Schema stored procedures for CLI/ODBC/JDBC/OLE DB Client Applications The schema stored procedures are invoked internally by CLI/JDBC drivers. You need to prepare the schema stored procedures before the database can be accessed by the CLI, ODBC, JDBC and/or OLE DB client applications using DB2 UDB v8 or later. The following files are provided: Text file Package ARIXU01A ARIXU01M ARIXU02A ARIXU02M ARIXU03A ARIXU03M ARIXU04A ARIXU04M ARIXU05A ARIXU05M ARIXU06A ARIXU06M ARIXU07A ARIXU07M ARIXU08A ARIXU08M ARIXU09A ARIXU09M ARIXU10A ARIXU10M AIXU11A ARIXU11M ARIXU12A ARIXU12M ARIXUPTA ARIXUPTM DSBU ARISPDEF ARISPRLD EXEC GENMODU To obtain the files: Transfer the packlib to your VM id using format BINARY FIXED 1024. Unpack the file using the copy or fcopy command with the unpack option. Extract/copy the individual files from the packlib to your DASD. Note: 1) If you downloaded the zip file from the web, you need to unzip it first before transfering it to your VM id. 2) If you do not have the CMS FCOPY utility, you need to download it from the following site and use it to obtain the files from the packlib. To set up the Schema Stored Procedures for the CLI/ODBC/JDBC/OLE DB Client Applications: You must have as least one stored procedure server defined before running this process. To set up a stored procedure server, refer to the section "Setting up a Stored Procedure Server" in Chapter 11 "Stored Procedures" of this manual. To define a stored procedure server, refer to the CREATE PSERVER section in the DB2 Server for VSE and VM SQL Reference manual. Run the supplied EXEC, GENMODU to create all the modules for schema function support. The modules generated must be put on the 195 disk of your database machine. Run the supplied DBSUs, ARISPDEF and ARISPRLD. You need to run both DBSUs when you are setting up the schema stored procedures for the first time. You only need to run ARISRLD after applying service to the schema stored procedure(s) unless the instructions in the PTF stating otherwise. To run these DBSUs, you must: 1) ensure the connect ID used has DBA authority; 2) make appropriate changes to these DBSUs for your specific environment; 3) for ARISPRLD, issue the FILEDEF statements in advance for the reload package step to complete properly. ARISPDEF completes the following tasks: 1. Define tables needed in addition to the system catalog tables for the schema stored procedures. 2. Define each of the schema stored procedures to the SYSTEM.SYSROUTINES catalog table. ARISPRLD completes the following tasks: 1. Load associated packages of the schema stored procedures. 2. Grant RUN authorities on the packages of the schema stored procedures to PUBLIC. For both DB2 VM and VSE servers, if you are using a LOCAL date/time format with a different length than ISO, USA, EUR, etc., you need to run the IBM-supplied program ARIXUPTB before running the schema store procedures for the first time. You don't need to run this program again as long as the length of the date/time format remains unchanged. Notes: 1. DB2 Server for VM and VSE does not provide casting between types, i.e., there is no casting from integer to double, char to varchar, smallint to integer, varchar(18) to varchar(128), etc. and vice versa. 2. As the concepts of catalogname to table and schemaname to stored procedure do not apply to VM/VSE server,NULLs are always returned in these columns in the result sets. If catalogname (for all functions) or schemaname (for SQLPROCEDURECOL and SQLProcedures) is passed from the calling program with value which is not NULL, empty or "%" for JDBC only, the stored procedure on VM/ VSE server will return an empty result set. 3. For SQLProcedures, since the CLI/ODBC recommends against using the values returned for NUM_INPUT_PARM and NUM_OUTPUT_PARM and DB2 Server for VSE and VM has great difficulty in returning the results for these two columns in a single row in the result set due to the lack of support of OUTER JOIN, zeros are always returned for these two columns. 4. SQLUDTs always returns an empty result set since user defined types are not currently supported by DB2 Server for VSE and VM. 5. If the wildcard character % is used when specifying the input value for schemaname, procname and paramname, it should be used at either the beginning or the end of the string; otherwise, the result set returned may not be as expected because the system catalog columns that they reference are not defined as variable length. For explanation, refer to the third paragraph (right before Simple Description) of the LIKE Predicate section in the DB2 Server for VSE and VM SQL Reference manual. 6. The schema stored procedures for CLI/JDBC clients are written in C. C Stored procedure on DB2/VSE&VM cannot handle input parameter longer than 254 characters. For explanation, refer to the Stored Procedure Parameters section in Chapter 3 and Appendix B. Using SQL in C of the Application Programming manual. The input will be truncated. A message is displayed on the stored procedure server to indicate the last keyword which is accepted by the stored procedure.