----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 00:32:01 on 98/11/03 GMT (by YAEGER at SJFEVMX Subject: DFSORT Y2K: Full Date Formats, INCLUDE/OMIT and More DFSORT's new generation of Year 2000 features handle CH, ZD and PD full dates like yymmdd, yyddd, yymm, yyq, mmddyy, dddyy, mmyy and qyy, and their special indicators like zeros and nines. You no longer have to split dates into year and non-year pieces, and you don't need E61 exits to handle special indicators. You can now compare dates to constants and other dates, transform CH, ZD and PD two-digit year dates to CH and PD four-digit year dates and more! This new generation of Year 2000 features is available for Release 13 via PTF UQ22533 and for Release 14 via PTF UQ22534 (the APAR is PQ19684). Our updated SORT2000 paper explains how to use DFSORT's new full date formats, as well as the earlier year formats, in the SORT, MERGE, INCLUDE, OMIT and OUTFIL statements. You can look up a particular date and go directly to examples of the DFSORT control statements you need. SORT2000 also explains how to use DFSORT's new Year 2000 features with COBOL, either automatically with COBOL MLE or explicitly without MLE. You can browse or download SORT2000 from the DFSORT home page at URL: http://www.ibm.com/storage/dfsort/ Frank Yaeger - DFSORT Team (Specialties: Y2K, Symbols, OUTFIL, ICETOOL) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:37:44 on 98/11/04 GMT (by 83200470 at EHONE Subject: Y2k reference customer Hello, I am looking for reference customer who conducted Y2k testing( HW and application testing). The environment is OS/390 in Parallel sysplex. Your help is highly appreciated..... Thanks Raad Dulaijan ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:04:36 on 98/11/04 GMT (by GBCADH00 at ELINK Subject: VS COBOL II Ref: Append at 00:47:57 on 98/01/30 GMT (by Y2KTSC3 at STLVM6) Is the article referred to still around. I have just looked and cannot locate it? This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Nick Hands-Clarke (GBFPLNHC at IBMMAIL.COM) FPLO (+44-1306 740123 ext 3121) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:37:08 on 98/11/04 GMT (by JFRANCIS at GDLVM Subject: VS COBOL II Ref: Append at 17:04:36 on 98/11/04 GMT (by GBCADH00 at ELINK) I was just looking at this yesterday. Click on the "IBM COBOL Newsletter" link and look under "Summer 1997 Issue". John Franciscovich VM Development ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:49:42 on 98/11/04 GMT (by 36601943 at EHONE Subject: VS COBOL II Ref: Append at 17:37:08 on 98/11/04 GMT (by JFRANCIS at GDLVM7) Or go directly to it at: http://www.software.ibm.com/ad/cobol/news8f.htm Dougie Lawson, IBM Basingstoke, UK. http://gremlin.ts.uk.ibm.com ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:42:48 on 98/11/05 GMT (by GBCADH00 at ELINK Subject: VS COBOL II Ref: Append at 17:49:42 on 98/11/04 GMT (by 36601943 at EHONE) Many thanks This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Nick Hands-Clarke (GBFPLNHC at IBMMAIL.COM) FPLO (+44-1306 740123 ext 3121) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 00:32:24 on 98/11/06 GMT (by JCLINTON at BOSTO Subject: Gateway Product Y2K-readiness I have a rather urgent request on some Gateway Products & their Y2K-readiness. I was going to use the Y2K Technical Support Center's Product Database, but alas, due to circumstances beyond my control, am unable to access it other than through VM (Charlotte text browser)- which apparently can not be used with the database to retrieve information (Or perhaps I missed something when I tried and when reading the use-information, misread what it said). Could someone in the Y2K Technical Support Center do this query for me (expanded report, please with explanation sheet) for the following products? Model Numbers : 8595-OKD 8595-OKF 8595-OLF 9577-ONA 9577-ONF 9585-OXA 9585-OXF 9595-OLC 9595-OLF Thanks in advance for your assistance. It is muchly appreciated! Could this be sent to my-client provided internet address (Jclinton@nefn.com)? Regards, Jackie Clinton BOSTON(JCLINTON) IBM Global Services IBMMAIL(USIBM6NN) Consulting & Systems Integration 8/362-2855 (617) 895-2855 ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 01:43:26 on 98/11/06 GMT (by MSHEWELL at SYDVM Subject: Gateway Product Y2K-readiness Ref: Append at 00:32:24 on 98/11/06 GMT (by JCLINTON at BOSTON) Jackie, I have run off the report and sent it to your email address. If you have any queries don't hesitate to contact the Year 2000 Technical Support Centre in your region. For North America, email Y2KTSC@US.IBM.COM. Regards, Mark Shewell. Year 2000 Technical Support Centre - Asia Pacific. y2ktscap@au1.ibm.com ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 01:22:58 on 98/11/17 GMT (by SAM at STLVM3) <1 Subject: DFSMS v1R2 (FMID HDZ11B0) We are in the process of identifying y2k readiness status of all IBM products on our system. I check the database in wwwyr2k.raleigh.ibm.com but could not find the y2k readiness status of DFSMS 1.2. Would appreciate any information, or direction to get the information. Also, is there a readiness database of some sort that goes by product FMID? I believe such information would be much useful to system programmers. ShueAnn Mao (SMAO at STLVM27) IBM STL Laboratory ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 07:11:23 on 98/11/18 GMT (by SACCOS12 at ELINK Subject: Y2K & COMMON/PAGE dataset Hello everyone, We have an lpar that we are using it for Y2k testing in CMOS 9672-R84. Few days ago, the clock has been forwarded to Dec.28, 1999 using the Datesource feature. After the forward, the system has been crashed several time. PLPA or COMMON got full. I would like to know what could be some of the reasons that would increase the activity to the common page dataset after forwarding the clock. Thanks alot for any comment or help. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Amira AlKhnaizi, System Programmer, Saudi ARAMCO internet id (KHUNAIAR@aramco.com.sa) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 07:39:00 on 98/11/18 GMT (by 67229360 at EHONE Subject: y2k date question Hello, I've the following y2k date question from customer during y2k testing: 1. The hardware date is Sept 10, and the vse system date is Sept 9. In this situation, the CICS can not come up. Why? 2. VSE system date is 2000/01/01, but the VTAM trace date shows 00.002. Why? 3. We have a model for define SAM file which was create in someday of 1997. After VSE system date changed to 2000/01/01, the SAM file created has an expiration date 2097.xxx. Should it be 1997.xxx? I don't know where I can find the information related to these questions. You can contact my directly through my Notes ID: IBMCN(FUHAIYI). Thank you very much! ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 08:39:39 on 98/11/18 GMT (by GBCACF53 at ELINK Subject: Y2K & COMMON/PAGE dataset Ref: Append at 07:11:23 on 98/11/18 GMT (by SACCOS12 at ELINK2) Amira, A few things you may want to check : (1) Is your COMMON page dataset large enough to hold the amount of CSA defined in IEASYSxx plus any (expected) spill from PLPA? (2) Most sites force PLPA to spill into COMMON, has the size of the PLPA increased? (3) What was the percentage usage of the PLPA and COMMON before the forwarding to the future date? (4) Have a look at the RMF Page Reports for a normal period and the period when it was full (or near full). I do not know too much about the 'Datesource' feature, but I would be suprised if it is the root cause of your problem. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Rob Scott 0171-662-5166 www.digiserve.co.uk/sec rob.scott@cableinet.co.uk ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 11:14:47 on 98/11/18 GMT (by SACCOS12 at ELINK Subject: Y2K & COMMON/PAGE dataset Ref: Append at 08:39:39 on 98/11/18 GMT (by GBCACF53 at ELINK) Thanks Rob for your response. Should I consider (CSA,ECSA) amount in IEASYSxx or only the CSA? I increased the COMMON size from (50) cyl. to (100). I notice in the Omegamon for this Y2k system that several tasks start to use NVSC (non-vio) slots. In the production system non of those tasks using (non-vio). Is NVSC slots part of it go to COMMON page dataset? Is this because we have much less centeral & Expanded storage define for this Y2K lpar? Thanks again... This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Amira