IBM(R) Everyplace(R) Client Version 4.3.0 Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4 for Palm OS devices

Last updated April 14, 2004

This document contains information for IBM Everyplace Client Version 4.3.0 Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4 for Palm OS devices. This interim fix provides support for the following devices: Tungsten W, Tungsten C, and Treo 600.


This Readme contains the following information:

What's included in Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4

Refer to the following list for the most recently updated APARS for this interim fix.


Refer to the following sections for an overview of the fixes from the previous release that are included in the Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4:


E-mail and PIM application fixes

This interim fix is a cumulative release and includes the following list of APARS from the previous release:

Sametime Connect application fixes

This interim fix is a cumulative release and includes the following list of APARS from the previous release:


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Prerequisites and corequisites

PC requirements

Device requirements

Device corequisites

Server requirements

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Installing Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4

There are two methods available to install Everyplace Client Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4. You can install the full Everyplace Client application on a Palm device that does not currently have Everyplace Client installed, or you can distribute just the fix pack to Palm OS devices that are already running Everyplace Client Version 4.3.0 or Everyplace Client Version 4.3.0 with Fix Pack 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 applied. Use the to install the full Everyplace Client application on a device that does not currently have Everyplace Client installed. Use the to distribute Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4 to Palm OS devices with Everyplace Client Version 4.3.0 and higher installed.

Pick one of the following installation methods:

Install IBM Everyplace Client Version 4.3.0 Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4 using the install program: Full installation

An install program is included with You cannot use the install program to install Everyplace Client Version 4.3.0 Fix Pack on a Palm OS device that is already running Everyplace Client. If the device is already running Everyplace Client, you must remove it first. If you do not want to remove the current installation, and it is version 4.3.0, you can use the new Express Client Update application to distribute the fix pack to the device. The Express Client Update application is included in WebSphere Everyplace Access server Fix Pack 5. For more information, read Distribute IBM Everyplace Client Version 4.3.0 Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4 using Express Client Update: Update below.

The following files are included in

File Description
Treo 600 This folder includes the installation files for Palm Treo 600 devices.
Tungsten C This folder includes the installation files for Palm Tungsten C devices.
Tungsten W This folder includes the installation files for Palm Tungsten W devices.


If Everyplace Client is installed on your desktop and on your Palm OS device, you must remove it. When uninstalling Everyplace Client from the desktop, you must use the same version of the program you used to install Everyplace Client on the desktop. For example, if you installed Everyplace Client on your desktop using the Palm OS 3.5 installer, then you must use the Palm OS 3.5 installer to remove Everyplace Client from your desktop. After you remove Everyplace Client from your desktop, remove Everyplace Client from your device. To remove Everyplace Client, refer uninstalling section in Everyplace Client Information Center .

Note: If a user installs WEA 4.3 Palm Client Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4 to the same machine where WEA 4.3 Palm Client Fix Pack 5 has been already installed, WEA 4.3 Palm Client Fix Pack 5 is neither uninstalled nor overridden automatically. The user can uninstall WEA 4.3 Palm Client Fix Pack 5 by using the WEA Palm Client Fix Pack 5 Installer or selecting the Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.

Note: Before installing the fix pack, confirm the language preset value on the Palm device. Do the following:

  1. Tap Preference on Home.
  2. Tap Formats.
  3. Confirm the language preset value:
Language Preset value
en United States, Canada, United Kingdom
fr France
it Italy
de Germany
es Spanish
pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese
ja Japan


Installing Everyplace Client Version 4.3.0 Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix:

Only install Everyplace Client on the device's main memory. Installing Everyplace Client to other locations, such as a memory card, is not currently supported.


  1. Unzip to a temporary file on the PC that connects to the Palm device, such as C:\temp\palmos.
  2. Verify the Palm OS device is properly connected to the host PC and that Palm Desktop is running.

Note: If you have not HotSynced the device with the desktop or created a HotSync Desktop User Profile on your desktop for the device, you must create a HotSync Desktop User Profile on the desktop before you can continue.

