OmniFind cumulative Hotfix ------------------------------------ 1. List of problems fixed ------------------------- fixed: PMR 56689,L6Q,000 IIOE83: 5/11 Index Copy Not Working for one collection PMR 37204,69J,760 OF DBCS doc not found with certian query PMR 84407,999,000 IIOE83: 5/4 Fixes for CAS2JDBC PMR 58578,L6Q,000 IIOE83: 5/8 Custom Filter PMR 72188,999,866 IIOE82: 5/8 Index failure Internal Synonyms for multi-words are not well handled Internal put retry logic in java side checkSession Internal main index failed to start - log initialization time out? Internal Documents have no content tokens when compound occured in prior document (APAR IC48598) fixed: PMR 07748,550,000 Domino search results not clickable fixed: PMR 39791,L6Q,000 Unable to open PDM documents when security is enabled for the collection - also an issue for Windows FS documents PMR 51423,L6Q,000 Using the advanced search page's all words/any words/none of these words does not return correct result sets. PMR 50849,L6Q,000 CSC: portal search bar first query issue Internal intermittent crashes and can't get search results after applying the hotfix for the ampersand(&) in PMR 07612,550,000 Internal portal impersonation code is not being invoked - users can see documents they should not Internal Milliman: IMC does not properly handle & for storing to tables fixed: PMR 84504,999,000 Exchange crawler cannot crawl embedded documents fixed: PMR 91725,999,760 Long keyword (200-300 letters) query caused Search runtime to be unusable fixed: PMR 91723,999,760 Early timeout of large database backup fixed: PMR 88340,005,000 casprocessor can't handle multiple CPMs for single collection fixed: PMR 26211,L6Q,000 Notes crawler: Group extraction performance improvement 2 Feature request support portal search bar integration with Search Application fixed: PMR 89459,999,760 WC: web crawler doesn't store Date field for sort by date PMR 89715,999,760 Synonyms is mishandled in the case of MWU fixed: PMR 81730,999,000 Slow login of search page PMR 27294,L6Q,000 WP Crawler: Fix for support PageTitle and PortletTitle metadata fixed: PMR 28621,L6Q,000 QP discovery: LDAP group extraction improvement is needed by CSC. PMR 66514,073,649 possible nullpointerexception in Notes impersonation logic with DIIOP - Session object can become invalidated fixed: PMR 77500,999,000 index switch appears to cause federator to start returning null pointer exceptions PMR 79822,999,000 Fix CopyStore to compute shingles from ORIGINAL_TOKENS approved from HIPODS/w3 PMR 07612,550,000 USC: handle special character encoding in username eg. ampersand PMR 17294,7TD,000 DB2 Discovery encounters a timeout error with a view PMR 04256,278,000 WPS crawler does not support authentication (SiteMinder) PMR 09826,300,624 Check 404 before truncation (robots) PMR 37168,69J,760 SIAPI Internal Error when displaying the retrived data of very large field with 73197 bytes length fixed: PMR 26211,L6Q,000 Groups look-up for impersonation times out when applying credentials in search application/portlet profile. PMR 07612,550,000 OmniFind does not XML escape username properly in the Identity management component, when ACL constraint is generated. PMR 07748,550,000 The problem is the following: certain search results coming from Domino are not clickable 2. Content of this package -------------------------- $ES_NODE_ROOT/nodeinfo/bldinfo.txt $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/ccl.jar $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/cclclient.jar $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/bin/CopyStore $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/discovery.jar $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/dlt.jar $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/es.queryparser.jar $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/esapi.jar $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/esctrl.jar $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/exchangecrawler.jar $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/bin/ESSearchApplication.ear $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/bin/ESSearchPortlet.war $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/bin/ESSearchServer.ear $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/ $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/ $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/default_config/ $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/trevi.tokenizer.jar $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/URLFetcher.jar $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/wpcrawler.jar $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/default_config/crawler.WP/wpcrawler.xml $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/ $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/ $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/lib/es.uima.jar 3.Limitations ------------- - If WAS Global security is turned "ON" and if the hotfix is uninstalled, then enterprise search and WAS needs to be restarted for the WAS applications deployed by WebSphere Information Integrator OmniFind Edition to work correctly. 4. Steps to install the hotfix ------------------------------ IMPORTANT NOTE: It is necessary to STOP the enterprise search system completely before the installation process. Please ensure that the steps listed below are correctly followed. IMPORTANT NOTE: This hotfix cannot be installed over hotfix (where x = customer) 1. On the indexer server, log in as enterprise search administrator. 2. Run "esadmin stop" on the command line to stop enterprise search. 3. Run "" on the command line to stop the WebSphere II OmniFind Edition service. 4. Log in as root, run the executable install-linux.bin to install the hotfix. Note: The installer will prompt for the "data directory" of the current install. Make sure the correct value is entered for this. 5. For a Multiple server installation run the steps 3 - 4 above on all the servers of the enterprise search system. Note: On the search servers if security is turned on then the installer will prompt for the WAS Global security userid and password. 6. On all servers, log in as enterprise search administrator. 7. Run " -bg" on the command line to start the WebSphere II OmniFind Edition service 8. On the indexer server, run "esadmin start" on the command line to start enterprise search.