1.0 LookAt your Palm| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Not sitting at your workstation? Don't have your laptop handy? Don't have a Web connection nearby? It doesn't matter! Have a Palm(TM)VIIx in your pocket? Great! Because now you can LookAt messages wherever you happen to be. A "Beta" version of LookAt now runs on a Palm(TM)VIIx personal data assistant (PDA). Want LookAt on your palm? Here's what you do: 1. Make sure that you have the Palm Desktop installed. 2. If you don't have a remote infra-red capability, connect your Palm(TM) to your workstation or laptop. 3. Locate the LookAt code. You can find it in either of the following locations: * From this IBM Web site: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/ibmreader/tools/lookat * From any one of these IBM CD collections: - z/OS Version 1 Release 2 Collection, October 2001 - z/OS Version 1 Release 2 and Software Products DVD Collection, October 2001 - Messages and Codes Collection, October 2001 - OS/390 Collection, September 2001 4. Get the code, do one of the following: * If you using the Web site: a. Choose or create a directory to contain the LookAt code. b. Point your browser to the Web site. c. Download the code, in a file named LOOKAT.PQA, to the directory you chose. * If you are using a CD collection: a. In the collection, locate the disc that contains the LOOKAT code. Check the disc labels. b. Locate the LAPALM subdirectory. d:/LOOKAT/LAPALM/ 5. In the directory you are using or in the LAPALM directory, double click on the file LOOKAT.PQA. The "Install Tool" window appears. 6. In the "Install Tool" window, click the Done button. The next time you "synchronize," the LookAt icon will appear on your Palm(TM). 7. Follow the instructions on the LookAt page to look up a message. 1.1 We would like to hear from you =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If you take the time to install and use LookAt, please send us your comments and suggestions at the following address: mhvrcfs@us.ibm.com With a copy to: k60ekgmc@us.ibm.com If you wish to speak with a LookAt developer, include your telephone number. We will respond promptly.