----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:20:50 on 96/12/02 GMT (by TMROSS at STLVM20) Subject: LE/370 questions ... Ref: Append at 18:36:07 on 96/11/27 GMT (by 75840348 at EHONE) I am going to try and answer the COBOL/LE migration questions with a single append, and then PLEASE DIRECT ALL COBOL MIGRATION QUESTIONS TO THE COBOL CFORUM! Please? 1) Will my applications with no date logic run after 1999? YES, there are no date dependencies in IBM Languages for applications that do not have any date logic. 2) Will my applications compiled with old compilers be supported by IBM service after 1999? Yes, if they are using supported versions of the run-time library routines. This means that programs compiled with NORES should be re-linked with Language Environment(LE), and RES programs just need to be using the LE Library instead of older run-time library routines. 3) Do I have to re-link to migrate from old COBOL run-time library to LE? Most likely not, but the only way to answer this is to look up your specific situation (compile options, current run-time library, mix of languages/assembler, etc) in the COBOL Compiler and Run-Time Migration Guide (GC26-4764-03). There are just too many combinations to give a blanket answer. When you know your particular situation then you can look up your short answer in GC26-4764-03. Tom Ross IBM COBOL Family Development ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:32:27 on 96/12/02 GMT (by ELDERON at STLVM20) Subject: LE/370 questions ... Ref: Append at 00:34:15 on 96/11/28 GMT (by AS103033 at ELINK) A prior append said: >Compilers: A year 2000 ready compiler has a 4-digit year date stamp >for things like the compiler listing and may provide built-in support >for a 4-digit year to the program. >In what way is PL/I 2.3 not Year 2000 Ready? >Andy Wood The MVS PL/I compiler does use a 4-digit year in things like the compiler listing. It does support the DATETIME built-in function which returns a 4-digit year. PL/I 2.3 also supports this function, but 2.3 doesn't support the LE datetime services which are useful in implementing a windowing solution to the year 2000 problem. Peter Elderon ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:39:57 on 96/12/02 GMT (by Y2KTSC2 at STLVM6) Subject: LE/370 questions ... Ref: Append at 00:34:15 on 96/11/28 GMT (by AS103033 at ELINK) The only information we have is that the PL/I for MVS & VM V1R1 product is Year 2000 Ready. We have no information on earlier compilers and the Year 2000. Please reference the PL/I migration documentation and/or contact PL/I support for additional information. Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 19:32:57 on 96/12/02 GMT (by IYORK at KGNVMC) Subject: LE/370 questions ... Ref: Append at 18:39:57 on 96/12/02 GMT (by Y2KTSC2 at STLVM6) 5668-909 5668-910 5668-911 OS/VS PL/I V2 R3 is in the planning guide as year 2000 ready now. Iris ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 22:45:29 on 96/12/02 GMT (by TMALLARD at STLVM27) Subject: Migration Guide for ANSI 68 old COBOL Application Ref: Append at 12:32:17 on 96/12/02 GMT (by 36602370 at EHONE) The list of migration guides in the subject appends did not include: GC26-4764 IBM COBOL for MVS and VM Compiler and Runtime Migration Guide It provides detailed help on migrating both OS/VS COBOL and VS COBOL II applications to MVS & VM COBOL. Terry ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:32:09 on 96/12/03 GMT (by GBCBHG00 at ELINK) Subject: LE/370 questions ... Ref: Append at 18:20:50 on 96/12/02 GMT (by TMROSS at STLVM20) Tom, Could I ask you to call me. I would like to pass your statement on to one of the Y2K user groups that I am involved in, and I would like to make sure I represent your statments with 100% accuracy. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Tel 0141-204 2737 SEMA Group Outsourcing Fax 0141-204 2523 1 Atlantic Quay Broomielaw, Glasgow G2-8JE Email: Peter.Gammage@mail.sema.co.uk ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:44:21 on 96/12/04 GMT (by V2BSI05 at RCHVMP2) Subject: (U) YEAR2000 Compliant; But Not CMS 13 Compliant In '95 we designed and developed a national application to be YEAR2000 compliant. We have just learned that the output from some CP and CMS commands may change with CMS 13. If you parse and use the output from any of these commands, changes may be required to run with CMS 13. Details follow: In Version 2 Release 2.0 of VM/ESA two new CP commands were added that allow you to SET/QUERY the DATEFORMAT for your virtual machine. The DATEFORMAT can be set to SHORTDATE, FULLDATE, ISODATE, or SYSDEFAULT (the initial setting will be SYSDEFAULT, which