  1. Navigate to the appropriate folder for your Palm OS device. For example, if you have a Treo 600 device, navigate to the Treo 600 folder.
  2. Double-click Setup.exe to start the install program.
  3. Select the language that you want to install.
  4. On the Welcome to the InstallShield panel, click Next to continue.
  5. Click Yes if you accept the terms of the Software License Agreement. If you click No the installation will terminate.
  6. Select the Palm Desktop User that matches the device you want to install.
  7. On the Destination panel, specify where you want to install the files. To change the default install location, select Browse and select the appropriate location. Select Next.
  8. On the Components panel, select the components you want to install and select Next. The available components include:

    Note: This component is only available for Tungsten C.

  9. On the Start Copying Files panel, click Next to continue.
  10. On the InstallShield Wizard Complete panel, click Finish.

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Distribute IBM Everyplace Client Version 4.3.0 Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4 using Express Client Update: Update

Use the Express Client Update application that was included with WebSphere Everyplace Access Version 4.3.0 Fix Pak 5 (, to install Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4 on devices that are already running Everyplace Client Version 4.3.0, or Everyplace Client Version 4.3.0 with Fix Pack 3 or Fix Pack 5 applied. To use the Client Software Express Update application, you will need the Everyplace Client files included in

The following files are included in

File Description Package used to update the Everyplace Client base. It includes fix pack updates for e-mail, PIM, and IBM Device Agent Package used to update the Sametime Connect application. is a prerequisite. This package includes fix pack updates for DB2 Everyplace (IBM Database Sync) samples. is a prerequisite. This package includes the fix pack updates for DB2 Everyplace (IBM Database Sync). is a prerequisite.


Note: Before installing the fix pack, confirm the language preset value on the Palm device. Do the following:

  1. Tap Preference on Home.
  2. Tap Formats.
  3. Confirm the language preset value:
Language Preset value
en United States, Canada, United Kingdom
fr France
it Italy
de Germany
es Spanish
pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese
ja Japan


To apply Everyplace Client Fix Pack 5 Interim Fix 4 using the Express Client Update application:

  1. Unzip to a temporary directory on the WebSphere Everyplace Access server or a mapped network drive, such as C:\temp\wea4305_clients\palmos_update.
  2. Open a Web browser and browse to the WebSphere Everyplace Access portal.
  3. Log in as an administrator.
  4. From WEA Home, click the Administration tab.
  5. Create a group that contains only the Tungsten C, Tungsten W, and Treo 600 devices.
  6. Click configure on the Express Client Update portlet.
  7. Verify the host name of the WebSphere Everyplace Access application server is entered correctly. You should enter the fully-qualified host name.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Upload the Everyplace Client base package.
    1. Click Browse to find the Everyplace Client base update package,
    2. Click Continue.
    3. On the next page, select the group that contains the Tungsten C, Tungsten W, and Treo 600 devices so that only those devices receive this update.
    4. Select Both.
    5. Click Install.
  10. Upload the Sametime Connect package.
    1. Click Browse to find the Everyplace Client Sametime Connect application update package,
    2. Click Continue.
    3. On the next page, select the group or groups that should receive this update.
    4. Select Both.
    5. Click Install.
  11. Upload the DB2 Everyplace update package.
    1. Click Browse to find the DB2 Everyplace database synchronization application update package,
    2. Click Continue.
    3. On the next page, select the group or groups that should receive this update.
    4. Select Both.
    5. Click Install.
  12. Upload the DB2 Everyplace samples.
    1. Click Browse to find the DB2 Everyplace database synchronization samples update package,
    2. Click Continue.
    3. On the next page, select the group or groups that should receive this update.
    4. Select Both.
    5. Click Install.
  13. The Express Client Update application automatically generates the Device Manager job needed to distribute the update files.

To complete the installation on the device:

  1. Perform software reset.
  2. Start the IBM Device Agent on the Palm OS device.
  3. Verify the server and user information is configured.
  4. Tap Connect and follow the instructions on the screen.

Tip for installing Everyplace Client on Palm

Use default database name fields: The PIM Servlet field in the e-mail and PIM application configuration panel is filled with the following default names. These names are valid for WebSphere Everyplace Access server only. Modifying these defaults could cause synchronization to fail.

Field Default Value
PIM Servlet /ess/SyncML


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Configuring DateBk5

DateBk5 provides support for time zone information and daylight savings time.


