Index for the Technical Reports and other documents related to TeamConnection Date last updated: 04-May-2000 NOTES: * The "File name" is the file name used in the directory "papers" in the ftp site. * The documents are ordered in REVERSE chronological order, in order to show the most recent documents first. *** QUICK INDEX *** TR Number Description --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29.3237 How to Migrate a Project From Microsoft Source Safe To VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3 29.3209 Migration from VisualAge TeamConnection Version 2 to VisualAge TeamConnection enterprise Server Version 3 29.3130 VisualAge TeamConnection integration to the Microsoft Source Code Control Application Programming Interface 29.3113 Migrating CMVC 2.3.1 to VisualAge TeamConnection V3 29.3099 VisualAge TeamConnection V3 Frequently Asked Questions: GUI and Line Command Clients for Unix, OS/2, and Windows 32-bit 29.3098 VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3: Simple build function in Unix 29.3096 Comparison between CMVC 2.3.1 and VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server 3 29.3094 VisualAge TeamConnection 3: how to do routine operating system tasks 29.3090 Evolution of a VisualAge TeamConnection family: Using the Web and Shadowing to Build and to Distribute 29.3088 Moving a VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3 Family 29.3076 Configuration and Administration of DB2 Universal Database V5 by users of VisualAge TeamConnection V3 29.3032 Making the most of VisualAge TeamConnection Version 2 user exits 29.2357 Evolution of a new VisualAge TeamConnection Family: Taking advantage of automation. Second in a series 29.2333 Evolution of a new TeamConnection Family, Common do's and don'ts. 29.2307 Data Driven TeamConnection user exits 29.2266 TeamConnection frequently asked questions: National Language Support (NLS) and Double-Byte Character Sets (DBCS) article Object Management with TeamConnection for OS/2: More Than a Source Code Library 29.2235 Using REXX Command Files with TeamConnection MVS Build Scripts for PL/I Programs 29.2231 TeamConnection Interoperability with MVS and SCLM 29.2196 Using REXX Command Files with TeamConnection MVS Build Scripts 29.2147 SCLM Guide to TeamConnection Terminology *** FULL DETAILS *** Title : How to Migrate a Project From Microsoft Source Safe To VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3 Number : 29.3237 Source : migss.lwp File name: migss.pdf, migss.exe Abstract : This technical report provides information and procedures for migrating source code from Microsoft Source Safe to VisualAge TeamConnection V3. The objective is to provide a guideline that will reduce errors and save time by avoiding common mistakes and procedural problems. The document describes how Source Safe projects and labels map to TeamConnection using the migration utility supplied with this technical report (migss.exe). This migration utility supports only the migration of projects and not the migration of labels. Title : Migration from VisualAge TeamConnection Version 2 to VisualAge TeamConnection enterprise Server Version 3 Number : 29.3209 Source : trtc2tc3.lwp File name: trtc2tc3.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) Abstract : This technical report provides a procedure and tools that aid in the migration of a VA TC V2 family to VA TC V3. The objective is to provide a structured process, to reduce errors and to save time by selecting only appropriate data for the migration. Title : VisualAge TeamConnection integration to the Microsoft Source Code Control Application Programming Interface Number : 29.3130 Source : trsccapi.html File name: trsccapi.html Auxiliary files: IDE-Simple.gif, IDE-Intg.gif Abstract : This technical report provides information about how to exploit the Source Code Control (SCC) API of VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server Version 3. This function allows users to store parts in TeamConnection from several Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), among them: Microsoft Visual Studio, Sybase PowerBuilder, Microfocus NetExpress, and IBM VisualAge Java. Title : Migrating CMVC 2.3.1 to VisualAge TeamConnection V3 Number : 29.3113 Source : trcm2tc3.lwp File name: trcm2tc3.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) and trtc3clt.lwp (in WordPro) Abstract : This technical report provides a procedure and tools that aid in the migration of a Configuration Management and Version Control (CMVC) Version 2.3.1 family to its successor product, VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server Version 3. The objective is to provide a structured process, to reduce errors and to save time by selecting only appropriate data for the migration. Title : VisualAge TeamConnection V3 Frequently Asked Questions: GUI and Line Command Clients for Unix, OS/2, and Windows 32-bit Number : 29.3099 Source : trtc3clt.script File name: trtc3clt.