******************************************************************* ** RELEASE.ENU ** ** ** ** This is the RELEASE.ENU file for ** ** IBM DB2 Digital Library Version 2 Release 4 ** ** and ** ** IBM EDMSuite ImagePlus VisualInfo Version 2 Release 4 ** ** ** ** For the most current updates to this file, please visit ** ** our FTP web sites: ** ** ** ** For Digital Library: ** ** ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ ** ** ps/products/digital_library/info/rlse24.txt ** ** -or- ** ** For VisualInfo: ** ** ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ ** ** ps/products/imageplus/info/rlse24.txt ** ******************************************************************* ** ** ** RELEASE.ENU Table of Contents: ** ** ** ** 1.0 Install/Uninstall Issues ** ** 1.1 Common to both Digital Library and VisualInfo ** ** 1.1.1 Windows Install - Preserving shortcuts ** ** 1.1.2 Removing Digital Library/VisualInfo - AIX ** ** 1.1.3 Removing Digital Library/VisualInfo - ** ** Windows ** ** 1.1.4 AIX Install - Russian only ** ** 1.1.5 Windows 98 Install - Client viewer ** ** 1.2 Specific to VisualInfo ** ** 1.2.1 Windows NT Install - Installing VisualInfo ** ** version 2.4 on a VisualInfo 2.3.0 system ** ** 2.0 Changes/Additions to Published Information ** ** 2.1 Image Search User's Guide and Reference ** ** (Digital Library - AIX and Windows) ** ** 2.1.1 Catalog Image Pixel Size ** ** 2.1.2 Image Search Server Applet Configuration ** ** 2.2 Application Programming Reference ** ** (Digital Library - AIX and Windows) ** ** 2.2.1 DKMatchesTextItemTS - Java ** ** 2.2.2 DKMatchesTextItemTS - C++ ** ** 2.2.3 DXMatchesTextItemTS - Active/X ** ** 2.3 System Administration Guide ** ** 2.3.1 Common to both Digital Library and ** ** VisualInfo ** ** Find function for list boxes ** ** 2.3.2 Specific to Digital Library (Windows) ** ** Running the System Administration ** ** from a web browser ** ** NT Object Server with Media ** ** Feature ** ** 2.3.3 Specific to VisualInfo (Windows) ** ** Removing shortcuts after ** ** installing VisualInfo version 2.4 ** ** 2.4 Client for OS/2 User's Guide ** ** (VisualInfo - OS/2) ** ** 2.4.1 Image Services Environment Variables ** ** 2.4.2 Known Display Problems ** ** Highlighting color and grayscale ** ** documents ** ** Client operating system differences ** ** (non-image pages) ** ** Max pel width for bi-level images ** ** 2.4.3 SCSI Device Drivers and CONFIG.SYS ** ** 2.4.4 Simplified Chinese Restriction ** ** 2.5 Planning and Installation Guide ** ** (VisualInfo - OS/2) ** ** 2.5.1 Prerequisites ** ** 2.5.2 Removing earlier versions of ** ** VisualInfo ** ** 2.5.3 Installing non-cache components ** ** 2.5.4 Enabling CID installation for non-cache ** ** components ** ** 2.5.5 Removing the non-cache components ** ** 2.5.6 Setting the LC_ALL environment variable ** ** in CONFIG.SYS ** ** 2.5.7 Setting the TZ environment variable ** ** in CONFIG.SYS ** ** 2.5.8 Previously disabled cache will be enabled ** ** 2.5.9 How to restore backed up components ** ** 2.5.10 VisualAge compiler CSD level pre-requisite ** ** 2.5.11 FFST/2 consideration ** ** 2.5.12 Cannot find frnoinst.ini error ** ** 2.5.13 EPFIE211 error ** ** 2.5.14 FaxRouter ** ** 2.5.15 Cannot start database manager error during ** ** Library or Object Server installation ** ** (VisualInfo - OS/2 and Windows) ** ** 2.5.16 Creating network tables for OS/2 clients ** ** and modifying those tables for use with ** ** Windows servers ** ** 2.6 Client for Windows User's Guide ** ** (Digital Library and VisualInfo) ** ** 2.6.1 Viewer failed to initialize message ** ** 3.0 Misc. Information ** ** 3.1 Common to both Digital Library and VisualInfo ** ** 3.1.1 Inaccurate info displayed if attempting ** ** to start another instance of Library ** ** or Object Server ** ** 3.1.2 Maintaining FRNDIAG.LOG - IR37710 ** ** 3.1.3 Purger dies - IR39026 ** ** (Object Server - AIX & Windows) ** ** 3.1.4 Large Object Support (AIX & Windows NT) ** ** 3.1.5 System Administration - resource usage ** ** (Windows NT) ** ** 3.1.6 Library or Object Servers - SQL errors ** ** 3.2 Specific to Digital Library ** ** 3.2.1 System Administration Accelerator Keys ** ** in Russian ** ** 3.2.2 Media Server Support with NT Oracle Object ** ** Server ** ** 3.3 Specific to VisualInfo ** ** 3.3.1 Deleted FRNOUT.MSG during uninstall of ** ** VI Fax Background Processor or Client ** ** Application - potential runtime error ** ** 3.3.2 AIX HACMP ** ** 4.0 APAR Fixes Rollup with Descriptions ** ** 4.1 New APARS included in this Release ** ** 4.2 Previous APARS included in this Release ** ** ** ******************************************************************* 1.0 Install/Uninstall Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Common to both Digital Library and VisualInfo --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.1 Windows Install - Preserving shortcuts If you are running either Digital Library version 2.0 (or higher) or VisualInfo version 2.3 (or higher), do not remove the existing version of the product when you install version 2.4. Removing the existing version of the product also removes the shortcuts that are associated with DL/VI. These shortcuts are not recreated during installation of version 2.4 of DL/VI. For example, suppose you are using VisualInfo version 2.3. You want to upgrade from VisualInfo 2.3 to VisualInfo 2.4, but you also want to use your VisualInfo 2.3 databases with VisualInfo 2.4. In order to preserve your database shortcuts, install VisualInfo 2.4 on top of the existing version of the product. If you remove VisualInfo 2.3, you will also remove all of your database shortcuts; these shortcuts will not be recreated when you install VisualInfo 2.4. --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.2 Removing Digital Library/VisualInfo - AIX To remove either the Digital Library or VisualInfo program on AIX: 1. Log in as root 2. Change to the /usr/lpp/frn/bin directory. 3. From there, run the following: ./frnxuninst.sh 4. Follow the instructions given by the GUI removal procedure. NOTE: Using the frnxsetup.sh script on the CDROM to remove the product will not remove the installation package. To remove the installation package manually: 1. Log in as root 2. Issue the following command: installp -u '-V2' frn.aixinst --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.3 Removing Digital Library/VisualInfo - Windows The uninstall program for Digital Library or VisualInfo removes most of the files, directories, startup shortcuts, and Windows NT registry/environment variables pertaining to the product. However, the uninstall program does not remove user data (such as DB2 databases and intermediate files generated during runtime). In some re-installation scenarios, some of the startup shortcuts, files, directories, and environment variables in the Windows NT registry may not be removed. To completely remove Digital Library or VisualInfo from your Windows workstation, you may have to do one or more of the following: - delete the main product subdirectory, destaging, and staging areas (the default subdirectory names are FRNROOT, LBOSDATA, and STAGING, respectively). Digital Library users may also have to delete the Image Search subdirectory (default name is FRNISS). - delete any DL/VI environment variables. DL/VI environment variables start with the letters 'FRN'. Digital Library users may also have to delete text search environment variables which start with 'IML'. - Use the DB2 (or Oracle) command to drop the DL/VI databases (Beware: the database data is permanently lost after the database is dropped) - delete the DL/VI folder from the main Program (or Startup) folder --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.4 AIX Install - Russian only For the Russian locale only, when the AIX TaskGuide install program starts, a window titled "AIX IM" appears in the desktop. This window is the JDK input method window and is not part of the install program; you can ignore this window. --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1.5 Windows 98 Install - Client viewer (Note: this section only applies to Windows 98; Windows 95/NT systems do not need this modification.) After the client application is installed, open a command prompt and change to the Windows root directory (C:\Windows, for example). Copy the file "frnwview.new" over the file "frnwview.ini" (save the existing frnwview.ini file if you need the original file). You need to copy this file in order to support the following functions of the client application: - proper printing of DBCS and BiDi Notes and Index information - proper handling (display, print) of non-English text documents - proper handling (display, print) of MODCA documents - forms overlay capability - viewer support for IOCA and GIF file formats -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 Specific to VisualInfo --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.1 Windows NT Install - Installing VisualInfo version 2.4 on a VisualInfo 2.3.0 system After running the installation program, you will need to make a couple of slight modifications to the Windows shortcuts for the library and object servers. To update the Library Server shortcuts: 1. Right-click on the Windows "Start" button and select "Open All Users". The "Start Menu" window will appear. 