Configuring your device to use DateBk5

To configure your device to use DateBk5, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Sync Profile settings panel.
  2. Tap Configure Calendar .
  3. On the Calendar Configuration panel, select DateBk5 from the drop-down menu.


  4. Tap OK.

Configuring the time zone on your device

To configure the time zone on your device, complete the following steps:

  1. Tap the dbSetup icon.
  2. Verify that the check box for World Timezones is selected.
  3. Tap Install Checked Items.
  4. Tap the DateBk5 icon.
  1. Tap Options->Preferences->Zones.
  2. Select the time zone you want to configure from the following options:

Note: Refer to the DateBk5 documentation for more detailed information about these settings.

  1. Select the time zone from the drop down list.
  2. Tap OK to save your time zone configurations.


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Enabling your device to synchronize with the server using VersaMail

If you want to synchronize your e-mail with the server, configure your device to use VersaMail by selecting VersaMail on the configuration panel. Then,

Configuring your device to use VersaMail

To configure your device to use VersaMail, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Sync Profile settings panel.
  2. Tap Configure Mail.
  3. On the Mail Configuration panel, select VersaMail from the drop-down menu.
  4. Specify your VersaMail account name and e-mail address.
  1. Tap OK.


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Working with invitations

This interim fix enables you to receive invitations, reschedule notifications, and cancellations through e-mail messages in your inbox. An organizer, the person who invites you to an event, sends an invitation, reschedule notification, or a cancellation as an e-mail attachment. The following sections describe how you can view the invitation attachment and respond to the attachment. The remaining sections in this readme refer to these attachments as invitation attachments, regardless of whether the attachment is an invitation, reschedule notification, or cancellation.

Note: The e-mail message you receive from the organizer does not necessarily identify an invitation attachment differently than any other attachment. Therefore, you cannot tell that an attachment is an invitation, reschedule notification, or cancellation until you open the attachment.


Viewing invitation attachments

Complete the following steps to view an invitation attachment:

  1. Tap the paperclip icon to open the invitation attachment.
  2. In the Attachments dialog box, select the name of the attachment with an .eci extension that you want to open.
  3. Tap View to open the attachment using the Invitation viewer and choose one of the options described in Responding to invitations. After you have finished reviewing the invitation attachment, tap Done.

Note: To save the attachment to your memory card (instead of storing the attachment locally on your device), tap Save To Card.

Responding to invitations

If the invitation attachment you opened is an invitation or reschedule notification, choose one of the following options:

The Everyplace Client adds the invitation information to the calendar on your device and deletes the e-mail message that contains the invitation from your inbox. The Everyplace Client also stores an e-mail message that indicates that you accept the invitation in your outbox. The next time you synchronize your mail, the server sends your e-mail message to the organizer.

The Everyplace Client deletes the e-mail message that contains the invitation from your inbox and stores an e-mail message that indicates that you decline the invitation in your outbox. If your invitation is a reschedule notification, the Everyplace Client also deletes any previous calendar events you accepted that are related to this reschedule notification. The next time you synchronize your mail, the server sends your e-mail message to the organizer.

The Everyplace Client closes the invitation attachment and does not complete any actions on the attachment. The invitation remains in the inbox until you respond to the invitation attachment or take any other actions on the e-mail message, such as deleting the message.

If the invitation attachment you opened is a cancellation, choose one of the following options:

The Everyplace Client removes the event from the calendar on your device and deletes the e-mail message that contains the invitation from your inbox.

The Everyplace Client closes the cancellation, but does not remove the event from the calendar on your device. The cancellation will remain in the inbox until you respond to the invitation attachment or take any other actions on the e-mail message, such as deleting the message.

Uninstalling invitation support

To uninstall the invitation handler, refer to the instructions for removing RamDiskA in the Everyplace Client 4.3 Information Center and replace RamDiskA with ECInvHndlr.

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Refer to the following list of limitations:

Deleting all of the calendar entries in DateBk5

  1. Tap Menu
  2. Tap Purge Items.
  3. Choose the appropriate day in On and Before field and check All in Delete from DateBook DB.
  4. Tap OK.
  5. On the Archive Flat Not Set panel, tap OK.
  6. On the Purge Report panel, tap OK.


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