NOTE: AS SOON AS A REFRESH OF THE DIGITAL LIBRARY PRODUCT OCCURS, WE WILL WITHDRAW THESE MODULE CHANGES AS THEY WILL BE INCORPORATED IN THE PRODUCT REFRESH. Module Changes for Digital Library V2 (10/08/97) to enable running with Digital Library Collection Treasury Version 1.1. I. SET OF ENHANCEMENTS ______________________________ Platform Module Overview ________ _________ _________________ AIX dtwsysshr.o - Enables display of metadata cldldpb - Net.Data Performance Enhancements NT cldldpb.exe - Net.Data Performance Enhancements Service Summary _______________ IMPORTANT: All updates from this service delivery, i.e., all service packs for all platforms, are required. II. SERVICE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS _____________________________________ APPLYING SERVICE ON AIX _______________________ For AIX: this consists of 2 files 1) dtwsysshr.o 2) cldldpb To install, perform the following actions: For dtwsysshr.o: 1) Download the dtwsysshr.o file in binary mode to the AIX machine where you have installed DL V2 (10/08/97). 2) Ensure that no DL components are running. 3) Make a backup of the following file: /usr/lpp/internet/db2www/lib/dtwsysshr.o 4) Change user to root. 5) Copy dtwsysshr.o to /usr/lpp/internet/db2www/lib directory. For cldldpb: 1) Download the cldlbpb file in binary mode to the AIX machine where you have installed DL V2 (10.08/97). 2) Ensure that no DL components are running. 3) Make a backup of the following file: /usr/lpp/internet/db2www/db2.v2/clcldpb 4) Change user to root. 5) Copy cldldpb /usr/lpp/internet/db2www/db2.v2 directory. APPLYING SERVICE ON NT _______________________ For NT, this conists of 1 file: 1) cldldpb.exe To install, perform the following actions: For cldldpb.exe: 1) Download the cldldpb.exe file to the NT machine where you have installed DL. 2) Ensure that no DL components are running. 3) Make a backup of the following file in the db2www\connect directory: cldldpb.exe 4) Copy cldldpb.exe to the db2www\connect directory.