the system default will be SHORTDATE). We've also enhanced a number of commands to accept a date format option (i.e. RDRLIST, FILELIST, Q TIME, Q RDR ALL, etc). By specifying a date format option, the date that is being outputted will be in the format you specify. For example, you can now issue "LISTFILE * * A (DATE ISODATE" and you will now see the dates of the files as YYYY-MM-DD. If you don't specify the date format, it will default to your virtual machine setting. For example, I can issue "SET DATEFORMAT ISODATE" followed by "LISTFILE * * A (DATE" and I will get the same results as above. Specifying the date format option on the command overrides the virtual machine setting. CMS Commands ------------ RDRLIST FILELIST LISTFILE IDENTIFY (NOTE: FILELIST and RDRLIST will first look at the CMS DEFAULTS setting before it looks at the virtual machine setting.) CP Commands ----------- QUERY UCR QUERY CPLEVEL QUERY NLS QUERY NSS QUERY READER/PRINTER/PUNCH ALL QUERY TIME QUERY TRFILE This new virtual machine setting was introduced to help aid customers in detecting potential year 2000 problems. For example, I specifically changed my DATEFORMAT setting to something other than SHORTDATE to try to expose applications that deal with 2-digit year dates and that might have a potential problem when the the year 2000 rolls around. * R L Murray Ron ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:18:39 on 96/12/04 GMT (by 75818010 at EHONE) Subject:Information management I'd like to know which release of INFORMATION/MANAGEMENT is Year2000 compliant. Regards, Oliviero. ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:26:32 on 96/12/04 GMT (by GBCDVZ02 at ELINK) Subject: Information management Ref: Append at 15:18:39 on 96/12/04 GMT (by 75818010 at EHONE) According to "The Year 2000 and 2-digit dates", Version 6.2 is 2000 ready This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Frizzell Paul Beesley Technical Coordinator (MVS) 01202 292333 x3233 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 19:28:10 on 96/12/04 GMT (by IYORK at KGNVMC) Subject: Information management Ref: Append at 15:18:39 on 96/12/04 GMT (by 75818010 at EHONE) If you mean 5695-171 Info Management it's V6 R2. This is listed in the current edition of the Planning Guide. Iris ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 09:04:29 on 96/12/05 GMT (by SAITOT at TOKVMSDC) Subject: COBOL Date Function under LE I have some questions regarding to date function of COBOL application under LE. 1) Are Library routines of COBOL date function such as ACCEPT or CURRENT-DATE included in application load modules ? 2) If yes, RES or NORES compiler option is not effective for the date function ? 3) Or is the library routines dynamically loaded if RES option is specified ? 4) If a customer link-edit his COBOL application written by old COBOL compiler, such as OS/VS COBOL R1.1 or VS COBOL II R2.0, with LE, is the library routine of date function refreshed by LE library ? 5) If yes, the application can get the correct 2-digit year number. Right ? Takashi Saitoh, IBM Japan ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:08:12 on 96/12/05 GMT (by GBCADH00 at ELINK) Subject: General question on compilers and YR2000 Ref: Append at 05:01:56 on 96/11/20 GMT (by DJKRESN at CHGVMIC1) So to get IBM support I need to link object modules to use LE/370 run time support, and use LE/370 transient modules. OS/390 is bundled with LE/370, or at least part of it. Is this OS/390 level sufficient for the purpose or will I need the full LE/370 product? (Our environment is 99.9% PL/I) This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Nick Hands-Clarke (GBFPLNHC at IBMMAIL.COM) FPLO (+44-1306 740123 ext 3121) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 19:39:26 on 96/12/05 GMT (by UCH1002 at EHONE7) Subject: COBOL/VS & Year2000 We had a few people go to an IBM meeting on COBOL yesterday and they left with the idea that COBOL/VS will NOT run when the year 2000 comes. I find this hard to believe but you never know. I know that COBOL/VS will not support the Year2000 dates ect,but they think that IBM said that it would NOT run. So can any one say if this is true? Thanks John Wolf Univ.of Cincinnati Really a MVS Sysprog V 513-556-0009 internet id john.wolf@uc.edu Prodigy id VHPD69A ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 22:06:56 on 96/12/05 GMT (by FORTUNAT at GDLVM7) Subject: (U) YEAR2000 Compliant; But Not CMS 13 Compliant Ref: Append at 13:44:21 on 96/12/04 GMT (by V2BSI05 at RCHVMP2) I would like to clarify the referenced append. In addition to the virtual machine date format setting added in VM/ESA 2.2.0, there