2. Double-click on the "Programs" icon 3. Double-click on the "VisualInfo for Windows" icon; this icon will be in the "Programs" window. 4. Right-click on the "Library Server" icon 5. Select the "Shortcut" tab from the Library Server Properties menu. The shortcut will read: [INSTALL ROOT]\frnnstls.bat [library server name] [configuration file name] You will need to append the following information to the shortcut: VI -l [JDK Locale] [ORACLE SID] where the JDK locale is the language locale. For example, if your locale is US English, you would append "VI -l en US" to the end of the shortcut. Only Oracle Servers need to include the SID. Note that there is no underscore in the JDK locale, there is a blank instead! 6. After you have finished updating the shortcut, click on the "OK" button to save the updated shortcut. To update the Object Server shortcuts: 1. Right-click on the Windows "Start" button and select "Open All Users". The "Start Menu" window will appear. 2. Double-click on the "Programs" icon 3. Double-click on the "VisualInfo for Windows" icon; this icon will be in the "Programs" window. 4. Right-click on the "Object Server" icon 5. Select the "Shortcut" tab from the Object Server Properties menu. The shortcut will read: [INSTALL ROOT]\frnnstos.bat [object server name] [configuration file name] You will need to append the following information to the shortcut: VI -l [JDK Locale] [ORACLE SID] where the JDK locale is the language locale. For example, if your locale is US English, you would append "VI -l en US" to the end of the shortcut. Only Oracle Servers need to include the SID. Note that there is no underscore in the JDK locale, there is a blank instead! 6. After you have finished updating the shortcut, click on the "OK" button to save the updated shortcut. The following table lists the JDK locales for each country: Country Code JDK Locales ============ =========== ENU "en US" DAN "en US" DEU "de DE" ESP "es ES" FIN "en US" FRA "fr FR" ITA "it IT" NLD "en US" NOR "en US" JPN "ja JP" KOR "ko KO" CHS "zh CN" CHT "zh TW" PTB "pt BR" SVE "en US" ARA "ar AA" RUS "ru RU" HEB "en US" Others "en US" ******************************************************************* 2.0 Changes/Additions to Published Information -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Image Search User's Guide and Reference (Digital Library - AIX and Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.1 Catalog Image Pixel Size Part 1: Getting Started Chapter 2: Searching Images by Content Subtitle: How Image Search Applications Work Page number: 15 ("Current Restriction") The formula for cataloging images only applies to an image with a pixel size greater than 12 x 9. The Image Search Server will return an error when the pixel size of an image is less than or equal to 12 x 9. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.2 Image Search Server Applet Configuration Part 1: Getting Started Chapter 3: Configuring the Image Search Client Subtitle: Configuring System Administration Page number: 29 ("Important") In the first step of the process describing how to run the Image Search Server System Administration as an applet, the HTML file to be edited is named "frnjsa.htm". This file name is incorrect; the file should be named "saplugindl.html". -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 Application Programming Reference (Digital Library - AIX and Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.1 DKMatchesTextItemTS - Java Part 7: Java Application Programming Interfaces Chapter 18: Data access classes Subtitle: DKMatchesTextItemTS Page numbers: 1254-1255 The DKMatchesTextItemTS class has the following additional methods; these methods should be added after the setLength method on page 1255. Please refer to the Java samples in the samples directory for additional information. numberOfMatches int numberOfMatches(); Get the number of matches in a text item. getMatchIndex int getMatchIndex(); Get the match index that is currently set. setMatchIndex void setMatchIndex(int index); Set the match index. You would set the index to 1 to get the first match, 2 for the second match, and so on, up to the number of matches in the text item. At that point, you can call the getOffset & getLength methods to get the match offset and match length for that index. