JR09141: This directory contains the updates for APAR fix JR09141 to a code server. This is a newfunction APAR to add TN3270E Server function support to Communications Server for OS/2. This updates the previously provided beta function to full product level. The TN3270E Server feature is described in the README.INF in PTF WR20636. NOTE: This APAR requires an update to the level of MPTS for maximum reliablity. In particular, you need to get and apply MPTS CSD WR08210 and the APAR fix for IC13898 (Warp Connect) or IC13902 (Warp Server). See ftp://ps.software.ibm.com/ps/products/mpts/fixes. This APAR can ONLY be applied to the English version of Communications Server Version 4 and WR20636 (via WR20636C) must have been previously applied to a code server. See WR20636C.TXT in ftp://ps.software.ibm.com/ps/products/cm2/fixes/v4server/wr20636C. In order to install and configure the new functions of Communications Server, a code server is needed. A code server is basically a directory that is accessible to a workstation that will be installing Communications Server. The directory can be either local or available using a LAN. Create a code server for Communications Server per the instructions in the WR20636C.TXT file, for example Q:\COMMSVR\CODE. How to install the Communications Server APAR JR09141 to a code server using updates from the Internet. 1. Download APAR JR09141 from the JR09141C directory on ftp://ps.software.ibm.com/ps/products/cm2/fixes/v4server to a local directory such as CSTEMP. Note that, JR09141C contains the files tailored for application to a code server. JR09141 contains files tailored for application by CMFIX. DO NOT attempt to use CMFIX to apply JR09141C or attempt to use JR09141 to update a code server; the two are not interchangable. 2. Use XCOPY to copy the files from CSTEMP into your code server directory. For example, in the \CSTEMP directory, issue: XCOPY *.* Q:\COMMSVR\CODE /s The code server is now updated. This code server should be used as the source for all updates to a Communications Server installation. For example, if you configure a feature after the initial installation, when prompted for the location of the Communications Server files, point to the code server. Configuring the new TN3270E Server and installing the APAR fix: 1. In the code server directory, issue CMSETUP. For example, Q:\COMMSVR\CODE\CMSETUP. When prompted on the "Refresh Product Files" window, choose "REINSTALL" to allow the fixes to be appiled. 2. Choose the SETUP push button, from the CMSETUP window. Select TN3270E from the menu bar of the Communications Manager Configuration Definition window. Thanks for using the TN3270E Server of Communications Server! Last update 8/27/96 RHB