is a date format setting for the system. As mentioned in the referenced append, the initial setting of the virtual machine date format will be SYSDEFAULT, which takes the setting of the system date format. To maintain compatibility, the initial setting of the system date format is SHORTDATE. SHORTDATE can be thought of as the date format that existed for commands in VM/ESA 2.1.0 (i.e. RDRLIST - MM/DD, Q TIME - MM/DD/YY). Therefore, unless the user or system administrator explicitly changes the virtual machine or system date format setting, all applications issuing any of these commands that respect the virtual machine setting will execute as they do in VM/ESA 2.1.0. Once the user or system administrator changes the date format setting so that the virtual machine setting is FULLDATE or ISODATE, that is when potential problems could occur with applications. The problems are due to the output of these commands changing when FULLDATE or ISODATE is in effect and applications expecting the output to be in the format that is returned with SHORTDATE. To avoid these potential problems, it is advisable to specify the date format option or operand on the command, since this overrides the virtual machine setting. Since these date format options/operands are new for VM/ESA 2.2.0, a check will need to be made to make sure that VM/ESA 2.2.0 exists. Using the DMSQEFL CSL routine is the preferred method to check the level of both the CP and CMS components. Susan F. Timashenka VM/ESA CMS Development IBM Endicott ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 23:37:22 on 96/12/05 GMT (by AS103033 at ELINK) Subject: COBOL/VS & Year2000 Ref: Append at 19:39:26 on 96/12/05 GMT (by UCH1002 at EHONE7) >We had a few people go to an IBM meeting on COBOL yesterday and they >left with the idea that COBOL/VS will NOT run when the year 2000 >comes. I find this hard to believe but you never know. >I know that COBOL/VS will not support the Year2000 dates ect,but they >think that IBM said that it would NOT run. >So can any one say if this is true? Prior appends have given this a fair flogging. The bottom line seems to be that there is no reason it should not run, but if it doesn't you're on your own. Judging from what I've seen here, it probably IS true that they were near enough told it would not run. Andy Wood This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Westpac Banking Corp ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 00:06:38 on 96/12/06 GMT (by Y2KTSC at STLVM6) Subject: General question on compilers and YR2000 Ref: Append at 12:08:12 on 96/12/05 GMT (by GBCADH00 at ELINK) You might want to check the OS/390 documentation, but my understanding is that the part of LE included in OS/390 is the C language runtime and CEL (Common Execution Library) runtime portions. COBOL and PL/I runtimes aren't provided and must be included by getting the full LE product. Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 00:08:51 on 96/12/06 GMT (by Y2KTSC at STLVM6) Subject: COBOL Date Function under LE Ref: Append at 09:04:29 on 96/12/05 GMT (by SAITOT at TOKVMSDC) Questions about the internal structure of COBOL (i.e. what's going on under the covers) should be directed to the COBOL CFORUM. Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 07:01:59 on 96/12/06 GMT (by DEXDAK01 at ELINK) Subject: General question on compilers and YR2000 Ref: Append at 00:06:38 on 96/12/06 GMT (by Y2KTSC at STLVM6) >>You might want to check the OS/390 documentation, but my understanding >>is that the part of LE included in OS/390 is the C language runtime >>and CEL (Common Execution Library) runtime portions. COBOL and PL/I >>runtimes aren't provided and must be included by getting the full LE >>product. >> >>Year 2000 Technical Support Center Hi Y2KTSC, I read your above comment and was a little bit surprised, because I always thought that in OS/390 the full-function Language Environment was included (we are about to install OS/390 Release 2). So I take a look at the "Language Environment for OS/390 Customization" (SC28-1941-01) and I find the following on page XI (last paragraph in 'About This Book'): "Language Environment consists of the common execution library (CEL) and the run-time libraries for C/C++, COBOL, Fortran and PL/I." That sounds to me like "Language Environment integrated in OS/390 IS a full-function package". Could you please clarify your append??? Kind regards, Helmut Roebbelen This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Helmut Roebbelen, DAK Hamburg System Programmer (MVS, JES3 etc.) Phone : 0049 +40 2396-1920, Fax: 0049 +40 2396-2230 Internet: HROEBBELEN@AOL.COM ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 08:51:18 on 96/12/06 GMT (by DEDBF061 at ELINK) Subject: MVS Y2K Testing (from Append 76) Ref: Append at 03:20:59 on 96/12/02 GMT (by GBCADH00 at ELINK) If you wish to communicate between a 1996 system and a year 2000 system using NJE, you may have to modify the TIMETOL parameter in JES. