Syntax: fixcrlf [-r|+r] [-t|+t] [-z|+z] [-d|+d] [-f|+f] [-q] file... Description: +r - Adds carriage control characters before every line feed -r - Removes all carriage control characters +t - Converts spaces to tabs where it will conserve space -t - Converts tabs to spaces +z - Ensures that there is a trailing EOF (control Z) character. -z - Removes trailing EOF (control Z) characters. -d - Preserves file changed date. +d - Updates file changed date. -f - no force (i.e., convert only writable files) +f - Force (i.e., convert readonly files too) -q - Quiet (e.g., no warnings on file not found) Defaults: Intel: +r -t -z -d -f UNIX: -r +t -z -d -f Notes: - Wildcards are supported in file names - Do not run on binary files! - Carriage returns which do not preceed line feeds are discarded. - Trailing blanks are removed from lines. *** end of file ***