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Informix byExample

The IBM Informix® byExample site provides solutions and examples to help you utilize Informix technology with industry-standard applications and middleware.

 Minimum requirements

The byExample site has been tested with the following Web browsers:

  • Netscape Communicator 4.7
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 4.0 and 5.0

Note: Netscape 4.6 has a significant bug in Java-to-JavaScript communication (LiveConnect). This bug was fixed in Netscape 4.6.1 For full operation of IBM Informix byExample under Netscape, please use a version of Netscape at the 4.06 or greater level other than 4.6. IBM Informix byExample does not impose any explicit system requirements of its own. However, the browser may impose some system requirements.

 Getting started with Informix byExample

IBM Informix byExample documents program components so their structure is easily accessible and reusable. IBM Informix byExample lets you:

  • Read formatted source comments.
  • Navigate program structure (the hierarchy of file, class, and function) to drill down into the details of the program implementation.
  • Jump from language keywords (colored blue in the code fragments) to the full reference documentation.
  • Open source code in an editor.
  • Run programs right from the browser; just click the Run button in the toolbar. As the example runs, the annotation page for the current method or function displays.
  • View the annotation as the function or method executes to more quickly understand the runtime effect.

-->  Go to Informix byExample Web site.

 More Resources
 Informix Developer Network
 International Informix User Group
 Informix iPress
 Informix News Groups
 Certified Professional Program