JR09287: This directory contains the updates for APAR fix JR09287 to a code server. This fix allows X25Call verb to be issued IMMEDIATELY after a link failure. NOTE: This APAR can ONLY be applied to the English version of Communications Server Version 4. WR20636 (via WR20636C) must have been previously applied to a code server. See WR20636C.TXT in ftp://ps.software.ibm.com/ps/products/cm2/fixes/v4server/wr20636C In order to install and configure the new functions of Communications Server, a code server is needed. A code server is basically a directory that is accessible to a workstation that will be installing Communications Server. The directory can be either local or available using a LAN. Create a code server for Communications Server per the instructions in the WR20636C.TXT file, for example Q:\COMMSVR\CODE. How to install the Communications Server APAR JR09287 to a code server using updates from the Internet. 1. Download APAR JR09287 from the JR09287C directory on ftp://ps.software.ibm.com/ps/products/cm2/fixes/v4server to a local directory such as CSTEMP. Note that, JR09287C contains the files tailored for application to a code server. JR09287 contains files tailored for application by CMFIX. DO NOT attempt to use CMFIX to apply JR09287C or attempt to use JR09287 to update a code server; the two are not interchangable. 2. Use XCOPY to copy the files from CSTEMP into your code server directory. For example, in the \CSTEMP directory, issue: XCOPY *.* Q:\COMMSVR\CODE /s The code server is now updated. This code server should be used as the source for all updates to a Communications Server installation. For example, if you configure a feature after the initial installation, when prompted for the location of the Communications Server files, point to the code server. To apply the APAR to the target workstation: In the code server directory, issue CMSETUP. For example, Q:\COMMSVR\CODE\CMSETUP. When prompted on the "Refresh Product Files" window, choose "REINSTALL" to allow the fixes to be appiled. Then follow the panels. Thanks for using Communications Server! Last update 9/13/96 DAB