
IBM DB2 OLAP Server, Version 8.1

Fix Pack 4 

Release Notes - additional instructions

April 2004

Last updated:  17 May 2004


This addendum to the Release Notes describes a workaround for a problem in Fix Pack 4.  The problem affects only Windows customers who have installed the client only.  If you installed both the server and the client on Windows, you do not need to apply this workaround. 

If you install only the client from Fix Pack 4, three files are missing that are required by the ESSCMD command interface and the MaxL utility.  To restore the files and fix the shortcuts for ESSCMD and MaxL: 

  1. Download the following compressed file to your $ARBORPATH\bin directory on Windows and decompress it:   ESSCMD_MAXL.zip
    Alternatively, if you have the server installed on another machine at the Fix Pack 4 level, you can copy the esscmd.exe, esscmd.hlp, and essmsh.exe files from the $ARBORPATH\bin directory on the server to the $ARBORPATH\bin directory on the client. 
  2. Run the installation program.  Click Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 OLAP Server 8.1 -> Modify Component or License Information.
  3. Click Repair and then OK.
  4. You can erase the ESSCMD_MAXL.zip file after running the installation program.

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The following statements apply to all server and client components of IBM DB2 OLAP Server and its features:

Licensed Material - Program Property of IBM
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1998, 2004.  All Right Reserved.
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IBM, DB2, and DB2 OLAP Server are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
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