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.2 DKMatchesTextItemTS - C++ Part 8: C++ Application Programming Interfaces Chapter 26: Data access classes Subtitle: DKMatchesTextItemTS Page numbers: 1396-1397 The DKMatchesTextItemTS class has the following additional methods; these methods should be added after the setLength method on page 1397. Please refer to the C++ samples in the samples directory for additional information. numberofMatches long numberOfMatches(); Get the number of matches in a text item. getMatchIndex long getMatchIndex(); Get the match index that is currently set. setMatchIndex void setMatchIndex(long index); Set the match index. You would set the index to 1 to get the first match, 2 for the second match, and so on, up to the number of matches in the text item. At that point, you can call the getOffset & getLength methods to get the match offset and match length for that index. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.3 DXMatchesTextItemTS - Active/X Part 10: Active/X (OLE) Programming Interfaces Chapter 39: Data access classes Subtitle: DXMatchesTextItemTS Page numbers: 1557-1558 The DXMatchesTextItemTS class has the following additional methods; these methods should be added after the setLength method on page 1558. numberofMatches long numberOfMatches(); Get the number of matches in a text item. getMatchIndex long getMatchIndex(); Get the match index that is currently set. setMatchIndex void setMatchIndex(long index); Set the match index. You would set the index to 1 to get the first match, 2 for the second match, and so on, up to the number of matches in the text item. At that point, you can call the getOffset & getLength methods to get the match offset and match length for that index. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3 System Administration Guide --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3.1 Common to both Digital Library and VisualInfo Find function for list boxes Each dialog box that contains a list box (for example, a User Group box) also contains a find function. This function allows you to query the list. Underneath the list box is a text input field. Use this field to type in the word you want to search for. The search is performed in this order: - If you enter 'abc' as the search criteria, the search engine will first try to find an exact match - If no exact match exists, the search engine will then search for a word that begins with the text string 'abc' - If no matches are found, then the search engine will search for a word that contains the text 'abc'. If a match is found, that item will be selected in the list box. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3.2 Specific to Digital Library (Windows) Running the System Administration from a web browser Part 3: Running and maintaining your system Chapter 7: System setup and system maintenance Subtitle: Running the system administration program from a web browser Page numbers: 52-53 The sample HTML file (saplugindl.html) will need to be modified in order to administer the Image Search and Text Search Servers. If you are going to run the System Administration Client from a Netscape browser, then make the following changes: 1. Scroll through the HTML until you come to the tag. For administering the Text Search Server, you need to add the file "lib\frnntmcl.jar" to the list of jar files in the "java_ARCHIVE" parameter of the tag. For administering the Image Search Server, you must add the files "saclasses\frnnqbicsa.jar" and "lib\dksdk.jar" to the list of jar files. 2. In the same embed tag, you must add the line "textsearch=true" after the port number definition (this is for Text Search Administration only). 