README: IBM Integrated Runtime Version 1.1.0 Fix Pack 1

This fix pack applies to version 1.1.0 of the IBM Integrated Runtime (IR) product. A fix pack is the mechanism that is used to deliver APAR fixes to the base product, refresh pack, or last fix pack installation. You have the option of applying a fix pack when the version number of the fix is higher than the version of the product that is currently on the system.

This fix pack includes resolutions to the following:
PQ85776Attempts to import project IRU_IHS5100S400 into an Eclipse development environment fails. This problem occurs when the IRU_IHS5100S400 project is exported from the Integrated Runtime Solution Developer environment and the exported project is then re-imported into an Eclipse-based development environment. The project file used by the Eclipse export and import functions has been fixed.
PQ85833Sample Solution application in Windows and Linux is not capturing the standard error. Sample Solution application is not capturing standard error because it is only redirecting standard output to the log files. Redirection is set to capture both standard output and standard error.
PQ86072Solution Deployer does not automatically update modified solutions if previous versions of the solution were opened in the same Solution Deployer session. Solution modifications are only visible after closing and reopening the Solution Deployer. Integrated Runtime solution parameters are maintained in the Java ResourceBundle cache. Solution Deployer will now flush the ResourceBundle cache anytime an attempt is made to reload an Integrated Runtime solution from within the same Solution Deployer session. This action will ensure that changes to modified solution files are imported correctly.

To begin installing this fix pack for the IBM Integrated Runtime product, run the appropriate command from the following table:

For complete installation instructions for the base Integrated Runtime product, see the file <install path>\Runtime\info\infocenter\eclipse\plugins\\doc.

For license information, see <install path>/Runtime/license/<language>.txt where <Language> is the language of the text file.

This README contains the following sections:
Backing up files before installing the fix pack
Installing the fix pack
Running the rollback installation
Troubleshooting the installation


Backing up files before installing the fix pack

Any files in the IBM Integrated Runtime workspace directories that will be replaced are automatically backed up during fix pack installation. If the backup fails, you are prompted to back up the files yourself before continuing with the installation.

In addition to backing up user data files that are in the IBM Integrated Runtime workspace directories, a backup copy is preserved within the workspace. This ensures that you have access to any user data files that the fix pack modifies. These workspace files are renamed to <original filename>. <original extension>_ <version>_<instance>. For example, if you have a file called a.xml in Integrated Runtime, it is renamed to a.xml_1.1.0.0_1 when applying a fix pack. Note: <instance> increments the file name so you can save multiple copies of the same file.

If you modify user data files, after they have been backed up by the fix pack and then you decide to roll back the fix pack to the previous version of Integrated Runtime that you had installed, you would not want to loose your user file modifications. To avoid loss of your modified user data, the rollback detects these modified workspace files before applying a rollback. For an interactive installation, you are prompted to select the files that you want to back up. For a silent installation, all the files are backed up. This backup file is located in the <install path>/Runtime directory and is called UserdataBackup<version>_<instance>.zip, where <version> is the full version of the fix pack that this rollback is applied to and <instance> is the instance of the file.

Installing the fix pack

You can install a fix pack either interactively or silently; both methods are described in this section.

Installing a fix pack interactively

To install a fix pack interactively, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the following appropriate executable:

  2. The Language Selection panel opens. Select a language and click OK to continue.
  3. The Welcome screen opens. This panel displays the name of the product to be installed: the Integrated Runtime product.
  4. The Software License Agreement panel opens. This panel displays the license agreement for Integrated Runtime. Read the terms within the license agreement and select whether you accept or do not accept the terms in the license agreement. Click Next to continue.
  5. The Summary panel opens. This panel indicates the directory in which the fix pack will be installed and gives the amount of disk space the fix pack consumes. Click Next to continue.

    During the fix pack installation, you are given a list of user data files that will be modified. User data files consist of XML, JAVA, JACL, and BAT files stored in either:


A number of messages might appear during fix pack installation. See the Messages section for a list of messages with explanations and recommended user responses. If you encounter any problems during installation, see the Troubleshooting the installation section.

Installing the fix pack silently

To install the fix pack silently, run the appropriate following executable with the options specified:
Linux321.1.0-IBM-IntegratedRuntime-Linux32-FP0001 -options IRU_setup.iss
Windows1.1.0-IBM-IntegratedRuntime-Windows-FP0001.exe -options IRU_setup.iss

Running the rollback installation

The fix pack rollback feature helps you to restore your system to the level it was before the fix pack was applied to your system.

Note: Any files that are modified by the fix pack installation are stored in the Backup<version>.zip file (where <version> is the full version number of the product to which the fix applies). The Backup<version>.zip file is in the Runtime/Backup directory.

You can run a rollback installation either interactively or silently; both methods are described in this section.

Installing the rollback interactively

To run the rollback installation interactively, launch the following appropriate executable from the Backup folder:

This starts the rollback wizard; follow the steps of the wizard to complete the rollback.

Running the rollback installation silently

To run the rollback installation silently, run the following appropriate command in the Backup folder, depending on the operating system environment:
PlatformCommand -silent
WindowsRollbackLauncher.bat -silent

Troubleshooting the installation

The situations described in this section might occur during installation of the fix pack or during rollback.

Fix pack installation generates errors while backing up files. There are two forms of errors that can be encountered.
  • There is a problem creating the Backup<version>.zip file and therefore none of the files are backed up.