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) and trtc3clt.txt (in ASCII) Abstract : This technical report provides answers to frequently asked questions made by users of VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server Version 3 with respect to the client (GUI and line commands) for Unix, OS/2 and Windows 32-bit. It is intended for both people who use TeamConnection, and also for those who help TeamConnection users. Title : VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3: Simple build function in Unix Number : 29.3098 Source : trtcbldx.script File name: trtcbldx.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) and trtcbldx.txt (in ASCII) Abstract : This technical report describes how to use the build function of VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3 for developing a simple build scenario in Unix, showing every single step in detail. . The main objective is to fill the gap that exists in the existing documentation for the product and to provide in a single place some concrete steps and suggestions for using this function in a simple scenario. . Because this is a simple build scenario, only the main concepts will be described; advanced techniques will not be examined, such as performance issues. . The target audience for this technical report are build administrators and software developers who are familiar with VisualAge TeamConnection and with the process of building an application. Title : Comparison between CMVC 2.3.1 and VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server 3 Number : 29.3096 Source : trtc3-cm.script File name: trtc3-cm.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) and trtc3-cm.txt (in ASCII) Abstract : This technical report compares the functions of the latest version of CMVC 2.3.1 (Configuration Management and Version Control) and the latest version of its successor product, VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server Version 3. The objective is to provide to the CMVC user the relevant information about what is the same, what is different and what is new between CMVC and VisualAge TeamConnection. . This technical report provides the following appendixes: * Differences between TeamConnection 2 and TeamConnection 3. * Differences between CMVC95 and CMVC 2.3.1 and TeamConnection 3. Title : VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3: how to do routine operating system tasks Number : 29.3094 Source : trtc3oem.script File name: trtc3oem.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) and trtc3oem.txt (in ASCII) Abstract : This technical report contains a collection of hints and tips for VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server Version 3 users and family administrators that must cope with the heterogeneous operating systems environments supported by VisualAge TeamConnection. . This document focuses on several system-related tasks that are different across the diverse platforms available to developers using VisualAge TeamConnection. Some sample tasks are: . * How to configure the system files related to TeamConnection. * How to shutdown and reboot a workstation. * How to create a user ID. * How to query for the free space of a file system. * How to test the connectivity of the host. Title : Evolution of a VisualAge TeamConnection family: Using the Web and Shadowing to Build and to Distribute Number : 29.3090 Source : trwebbld.lwp File name: trwebbld.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) Abstract : The VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server Version 3.0 provides features that allow users to easily distribute their work products through a web page. Using VisualAge TeamConnection, code that is managed in a family can easily be built, packaged and shadowed to a directory so that a web page pointing to the shadow directory can alwyas provide access to the currently committed baseline of a product. This is the third in a series of technical reports reflecting the evolution of one VisualAge TeamConnection family. This report covers how to use the VisualAge TeamConnection build server, the shadowing facility and some of the special features in support of the Web that allow for a very efficient distribution mechanism using a web page interface. It expands on build concepts described in the first report in this series. Title : Moving a VisualAge TeamConnection Version 3 Family Number : 29.3088 Source : trmovedb.lwp File name: trmovedb.lwp (Lotus WordPro) and trmovedb.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) Abstract : This technical report provides information and procedures for moving a VisualAge TeamConnection V3 database. The objective is to provide a guideline that will reduce errors and save time by avoiding common mistakes and procedural problems. Title : Configuration and Administration of DB2 Universal Database V5 by users of VisualAge TeamConnection V3 Number : 29.3076 Source : trtc3db2.script File name: trtc3db2.