QUESTION How do I install the sample databases that come with VisualAge? ANSWER Before installing the sample database, make sure the IBM Database Feature is installed. To do this: -Select Install from the Smalltalk tools pull-down menu in the Transcript window. -Select IBM Database and IBM Database Samples from the list and select OK. -If using VisualAge for Windows, make sure the following statement is in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: SET DB2CODEPAGE=437 Next, be sure to activate a database manager. From the Transcript window, select Database from the Visual Tools pull-down menu. The Database Selection window is displayed: -From the Database Manager drop-down list, select the database manager you want to use. -If the particular database manager you are using requires a User Id, Password, and Server, enter the appropriate values. -If you want, you may enter a Preferred Database in the text entry field. The SQL Editor uses this as your default database. -Select the Connect push button. To install the ORDERENT sample database, execute AbtDatabaseSamples installDatabase in your transcript window. See the User's Guide and Reference for more information. For the multimedia database, execute AbtMultimediaSamplesApp installDatabase More information about this can be found in the online Multimedia Guide.