AlKhnaizi, System Programmer, Saudi ARAMCO internet id (KHUNAIAR@aramco.com.sa) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 11:51:03 on 98/11/18 GMT (by GAD at S390VM) <1 Subject: Y2K & COMMON/PAGE dataset Ref: Append at 11:14:47 on 98/11/18 GMT (by SACCOS12 at ELINK2) Yes, the increased load on the common page dataset will be because of the smaller real and expanded storage you are using for your test system. If the common page dataset on your test system is the same size as your production system I would strongly urge you to increase the size of your production systems dataset too. While the larger amounts of storage make less of a demand under normal operation, it is possible you could fill up the common page dataset if you had a storage spike and that would needlessly bring your production system down. Many people forget to increase their Common page dataset size when they increase the CSA and ECSA parameters, or if they allow PLPA to spill over to common and PLPA grows (as it *will*) a significant amount. Greg Dyck MVS BCP Kernel and CURE Support ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 13:04:12 on 98/11/18 GMT (by GBCACF53 at ELINK Subject: Y2K & COMMON/PAGE dataset Ref: Append at 11:14:47 on 98/11/18 GMT (by SACCOS12 at ELINK2) As a general rule, this is what I tend to do.... (1) Allocated a 1 cylinder PLPA dataset and force PLPA in COMMON. (2) Always over-allocate COMMON and LOCAL page datasets. (3) Examine the space usage within COMMON and LOCAL at peak load. I generally like to see a COMMON usage of less than 50% and LOCAL usage less than 25%. Remember with LOCAL you only have until 70% before address space creation starts to be inhibited. (4) If you use a 1 Cyl PLPA, then you can put the COMMON on the same DASD volume. (5) It's also a good idea to examine the RMF Reports on a periodic basis to see if you have an upward trend of page dataset usage. This will give you time to re-size them and prevent any problems at a later date. It is also worth reading the MVS/ESA Init and Tuning Guide - It has about 9 or more performance hints and tips as well as sizing guides for page datasets. I am sure that other FORUMers with more performance knowledge than me (and that is not hard!) could give you other methods and/or hints and tips. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Rob Scott 0171-662-5166 www.digiserve.co.uk/sec rob.scott@cableinet.co.uk ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 15:36:23 on 98/11/18 GMT (by JFRANCIS at GDLVM Subject: DFSMS v1R2 (FMID HDZ11B0) Ref: Append at 01:22:58 on 98/11/17 GMT (by SAM at STLVM3) DFSMS/VM 1.2 is not Year 2000 ready. The Year 2000-ready level of DFSMS/VM is 2.2.1 with APAR VM61214, and requires VM/ESA 2.2.0 in order for all functions to work correctly with dates beyond 1999. Recent versions/releases of DFSMS/VM are not listed separately in the Year 2000 Readiness Database because DFSMS/VM is now part of the VM/ESA product. There is a YR2000VM PSP bucket which includes Year 2000-related service from VM Licensed Products. Unfortunately the DFSMS information mentioned above is not presently included in this bucket...we will see that it gets added. John Franciscovich VM/ESA Development ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 16:08:06 on 98/11/18 GMT (by EDARNOLD at GDLVM ..... YEAR2000 CFORUM modified at 16:08:51 on 98/11/18 GMT (by EDARNOLD at GDLVM Subject: DFSMS v1R2 (FMID HDZ11B0) Ref: Append at 01:22:58 on 98/11/17 GMT (by SAM at STLVM3) ShueAnn - perhaps what you're looking for is: www http://service.software.ibm.com/390holddata.html It has Y2K fix info and easily read via an SMP/E report. Ed Arnold MVS Systems Support Endicott NY ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 11:14:34 on 98/11/20 GMT (by 83826043 at EHONE Subject: Guide to setting up a Y2K LPAR Please I need it very urgently. My internet adress is: a_otonin@es.ibm.com Thanks a lot ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 20:05:53 on 98/11/20 GMT (by DELVISCO at DALVM Subject: 2nd-Level Guest Host and System Clock If you set up a 2-nd level VM can you have a different time on the guest host's clock than you do on the real CPU's clock? Thanks, Pat