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) and trtc3db2.txt (in ASCII) Abstract : VisualAge TeamConnection Enterprise Server Version 3 uses DB2 Universal Database V5 (DB2 UDB V5) to store objects and parts. . There is little information about the operational details for installing, configuring and maintaining DB2 UDB in the VisualAge TeamConnection manuals. The main objective of this technical report is to fill this gap. . This technical report provides a collection of hints and tips for the installation, configuration and maintenance of DB2 UDB V5 for the supported platforms of VA TC V3. Title : Making the most of VisualAge TeamConnection Version 2 user exits Number : 29.3032 Source : trtcusrx.lwp File name: trtcusrx.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) Abstract : This technical report provides guidance for family administrators developing VisualAge TeamConnection user exits in order to enhance their software configuration management (SCM) process. This document is organized by the types of problems that user exits solve, providing specific examples in a variety of programming languages. Title : Evolution of a new VisualAge TeamConnection Family: Taking advantage of automation. Second in a series Number : 29.2357 Source : trevolv2.lwp File name: trevol2.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) Abstract : VisualAge TeamConnection families evolve over time. As the family matures, things tend to change. All families can benefit from automation of tasks. This document, second in a series, continues to trace the growth of a typical VisualAge TeamConnection family and reflects on the impact of this automation. Title : Evolution of a new TeamConnection Family, Common do's and don'ts. Number : 29.2333 Source : trevolve.lwp File name: trevole.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) Abstract : TeamConnection families evolve over time. As the family matures, things tend to change. New TeamConnection family administrators tend to do many similar things right and wrong. This document traces the growth of a typical TeamConnection family and reflects on these choices. Title : Data Driven TeamConnection user exits Number : 29.2307 Source : trtcmuex.lwp File name: trtcmuex.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) Abstract : This technical report features a user exit program sample, mue (multiple user exits), that demonstrates the capabilities of a new TeamConnection concept: the Environment File. The mue program demonstrates how the environment file provides greater reliability and more direct access to data. Title : TeamConnection frequently asked questions: National Language Support (NLS) and Double-Byte Character Sets (DBCS) Number : 29.2266 Source : trtcfnls.script File name: tr292266.pdf (in Acrobat PDF) and tr292266.txt (in ASCII) Abstract : This technical report describes how to use TeamConnection in situations that require National Language Support (NLS) and Double-Byte Character Sets (DBCS). Several important related issues are described, such as the need for using the same code page among the clients and the server, and how to setup an AIX workstation to handle different locales. Title : Object Management with TeamConnection for OS/2: More Than a Source Code Library Number : n/a Source : objmgttc.txt File name: objmgttc.txt (in ASCII text) Abstract : This article provides an introduction to TeamConnection, with a concentration on how to manage objects in TeamConnection and the integration of tools to exploit those objects. Title : Using REXX Command Files with TeamConnection MVS Build Scripts for PL/I Programs Number : 29.2235 Source : plirexx2.script (master), trtcpli.script (imbed) File name: (in PostScript) and tr292235.txt (in ASCII) Abstract : This technical report introduces the concepts of using REXX command files for use with TeamConnection MVS build scripts, to be exploited by PL/I programs. This includes among other topics, returning messages to TeamConnection when there is a problem, concatenating a program include library, changing compiler and linkage editor options. Title : TeamConnection Interoperability with MVS and SCLM Number : 29.2231 Source : tr292231.script File name: (in PostScript) and tr292231.txt (in ASCII) Abstract : This technical report describes techniques for interoperability between TeamConnection, MVS and SCLM for application development, such as running TeamConnection commands on a workstation from MVS and from an SCLM build, or running TeamConnection commands on MVS from a TeamConnection build. Title : Using REXX Command Files with TeamConnection MVS Build Scripts Number : 29.2196 Source : mvsrexx2.script (master), trtcrexx2.script (imbed) File name: (in PostScript) and tr292196.txt (in ASCII) Abstract : This technical report introduces the concepts of using REXX command files for use with TeamConnection MVS build scripts, This includes among other topics, returning messages to TeamConnection when there is a problem, concatenating a program include library, changing compiler and linkage editor options. Title : SCLM Guide to TeamConnection Terminology Number : 29.2147 Source : trsclmtc.script File name: (in PostScript) and tr292147.txt (in ASCII) Abstract : This technical report introduces the concepts of TeamConnection to the experienced IBM ISPF SCLM users. This report might be useful in migrating from SCLM to TeamConnection and exploring possible interfaces between these products. *** end of file ***