3. Also add the following lines for Image Search Administration. qbic = "true" qbicServerAlias = "YOUR QBIC SERVER ALIAS" qbicServerHostname = "HOSTNAME WHERE YOUR QBIC SERVER IS RUNNING" qbicServerPortNumber = 6012 qbicLibraryServer = "NAME OF YOUR LIBRARY SERVER" qbicGatewayHostname = "HOSTNAME WHERE IMAGE SEARCH GATEWAY IS RUNNING" qbicGatewayPort = "1920" If you will run the System Administration Client from an Internet Explorer browser, then make the following changes: 1. Scroll through the HTML until you come to the tag. For administering the Text Search Server, you need to add the file "lib\frnntmcl.jar" to the list of jar files in the ARCHIVE VALUE parameter. For administering the Image Search Server, you must add the files "saclasses\frnnqbicsa.jar" and "lib\dksdk.jar" to the list of jar files. 2. To administer the Text Search Server, add the following to your list of parameters in the same tag: 3. To administer the Image Search Server, add the following to your list of parameters in the same tag: System Administration Administrators and Web Administrators must do the following to manage the Image Search Server using the System Administration applet: 1. Run %frnroot%\regist.bat at the web server. Ensure that %frnroot%\lib\dksdk.jar is in your classpath. Refer to %frnroot%\samples\java\README_JAVA_NT.TXT for more information about regist.bat. 2. Increase the Java heap size in your browser: a. Start the Java Plug-in Control Panel from the Start Menu. b. Enter "-ms32m -mx32m" at the Java Run Time Parameters input field. c. Click "Apply". Windows NT Object Server with Media Feature When using the Media Feature, the database must be created under Digital Library version 2.4 or higher. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3.3 Specific to VisualInfo (Windows) Removing shortcuts after installing VisualInfo version 2.4 If you have the VisualInfo version 2.3 copy of System Administration installed and you choose to install version 2.4 of the System Administration program, the following shortcuts will no longer work and should be removed: - the shortcut named "System Administration" under VisualInfo; this shortcut points to the file frnwsa.exe - the shortcut named "Database Utilities" under the VisualInfo/Utilities folder; this shortcut points to the file frnnsaut.exe - the shortcut named "Active Registration Tool" under the VisualInfo/Utilities folder; this shortcut points to the file artreg.exe -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4 Client for OS/2 User's Guide (VisualInfo - OS/2) --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4.1 Image Services Environment Variables The following environment variables can be used to control aspects of image compression and display: SIM_JPEG_COMP_TYPE - Default JPEG Compression The default JPEG compression type used during scan can be set using the following system environment variable in CONFIG.SYS: SET SIM_JPEG_COMP_TYPE=xx where xx can be: C0 for Huffman Baseline DCT C9 for Arithmetic Extended Sequential DCT CA for Arithmetic Progressive DCT FIWTCOURIERHEIGHT - Default Courier font height The default Courier font height for displaying text can be set using the following system environment variable in CONFIG.SYS: SET FIWTCOURIERHEIGHT=318 where 318 indicates the height in twips (1/1440 inch or 1/20 point). The default (no environment variable) is 318 and the minimum is 119. FIWTDBCSFONT - Default double-byte character set (DBCS) font The default DBCS vector font used for rendering text can be set using the following system environment variable in CONFIG.SYS: SET FIWTDBCSFONT=fontname where fontname indicates the name of the desired DBCS vector font. The font name is case-sensitive and must be specified exactly as it is registered with OS/2 (including imbedded spaces). An example of a valid font setting is: SET FIWTDBCSFONT=IBM Kai --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4.2 Known Display Problems The following subsections describe known display problems. Highlighting color and grayscale documents When you are highlighting a displayed page within the VisualInfo client, if the document is color or grayscale, the highlight may be difficult to see. If the portion of the image underneath the highlight is dark, you may not be able to see any of the highlight. Because the colors for highlighting were chosen for their transparency, they work best with high- contrast images like black and white. Client operating system differences (non-image pages) The displayed and printed presentation of the VisualInfo client for non-image content class documents (for example, word