    In this situation, an error message is produced that describes the situation. If you choose to continue with the fix pack installation, there is no rollback created because there is no backup. Also, to avoid any confusion, if there are previous fix packs installed, the ability to roll them back is also eliminated because you cannot roll back the fix pack that is currently being applied to retrieve the previous fix packs. The backup folder still remains with the previous Backup zip file, if you want to retrieve the files there.

  • There is a problem backing up a subset of the files.

    In this case, an error message appears with the list of files that were not backed up. You have an option to back up the files manually and then continue. If you continue, then the installation proceeds normally. During rollback, a warning message appears and informs you that the files that were not backed up should be manually restored before proceeding with the rollback.

Fix pack installation fails while laying down files.First, check the log file to attempt to determine the cause of the failure, and correct the condition. If that does not fix the problem, run the fix pack installation again. The fix pack installation does not back up the original files again because it has already been done.
Rollback installation fails.First, check the log file to attempt to determine the cause of the failure, and correct the condition. If that does not fix the problem, run the rollback installation again or call support.
Errors occur while your workspace files are being backed up. If your workspace files are modified after a fix pack installation, and you do a rollback, a panel is opened listing the modified files. You have the option of selecting one or more of the files to back up. If any errors occur while the files are being backed up, you are prompted and given the option to manually back up the files.
Error dialog entitled "InstallShield Wizard Panel" with the message "The java class is not found:run" You must be an Administrator in Windows or root user in Linux to run the fix pack installations and uninstallations. Log off and log back on as a user with Administrator or root user authority.


Messages that might appear while installing this fix pack are listed in this section.

IRU00824: The base Integrated Runtime product is not installed on this system.

Explanation: The fix cannot be applied because the base Integrated Runtime product is not installed.
User Response: Install the base Integrated Runtime product and try installing the fix again.

IRU00826: This fix does not apply to the installed version of the base Integrated Runtime product.

Explanation: The version of the Integrated Runtime product that you have installed is not compatible with the fix you are trying to install.
User Response: Obtain the correct fix for your version of the base Integrated Runtime product.

IRU00829: The same or higher level of Integrated Runtime fix pack is already installed. Click Cancel to exit the installation.

Explanation: The fix cannot be applied because it or a higher version is installed.
User Response: For information only. No action required.

IRU00831: The following user data files are updated by this fix pack: {1} These files are also backed up individually in their original location for quick access.

Explanation: Any user data files updated by this fix pack are listed.
User Response: For information only. No action required.

IRU00832: An error occurred while backing up these files: {0}. If you want to continue you may manually back up these files, though this action is not required.

Explanation: Errors occurred while backing up a set of the files.
User Response: Manually back up the files listed.

IRU00833: An error occurred while backing up these files: {0}. If you want to continue you may manually back up these files, though this action is not required. Note: You are not able to roll back this fix pack because of this error. Any previous rollbacks are removed.

Explanation: Errors occurred while backing up all the files. If you want to continue installing the fix pack, then you will be unable to roll it back. If you have any other fix packs installed, then you will be unable to roll them back either.
User Response: Manually back up the files listed before completing the rollback.

IRU00834: The following files can not be rolled back because a backup error occurred during the fix pack install: {0}. If you want to continue, you may manually restore these files if you backed them up as suggested during the fix pack install.

Explanation: Errors occurred while backing up some of the files during the fix pack installation. If you manually backed up these files, then restore them before continuing.
User Response: Manually restore the files listed before continuing.

IRU00835: An error occurred while rolling back the fix pack. Contact support.

Explanation: An error occurred during the rollback.
User Response: Contact support.

IRU00836: This rollback installation restores the product to the previous level, {0}. Click Next to continue to the rollback, or click Cancel to stop the rollback.

Explanation: If you continue, your system is restored to the previous level.
User Response: For information only. No action required.

IRU00837: The rollback is complete.

Explanation: For information only.
User Response: No action required.

IRU00838: You modified the following user data files since the fix pack installation. Select the files you want to back up into a new file {0} located in the Runtime directory. For the files that you do not select in the following list, your changes will be lost.

Explanation: These files have been modified since applying the fix pack. The files you select will be backed up before the rollback is applied.
User Response: Select the files you want to back up.

IRU00839: The file {0} was not found.

Explanation: The rollback cannot continue because the backup file is not found.
User Response: Contact support.

IRU00840: The file {0} cannot be found and cannot be renamed.

Explanation: The file could not be found before applying the fix pack; therefore, it was not renamed in the directory.
User Response: For information only. No action required.

IRU00841: The file {0} is renamed to {2} and is found in directory {1}.

Explanation: This file has been renamed correctly.
User Response: For information only. No action required.

IRU00842: The file {0} cannot be renamed. The file might be open or corrupted, or the directory might be unwriteable.

Explanation: This file could not be renamed because it is open, corrupted, or unwriteable.
User Response: Locate the file from the zip file located in the Backup folder.

IRU00843: Information required for file {0} cannot be located. You can continue with the installation of this fix pack; however, you may not be able to roll back this fix pack or any previous fix packs installed on the system.

Explanation: There is a problem locating information from the file. The problem might be that the file does not exist or the file is corrupted. This file is used to perform a successful backup of any previous fix packs.
User Response: If you want to continue installing the fix pack, you run the risk of not being able to roll back the fix.

IRU00844: Information required for file {0} cannot be located; therefore, you cannot roll back the fix pack. Contact support.

Explanation: There appears to be a problem locating information from the file The problem might be that the file does not exist or the file is corrupted. This file is used to perform the rollback.
User Response: Contact support.

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