBC drivers, as is Hyperion Integration Server 2.0. However, differences exist between Essbase 6.1 and Hyperion Integration Server 2.0 in directory structure and file and driver names as they appear in the Registry and in the ODBC Data Source Administration program. To minimize conflicts on Windows platforms, install one set of drivers only and share them between Hyperion Integration Server and Essbase.

Informix RDBMS Compatibility with Merant Drivers for Windows Platforms
In order for the Merant drivers for Windows platforms to work with the Informix RDBMS, the following two entries must be added to the PATH statement: Both entries must be at the beginning of the PATH.

Possible Inconsistency Between Dimensions in OLAP Models and Associated Metaoutlines (22463)
Under certain conditions, an inconsistency can exist between OLAP models and metaoutlines whereby a metaoutline can be created containing a dimension that does not exist in the OLAP model. This can occur when you create a new OLAP model, save the model, then create a metaoutline based on the model but do not save the metaoutline. If you return to the OLAP model and delete a dimension on which one of the metaoutline dimensions is based and then return to the metaoutline, save it, close it, and reopen it, the metaoutline will contain a dimension that does not have a corresponding dimension in the OLAP model.

At this time, Hyperion Integration Server is unable to distinguish between an inconsistent dimension created in this manner and a user-defined dimension in a metaoutline. Consequently, the inconsistent dimension will be displayed in the metaoutline, but the metaoutline regards it as a user-defined dimension since no corresponding dimension exists in the OLAP model.

On Windows 2000 Platforms, Environment Variable Setting for TMP Causes Member and Data Loads to Fail (24056)
Because of a difference in the default system and user environment variable settings for TMP between Windows 2000 and Windows NT, member and data loads fail when Hyperion Integration Server is running on Windows 2000 platforms. The resulting error message tells users that the temp file could not be created. Workaround:
If you are using Windows 2000, do the following:

Installation of ODBC Does Not Replace Existing Merant Driver (24058)
The existing 3.6 Merant ODBC drivers will not be updated with this patch installation. Sites upgrading from Hyperion Integration Server Release 2.0 should continue using the previously-installed ODBC drivers.

Using Merant Informix ODBC Drives on UNIX Platforms (24063)
To use the Merant Informix ODBC drivers on UNIX platforms, you must do one of the following:Before starting Hyperion Integration Server, set the the LANG environment variable to "en_US". For example, for korn shell, type:

export LANG='en_US'
Set this variable every time you start Hyperion Integration Server.ORIf your LANG environment variable is already set to a different value, make the following symbolic link after installing HIS:
ln -s $ISHOME/locale/en_US $ISHOME/locale/$LANG

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(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1998, 2001. All Rights Reserved.
(c) Copyright 1991-2001 Hyperion Solutions Corporation. All Rights Reserved.