processing and spreadsheet) may differ from one operating system to another. These differences range from line lengths to how columnar, tabular, and embedded data are presented. Because of these differences, line and page breaks may occur at different locations within the same document, depending on the operating system used to create them. Also, the presentation and printing may differ from that performed by the native executable program (for example, a word processor or spreadsheet program) for that content class. A major consequence of this is that annotations made using a VisualInfo client on one operating system may not appear in the same logical position when displayed on a different operating system for these non-image documents. Annotation position is based on the displayed page and the offset from the upper left corner of the displayed image. If the non-image document has differences in the pages or in the information within the page, any annotation (highlight or note) will not appear in the same logical location. Thus, highlighting a paragraph of text in one operating system does not ensure that it will be displayed correctly when viewed using a different operating system client. Max pel width for bi-level images Image Services can decompress bi-level images (G4, G3, ABIC, MMR, TIFF2) that have a maximum pel width of 13983. For example, Image Services returns an error displaying a TIFF document that contains an A0 page at 300 dpi. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4.3 SCSI Device Drivers and CONFIG.SYS Specifying SCSI Device Drivers in your CONFIG.SYS file If you use a scanner or printer that connects to your system using an IBM SCSI or other adapter, you must specify the device driver in your CONFIG.SYS file, using BASEDEV= and DEVICE= statements. Verify that the CONFIG.SYS file contains the required BASEDEV= statements: For a PS/2 SCSI adapter and built-in SCSI: BASEDEV=IBM2SCSI.ADD For an IBM 16-bit Fast SCSI adapter: BASEDEV=FD16-700.ADD For any SCSI adapter: BASEDEV=OS2SCSI.DMD Add DEVICE= statements for the device drivers of all devices you want to use from your computer. These statements take the following form: DEVICE=\ where is the drive and path where you installed the device drivers and is the name of the driver. The VisualInfo-installed device drivers are located in the \DLL subdirectory where you installed the Image Services component. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4.4 Simplified Chinese Restriction The Simplified Chinese version of the Client for OS/2 does not support the note log or note annotations (also called sticky notes) if OS/2 is using code page 1381 ("GB" code page). -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5 Planning and Installation Guide (VisualInfo - OS/2) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.1 Prerequisites This release (UR02400) may be used to update VisualInfo UR02300, UR02301, UR02310 and UR02311. This release will not update any other versions of VisualInfo. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.2 Removing earlier versions of VisualInfo You must remove VisualInfo 2.2, 2.2.1 or 2.1 before you can install version 2.4 of VisualInfo. To remove a previous version of the program, you must run the install.exe file from the original installation media. For example, if you installed VisualInfo 2.2.1: 1. Insert the VisualInfo 2.2.1 Software CDROM in your CDROM drive 2. Run X:\frnos2\install.exe where X is the CDROM drive NOTE: For VI 2.3-2.4 you must run frnos2\XXX\install.exe where XXX is the language code. 3. Select "View" from the menu bar 4. Select "Installed products" from the pull down menu 5. Select the VisualInfo component you want to uninstall 6. Press the "Delete" key. If you cannot remove VisualInfo because some files are in use, abort the removal process, reboot, and retry the removal process making sure not to start any VisualInfo routines. If you previously installed the "VisualInfo Installation Program" from Selectable Components, you will have a VisualInfo Installation Program Folder on your desktop. Do not use this program to remove VisualInfo. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5.3 Installing non-cache components Follow these steps to install the library client without cache and the client application without cache: 1. Follow the instructions in the Planning and Installation