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Dt Bank ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:34:13 on 96/12/06 GMT (by KERSHAW at KGNVMC) Subject: General question on compilers and YR2000 Ref: Append at 07:01:59 on 96/12/06 GMT (by DEXDAK01 at ELINK) >>You might want to check the OS/390 documentation, but my understanding >>is that the part of LE included in OS/390 is the C language runtime >>and CEL (Common Execution Library) runtime portions. COBOL and PL/I >>runtimes aren't provided and must be included by getting the full LE >>product. >> >>Year 2000 Technical Support Center All of LE is included as part of the OS/390 Base. LE has now become an exclusive element of OS/390. That means that all future updates for LE will only be available with OS/390 releases. The last stand alone orderable product for LE, is LE 1.5. Kershaw Mehta Language Environment ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:39:58 on 96/12/06 GMT (by 9WARLTK at CROVM4) ..... YEAR2000 CFORUM modified at 10:25:21 on 96/12/09 GMT (by 9WARLTK at CROVM4) Subject: The MOA Year 2000 COBOL questions My OS/VS COBOL program (compiled with OS/VS COBOL) says: ID DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. OSVS. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 DATE-8 PIC X(8). PROCEDURE DIVISION. CALL 'GETDATE8' USING DATE-8 DISPLAY 'DATE-8 = ' DATE-8 GOBACK. My COBOL for MVS and VM subprogram says: ID DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. GETDATE8. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. LINKAGE SECTION. 01 DATE-8 PIC X(8). PROCEDURE DIVISION USING DATE-8. MOVE FUNCTION CURRENT-DATE(1:8) TO DATE-8 GOBACK. I link and run under Language Environment. How's my long range support? Regards, Keith Warltier, Y2K & Redevelopment Practice, IBM UK 9WARLTK@CROVM4 or GBIBMTJ2@IBMMAIL or KEITH_WARLTIER@UK.IBM.COM ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:04:01 on 96/12/06 GMT (by Y2KTSC at STLVM6) Subject: General question on compilers and YR2000 Ref: Append at 15:34:13 on 96/12/06 GMT (by KERSHAW at KGNVMC) >All of LE is included as part of the OS/390 Base. LE has now become >an exclusive element of OS/390. That means that all future updates >for LE will only be available with OS/390 releases. Ooops! You are correct, I was thinking of the "C Language Feature" of MVS 5.2.2, which is (was) just the C and CEL parts. Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:26:46 on 96/12/07 GMT (by IYORK at KGNVMC) Subject: Old notes reappearing I don't know about anyone else but I just found a whole lot of old notes (some dating back to August) from this forum, sent to me like they were recent. Some of course were already answered. I was starting to answer some when I realized what was going on. Very confusing indeed. Just thought I'd warn others in case they're experiencing the same thing. Iris ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:34:31 on 96/12/08 GMT (by BROOKS at SJFEVMX) Subject: Old notes reappearing Ref: Append at 13:26:46 on 96/12/07 GMT (by IYORK at KGNVMC) I believe the cause is some new Toolsrun Resync code that is now running on the conference disk masters. I think this should be a one time occurrence. cheers... Russ BROOKS at SJFEVMX 8-276-0158 (rlbrooks@pobox.com) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 19:45:12 on 96/12/08 GMT (by Y2KTSC3 at STLVM6) Subject: Y2000 support for IBM product programs Ref: Append at 15:36:43 on 96/10/24 GMT (by 75804006 at EHONE) >Another question : >is Language Environment (5688-198) a true replacement for C/370 Library >(5688-188) and OS/VS PL/I (5668-911) ? ; in other word should I expect >any problem for IBM software which need, as pre-requisite, the C/370 and >PL/I run-time libraries ? This is an old question, but I wanted to make sure it got answered. LE is a true replacement for C, PL/I and COBOL. There may be some differences but once you have migrated to LE, you do not need the old run-time libraries. Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 19:46:58 on 96/12/08 GMT (by Y2KTSC3 at STLVM6) Subject: The MOA Year 2000 COBOL questions Ref: Append at 16:39:58 on 96/12/06 GMT (by 9WARLTK at CROVM4) >How's my long range support? The COBOL program that you entered will work on the current and any future release of COBOL for MVS & VM, VSE, OS/2, etc. Is that what you are asking? Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 19:52:47 on 96/12/08 GMT (by Y2KTSC3 at STLVM6) Subject: COBOL/VS & Year2000 Ref: Append at 19:39:26 on 96/12/05 GMT (by UCH1002 at EHONE7) >We had a few people go to an IBM meeting on COBOL yesterday and they >left with the idea that COBOL/VS will NOT run when the year 2000 >comes. I find this hard to believe but you never know. >I know that COBOL/VS will not support the Year2000 dates ect,but they >think that IBM said that it would NOT run. >So can any one say if this is true? When IBM says something will work, we mean it will work AND it will be supported. OS/VS COBOL programs will be supported on 1/1/2000 if they are running using library routines from a supported product, such as Language Environment for MVS & VM. There are no date dependencies in the language product compilers or run-time libraries that will have problems in Year2000. The only issues are service support, and how do you get 4-digit years or century window support. IBM may have said that the OS/VS COBOL run-time library will not run after 1999, but I think they probably meant that it will not be serviced or supported by IBM. Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 10:13:49 on 96/12/09 GMT (by 9WARLTK at CROVM4) Subject: The MOA Year 2000 COBOL questions Ref: Append at 19:46:58 on 96/12/08 GMT (by Y2KTSC3 at STLVM6) regarding append at 16:39:58 on 96/12/06 GMT (by 9WARLTK at CROVM4) >The COBOL program that you entered will work on the current and any >future release of COBOL for MVS & VM, VSE, OS/2, etc. Is that what >you are asking? >Year 2000 Technical Support Center No, that is not what I was asking. The net of my question is: If I CALL a COBOL for MVS and VM subprogram to make an OS/VS COBOL program (compiled with OS/VS COBOL) Year 2000 compliant and link and run under Language Environment, how's my long range support? Regards, Keith Warltier, Y2K & Redevelopment Practice, IBM UK 9WARLTK@CROVM4 or GBIBMTJ2@IBMMAIL or KEITH_WARLTIER@UK.IBM.COM ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:28:29 on 96/12/09 GMT (by UCH1002 at EHONE7) Subject: COBOL/VS & Year2000 Ref: Append at 23:37:22 on 96/12/05 GMT (by AS103033 at ELINK) >>Prior appends have given this a fair flogging. The bottom line seems to be that there is no reason it should not run, but if it doesn't you're on your own.<< Yes AFTER I posted that message I found the other posts. Just proves that I should look deeper into the forum. Thanks. John Wolf Univ.of Cincinnati Really a MVS Sysprog V 513-556-0009 internet id john.wolf@uc.edu Prodigy id VHPD69A ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 19:08:12 on 96/12/09 GMT (by Y2KTSC2 at STLVM6) Subject: Application Inventory tools Ref: Append at 21:36:51 on 96/08/27 GMT (by Y2KTSC at STLVM6) The EDGE Portfolio Analyzer contact has been changed from Kathy Benson to Tom Dunham (408)463-3432. The EDGE Portfolio Analyzer, product number 5633-009, aids in Year 2000 efforts by automating much of the analysis of your applications. It quickly scans load libraries for CSECT and module information and provides summary reports on all major IBM languages; COBOL, C/C++, Fortran, Assembler and PL/I. It provides information on each CSECT within each load module, such as: which compiler was used to produce the CSECT; which compiler options were used; which modules require relinking; which contain shared subroutines, etc. There are also summary reports which allow you to get an overall feeling of each application and allow for rough estimates on migration work. Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 03:30:02 on 96/12/10 GMT (by Y2KTSC3 at STLVM6) Subject: The MOA Year 2000 COBOL questions Ref: Append at 10:13:49 on 96/12/09 GMT (by 9WARLTK at CROVM4) >If I CALL a COBOL for MVS and VM subprogram to make an OS/VS COBOL >program (compiled with OS/VS COBOL) Year 2000 compliant and link >and run under Language Environment, how's my long range support? LE will support OS/VS COBOL programs, VS COBOL II programs, and COBOL for MVS & VM programs indefinitely. You have long range support. Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 08:46:30 on 96/12/10 GMT (by LIAWSM at SGPVM1) Please state if Repository Manager/MVS V1.2.3 (5665-461) and Data Dictionary V1.6.0 (5740-XXF) are Year 2000 ready? If not, which version will or IBM's plan for these products? Thanks. Soon Mee (IBM Singapore, Services) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:22:42 on 96/12/10 GMT (by IYORK at KGNVMC) Subject: Ref: Append at 08:46:30 on 96/12/10 GMT (by LIAWSM at SGPVM1) Both Rep.Mgr and Data Dictionary are compliant at those levels. Iris ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:27:02 on 96/12/11 GMT (by 86660693 at EHONE) Subject: Funding Year 2000 projects This is a general request for information to try to ascertain where organisations are sourcing the budgets for their Year 2000 projects. Is it coming from : - Outside IS - Inside IS * New development budgets * Operations budgets (eg. Maintenance, Support etc.) * Other Any customer experiences would be much appreciated. Thanks, Steve McMillan IBM UK Ltd ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:01:13 on 96/12/11 GMT (by M760595 at WMAVM1) Subject: DIAG Support IBM Documentation states that "Diagnose Codes with date Output" will be extended to provide 4-digit year information. When testing the following DIAG statement I continue to get an error message: Parse Value Diag(8,'QUERY RDR * SHORTDATE NOHOLD ALL') With Hdr . 'HCPCQF003E Invalid option - SHORTDATE Does this mean that the QUERY RDR SHORTDATE command is not valid or supported within a DIAG statement ?? Ray Masal ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:31:39 on 96/12/11 GMT (by KLENSK at GDLVM7) ..... YEAR2000 CFORUM modified at 18:35:33 on 96/12/11 GMT (by KLENSK at GDLVM7) Subject: DIAG Support Ref: Append at 18:01:13 on 96/12/11 GMT (by M760595 at WMAVM1) Are you trying this on a system that is running VM/ESA 2.2.0 CP? | You have the command syntax wrong. Try HELP CPQUERY RDR. Tom Klensk ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 18:54:42 on 96/12/11 GMT (by KLENSK at GDLVM7) Subject: DIAG Support Ref: Append at 18:01:13 on 96/12/11 GMT (by M760595 at WMAVM1) >IBM Documentation states that "Diagnose Codes with date Output" will >be extended to provide 4-digit year information. I think you are interpreting this wrong. This refers to Diagnose codes that currently have date information, like Diagnose X'0C'. There is no date information associated with Diagnose X'08'. That Diagnose just executes any CP command. Certain CP commands have been extended with 4-digit year information, such as QUERY RDR. The failure that you saw in your example was because the syntax of the CP QUERY RDR command that you used was incorrect. Tom Klensk ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 21:59:35 on 96/12/11 GMT (by V1IS515 at RALVM17) Subject: Funding Year 2000 projects Ref: Append at 13:27:02 on 96/12/11 GMT (by 86660693 at EHONE) This is probably a question that could be answered by your CSR/CMR/ACCOUNT Manager. John Wheeler ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:54:29 on 96/12/12 GMT (by 9WARLTK at CROVM4) Subject: YEAR 2000 Compliance in COBOL Ref: Many previous appends This is an attempt to summarize the current recommendations for OS/VS COBOL, VS COBOL II, and COBOL for MVS and VM. The SAFEST solution is to migrate all programs to COBOL for MVS and VM before attempting YEAR 2000 compliance. The MINIMUM solution is to move all programs to run under Language Environment before attempting YEAR 2000 compliance. This move guarantees long range run time support but trades off compile time support for the cost of the COBOL migration. The SAFEST YEAR 2000 compliance solution for old COBOL programs, which are not migrated, is to CALL a COBOL for MVS and VM subprogram which uses Intrinsic Function(s) for YEAR 2000 support. A MINIMUM YEAR 2000 compliance solution for old COBOL programs begins with adding some logic (good for the next 96 years) after an ACCEPT FROM DATE statement, to interpret the YY field. The 99 variances in between include CALLing IGZEDT4 from VS COBOL II, or from OS/VS COBOL, CALLing a VS COBOL II subprogram which CALLs IGZEDT4. The real YEAR 2000 compliance work of expanding date fields, confirming toleration for some YY fields, or encoding century indicators is similar in all COBOLs except the ANSI 85 features make the job easier. The net is: Migrate to COBOL for MVS and VM, if possible, but at least move to Language Environment. Regards, Keith Warltier, Y2K & Redevelopment Practice, IBM UK 9WARLTK@CROVM4 or GBIBMTJ2@IBMMAIL or KEITH_WARLTIER@UK.IBM.COM ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 21:02:53 on 96/12/16 GMT (by DJKOPP at CHGVMIC1) Subject: EA Tool Problem with referential integirty. Ref: Append at 07:16:13 on 96/12/16 GMT (by djkopp at chgvmic1) I am trying to enter data in the EA Tool. After entering a system name and an AD_Control_Process I get am message that says "Can't add record because referential integrity rules require a related record in table 'APPL_DEV_CONTROL' ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:27:10 on 96/12/18 GMT (by GBCCDB01 at ELINK) Subject: PL/1 programs running beyond Year 2000 I have seen no mention on this forum (or others) that programs using the PL/1 1.5.1 runtime library do not correctly interpret dates beyond the year 1999 without a PTF. If a PL/1 program at this level is run with a date of 21st February 2001 (for example) the DATE builtin function returns 87th day of 14th month year 01. The fixing PTF at 1.5.1 is UN78577. Ironically the PL/1 compiler itself gets the date correct (21 Feb 01)! I understand there is a similar problem in V2.3 as well. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Martin Leist Senior Technical Analyst Itex, Norfolk County Council +44 1603 222788 (Martinl.itex@norfolk.gov.uk) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:49:39 on 96/12/19 GMT (by WMAASS at BOSTON) Subject: Transfixxer Testing Tool To Whom It May Concern: I am interested in information concerning the implementation of a testing tool called transfixxer. Are there any forums specifically dealing with this subject matter? any help would be greatly appreciated, Werner Maass (wernerm@vnet.ibm.com);(wmaass at boston); ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 23:58:25 on 96/12/19 GMT (by Y2KTSC2 at STLVM6) Subject: PL/1 programs running beyond Year 2000 Ref: Append at 15:27:10 on 96/12/18 GMT (by GBCCDB01 at ELINK) The customer append is correct. Note that this is not a problem in the compiled code. This is a problem in the library. The customer needs to apply the indicated ptf and then relink their code. This applies to all release of V2 and the original V1. Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 08:53:12 on 96/12/20 GMT (by CHWCL00B at ELINK) Subject: YR 2000 and old macro commands I Realise that this may not be the correct forum, however this is the best I could find. We are creating a year 2000 compliant environment and are trying to trace a product called MACROMAN. This was once, I believe, distributed by a company called NEW DATA. Does anyone have a contact address for them ? Thanks Ian Reid This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Jim Geuther (Sr. Tech. Analyst) Philip Morris EDC ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:56:14 on 96/12/20 GMT (by KWATSON at WINVMD) ..... YEAR2000 CFORUM modified at 10:50:05 on 96/12/23 GMT (by KWATSON at WINVMD) Subject: YR 2000 and old macro commands Ref: Append at 08:53:12 on 96/12/20 GMT (by CHWCL00B at ELINK) Append deleted. ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:24:39 on 96/12/20 GMT (by BROOKS at SJFEVMX) Subject: YR 2000 and old macro commands Ref: Append at 15:56:14 on 96/12/20 GMT (by KWATSON at WINVMD) Windows sits on top of DOS. Some releases of DOS have shown problems rolling over to year 2000. The problems, if they exist, may be DOS problems that inflict themselves on the applications. cheers... Russ BROOKS at SJFEVMX 8-276-0158 (rlbrooks@pobox.com) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:40:28 on 96/12/20 GMT (by Y2KTSC2 at STLVM6) Subject: YR 2000 and old macro commands Ref: Append at 15:56:14 on 96/12/20 GMT (by KWATSON at WINVMD) Actually, it's not Windows that gets the invalid date when the century changes, it's the PC hardware. Older models of PC's need to have the date changed manually by using the DOS command, DATE. When prompted, enter 01-01-2000, and everything should be OK. Please check out Appendix A of the manual, The Year 2000 & 2-Digit Dates: A Guide for Planning and Implementation (GC28-1251) which is available free on our Year 2000 webpage at URL: http://www.software.ibm.com/year2000/index.html This manual can be browsed or downloaded. A new version of the manual will be available 12-27-1996. Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:47:42 on 96/12/20 GMT (by EDARNOLD at RHQVM09) Subject: PL/1 programs running beyond Year 2000 Ref: Append at 23:58:25 on 96/12/19 GMT (by Y2KTSC2 at STLVM6) Could you explain further how PL/I V2.3.0 (of which I support a very large shop) is affected? I looked at PN72740 and I don't understand where PL/I V2 comes into play. Ed Arnold MVS Systems Support ISSC Rochester NY ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 22:26:51 on 96/12/20 GMT (by HUYKHAC at SJFEVMX) Subject: PL/1 programs running beyond Year 2000 Ref: Append at 16:47:42 on 96/12/20 GMT (by EDARNOLD at RHQVM09) The apar for PL/I V2R3 is PN50632. Huy K. Le ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 12:51:53 on 96/12/21 GMT (by IYORK at KGNVMC) Subject: COPICS Ref: Append at 20:24:31 on 96/11/22 GMT (by IYORK at KGNVMC) More news on COPICS: Year 2000 support will be available upon request only. Contact is Michel Bollinger of CGI. His internal IBM id is CGI80091 at DCTVM2. As it is no longer marketed