DelVisco ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 21:43:19 on 98/11/20 GMT (by GAD at S390VM) <1 Subject: 2nd-Level Guest Host and System Clock Ref: Append at 20:05:53 on 98/11/20 GMT (by DELVISCO at DALVM1) Sure, as long as the virtual machine is defined with the TODENABLE option. Greg Dyck MVS BCP Kernel and CURE Support ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 01:16:21 on 98/11/21 GMT (by Y2KTSC3 at SJEVM5 Subject: VS COBOL II Ref: Append at 17:04:36 on 98/11/04 GMT (by GBCADH00 at ELINK) >Is the article referred to still around. I have just looked and cannot >locate it? Yes it is, as others have mentioned. In addition, there is a new newsletter article on VS COBOL II and why it is NOT Year 2000 ready in the Fall 1998 issue at: http://www.software.ibm.com/ad/cobol/news10c.htm Year 2000 Technical Support Center ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 07:48:59 on 98/11/28 GMT (by SACCOS12 at ELINK Subject: SYSRES & Y2K Hello everyone, We are planning to run a Y2K test using the ETR timer for the two CMOS processors that we have and the two coupling facility. Two systems in two different CMOS will be IPLed using this ETR in Y2K date. At the same time we will have a four pack system running in one logical LPAR pointing to current date using Datesource feature. The same RES pack will be used in all systems. (systems running in Y2K and a system running in current date). Is there going to be any problem and thanks for your reply. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Amira AlKhnaizi, System Programmer, Saudi ARAMCO internet id (KHUNAIAR@aramco.com.sa) ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 06:02:14 on 98/11/30 GMT (by PVAIL at ISSCAUS) Subject: IMS and Y2K. I have an online IMS reporting program which uses GN calls to read a database, based on a secondary index. The key sequence is an eight character Service Number followed by YYDDD. I need to use a "logic change" method to change the program so that it reads the database in the correct sequence. Does anyone have a program that they have modified to do something similar to this ? Even pseudo-code would be helpful. For example the database might be in sequence: AA00001, AA00002, AA99362, AA99364, BB00001, BB99362, BB99364, .... I wish to read it in the sequence: AA99362, AA99364, AA00001, AA00002, BB99362, BB99364, BB00001, .... Peter Vail IBM GSA ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 08:59:39 on 98/11/30 GMT (by GBCDKT04 at ELINK Subject: IMS and Y2K. Ref: Append at 06:02:14 on 98/11/30 GMT (by PVAIL at ISSCAUS) If you have to sort so that the year is ascending and you have only 2 digits it is fairly simple if the range is 1990-2009. Sort the first digit of the year DESCENDING and then the second digit ASCENDING. Thus 9x comes before 0x and, within that, the years ascend normally. Of course, this all depends upon being able to do this in IMS, of which I am totally ignorant. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by John Illingworth Systems Programmer Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Bradford, Yorks. 01274 362139 gbmorr04@ibmmail.com ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 09:45:46 on 98/11/30 GMT (by 36601943 at EHONE Subject: IMS and Y2K. Ref: Append at 06:02:14 on 98/11/30 GMT (by PVAIL at ISSCAUS) Take a look at DFSDBUX1 and program product 5697-E04 IMS/ESA Year 2000 Exit Tool. (See APARS PQ13662 PQ10811 PQ14456.) Dougie Lawson, IBM Basingstoke, UK. http://gremlin.ts.uk.ibm.com ----- YEAR2000 CFORUM appended at 17:59:13 on 98/11/30 GMT (by GBCAGE94 at ELINK Subject: SYSRES & Y2K Ref: Append at 07:48:59 on 98/11/28 GMT (by SACCOS12 at ELINK) In short - I think so. We have design all our Y2K system images to be isolated from other systems. There are a number of reasons but the simplest is why risk it. Any system with a future date could write data on the SYSRES with a future date (ie VTOC entry, dataset last referenced etc). The current date system using this volume may have problems and the results are unpredictable. This append was created on the External IBMLink system by Peter Gammage Email: peter_gammage@standardlife.com Standard Life Phone: (UK) 0131-245-7024