and their information is that most customers will need a customized version anyway, they are making the base year 2000 version available this way. Iris ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 14:21:20 on 96/12/23 GMT (by EDARNOLD at RHQVM09) Subject: PL/1 programs running beyond Year 2000 Ref: Append at 22:26:51 on 96/12/20 GMT (by HUYKHAC at SJFEVMX) Thanks Huy - I see the PTF came out on 9403 which I rolled out in the fall of '94. Bottom line - we've got some relinking to do on a lot of old programs. Ed Arnold MVS Systems Support ISSC Rochester NY ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 21:14:30 on 96/12/24 GMT (by Y2KTSC3 at STLVM6) Subject: YR 2000 and old macro commands Ref: Append at 08:53:12 on 96/12/20 GMT (by CHWCL00B at ELINK) >We are creating a year 2000 compliant environment and are trying to >trace a product called MACROMAN. This was once, I believe, distributed >by a company called NEW DATA. >Does anyone have a contact address for them ? There is an ad in the November, 1996 issue of Enterprise Systems Journal on page 15 that says that "On-Line Systems, Inc." is now selling MACROMAN. The address listed is: On-Line Systems, Inc. P.O.Box 915713 Longwood, FL. 32791-5713 (407)869-8844 Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 06:24:32 on 96/12/30 GMT (by LIAWSM at SGPVM1) Subject: stairs and ano/mvs Is STAIRS/VS (CICS,IMS) 5740-XR1 1.5.0 and ANO/MVS 5756-265 1.2.0 year 2000 complaint? If not, what are their replacement products? Thanks. Soon Mee (IBM Singapore services) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 09:36:13 on 96/12/30 GMT (by 83200470 at EHONE) Subject: HW limitations . Hello, Is their any hw limitation or a micro code changes needed for y2000 support? The hw I am concerned with are : 9021-190, 3745-170, 9340 DASD, 3380/3880-2 DASD, 3490E/3420 tape drives, 6262 printer, 3x74 CU. Your comments are highly appreciated . Thanks ...Raad Dulaijan ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 20:09:47 on 96/12/30 GMT (by Y2KTSC4 at STLVM6) Subject: stairs and ano/mvs Ref: Append at 06:24:32 on 96/12/30 GMT (by LIAWSM at SGPVM1) > Is STAIRS/VS (CICS,IMS) 5740-XR1 1.5.0 and ANO/MVS 5756-265 1.2.0 > year 2000 complaint? If not, what are their replacement products? Neither of these products are YEAR 2000 READY. As for replacement products: NOT YEAR 2000 READY Y2K READY - Repacement ------------------- ---------------------- STAIRS/VS (CICS,IMS) 5740-XR1 >>> SearchManager/370 under CICS/MVS V1 R2 (This was withdrawn in 1992) - IBM product 5695-070 ANO/MVS 5756-265 1.2.0 >>> SystemView Automated Operations Network (This was withdrawn in 1992) - IBM product 5695-178 IBM YEAR 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 20:24:16 on 96/12/30 GMT (by Y2KTSC4 at STLVM6) Subject: HW limitations . Ref: Append at 09:36:13 on 96/12/30 GMT (by 83200470 at EHONE) > The hw I am concerned with are : 9021-190, 3745-170, 9340 DASD, > 3380/3880-2 DASD, 3490E/3420 tape drives, 6262 printer, 3x74 CU. According to the latest Customer Guide (GC28-1251-05), the following applies to most of these devices: 'All DASD, tape units and control units will continue to function provide they are supported by the installed Year2000-ready operating system.' The 9021-190 is not specifically listed in this guide, however, the following comments will apply to this device: 'S/390 Division computer hardware that is not listed above have not been tested for Year2000 readiness. However, due to the design of the CPC TOD (Central Processor Complex Time-of-day), which supports times/dates until the Year 2043, all S/390 Division computer hardware is currently capable of supporting software compliance testing. The CPC TOD is not affected by the implication of the hardware being non-compliant. Service functions and/or panel displays might have some anomalies due to the implementations of the 2-digit year.' At present, we cannot comment on the 6262 printer. We can research this further, however, we have seen indications that many of these models have been withdrawn from Marketing. If this is the case, it is unlikely that IBM will be testing these models for YEAR 2000 READINESS. IBM Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:36:13 on 96/12/31 GMT (by 83200226 at EHONE) Subject: PC/390 as test machine Having seen some discussions over the Internet about using PC/390 as a dedicated test machine for Year2000 date issue. I would like some further elaborations on the subject from an IBM viewpoint and from Year 2000 service providers who utilized this system in their solutions like Tech-Beamers. Thanks/Regards I-NET : mt@vnet.ibm.com preferred id thiab at Jedvm1