IBM Integrated Runtime Program README

To install the Integrated Runtime, see the installation guide, which is accessible from the LaunchPad.
Linux LaunchPadLinuxLaunchpad
Linux InstallationLinuxSetup
Windows LaunchPadWindowsLaunchpad.exe
Windows InstallationWindowsSetup.exe

See license.txt for license information.

Table of Contents

Known Development Issues
    Migration considerations for IBM DB2 on Windows platforms
    Exception to message about exceeding processors
    Period in directory name
    Solution Deployer cannot connect to a SUSE LINUX target machine
    OS/400 return code values
    Saving solution file to read-only location
    Fix already applied to IBM HTTP Server for keystore creation failure
    IHS port not set to 80
    Temp directory requirement on Linux platforms
    Installing as root user on SUSE LINUX
    Using Solution Deployer keyboard shortcuts on Linux
    Double-byte word wrapping

Documentation Issues
    Supported Web browser required for documentation
    Distinguishing References to "Samples"
    Incorrect location of Windows LaunchPad log file

Known Development Issues:

Migration considerations for IBM DB2 on Windows platforms

When installing IBM DB2 onto a Windows system with a previous version of DB2 installed, steps must be taken to ensure that data is migrated properly and no data is lost. For specific instructions, visit and search for "Migrating DB2 Windows." Some of these steps must be performed prior to installation of the new version of DB2. For tools used as part of the pre-installation steps, see the Tools\DB2\Windows\Utility directory located on Integrated Runtime Disk#1.

Before starting the new installation, ensure that all of the DB2 processes have been stopped in the existing installation. This can be achieved by performing the manual steps mentioned in the "Migrating DB2 Windows" section from above. This can also be ensured by modifying the options specified in the DB2 setup command invocation. This command invocation is located in the file, in the install() method. To add the /F option to the command, modify the string setup.exe /U to setup.exe /F /U. The /F option forces any DB2 processes to stop before installation begins. After the /F option is enabled, the solution must be rebuilt in Solution Developer, and exported again.

When you install the new version of DB2, the value specified in the installation directory is overridden by the existing installation's path. The code will be installed over the existing version's location. However, the license files and the README files will go into the location specified for the new installation.

Exception to message about exceeding processors

If you are running IBM DB2 Express with other components of Integrated Runtime, then up to four processors are permitted by the Integrated Runtime license. If you are using four processors or fewer, ignore warning messages that the number of processors is exceeded.

Period in directory name

Do not install IBM HTTP Server in a directory that contains a "." in the name.

Solution Deployer cannot connect to a SUSE LINUX target machine

The /etc/hosts file in a SUSE LINUX distribution must be configured properly to enable RMI. If the SUSE LINUX target machine is not properly configured, you will encounter the following Java exception when the Solution Deployer attempts to connect.

     at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPConnection.getOutputStream(
     at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection(
     at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.newConnection(

To configure the SUSE LINUX target machine, modify the /etc/hosts file on the target machine as follows:

  1. Open the /etc/hosts file in an editor.
  2. Look for the following line: linux.localhost.
  3. Replace with the machine's IP address.
  4. Restart the network.

OS/400 return code values

Make all return codes for user programs running on an OS/400 agent fall between -128 and 127. Return codes outside of this range are converted to fall within this range.

Saving solution file to read-only location

Linux platforms only: If you attempt to save a solution file that is located on a read-only network drive using the Save option on the File menu, you will receive the following error message:
     DJT00066: Another process modified the solution. Do you want to overwrite those changes?
If you select Yes, the changes appear to be saved without any problem. However, your changes will not be saved unless you select the Save As option instead, and designate a writeable location in which to save the solution. If you do not use Save As, your changes to the solution file will be lost when you exit the Solution Deployer.

Fix already applied to IBM HTTP Server for keystore creation failure

Some versions of iKeyman/iKeycmd cannot create new keystores after the Verisign Certificate expires. The fix for this is already applied to the IBM HTTP Server Version 1.3.28 that ships with the IBM Integrated Runtime program for Windows and Linux platforms. And the gskikm.jar file has already been replaced in the WebSphere Application Server Express product that ships with IR. For additional information about the fix, go to and search on APAR "PQ83047".

IHS port not set to 80

If the IBM HTTP Server is deployed to use a port other than 80, manual steps are required to configure WebSphere and the plugin so that the HTTP Server can find the Web applications.

If all of the applications are on the same target machine (for example, if you deployed the Integrated Runtime sample solution), first update the Virtual Host port in WebSphere by using the Administrative Console or by modifying the virtualhosts.xml file directly.

To update the Virtual Host port using the Administrative Console, do the following:

  1. Select Environment -> Virtual Hosts.
  2. Select default_host.
  3. Select Host Aliases.
  4. Select the host name using port 80.
  5. Change the port setting to the port used by the HTTP Server.
  6. Click Ok.
  7. Click Save at the top of the Administrative Console.
  8. Click Save on the screen that follows to save the configuration change.

To update the Virtual Host port by modifying the xml file directly, open the file <WebSphere_Express_Install_Dir>\AppServer\config\cells\DefaultNode\virtualhosts.xml and change the 80 in <aliases xmi:id="HostAlias_2" hostname="*" port="80"/> to the IHS Port number used.

After the Virtual Host port is updated, do the following:

  1. Execute GenPluginCfg.bat/sh found in the <WebSphere_Express_Install_Dir>\AppServer\bin directory.
  2. Restart the WebSphere server.

If the HTTP Server is on a different machine than the WebSphere Server, open the file <WebSphere_Express_Install_Dir>\AppServer\config\cells\DefaultNode\virtualhosts.xml and change the 80 in <aliases xmi:id="HostAlias_2" hostname="*" port="80"/> to the IHS Port number used before proceeding with the manual instructions.

Temp directory requirement on Linux platforms

The IBM Integrated Runtime installation program for Linux platforms requires 752MB of free space in the system default temp directory. If the temp directory has less than 752MB of free space, the installation program either does not start successfully or some components are not installed. An error message might not appear. If you have less than 752MB in the default temp directory, run the following command:

setup -is:tempdir <temporary directory>

where setup is the installation executable name and <temporary directory> is the directory with enough free space where you want to redirect the temporary installation files.

Installing as root user on SUSE LINUX

A SUSE LINUX user must log in and install the Integrated Runtime program as the root user. If you switch to root after logging in by using the su -root command and then install Integrated Runtime on SUSE LINUX, some of the files do not install correctly.

Using Solution Deployer keyboard shortcuts on Linux

In order to use keyboard shortcuts with the Solution Deployer on a computer running Linux, ensure that the numbers lock (NumLock) option is not enabled.

Double-byte word wrapping

In the Solution Deployer, double-byte words may wrap in the middle of the word. If you encounter this behavior, open your double-byte translated application and solution files, locate the translated strings for the following elements, and insert a space in locations where it is acceptable to wrap your sentences.

Documentation Issues:

Supported Web browser required for documentation

A Web browser is required to view the documentation for this product. If no Web browser is available, the online documentation is not accessible.

Distinguishing References to "Samples"

There are two distinct samples installed with the Integrated Runtime: the Integrated Runtime Document Publishing sample (Integrated Runtime Publishing) and the Solution Enabler Starter Sample Solution.

The Solution Enabler User's Guide contains the instructions for using the Solution Developer Sample Template as part of the Solution Enabler Starter Sample Solution.

Incorrect location of Windows LaunchPad log file

The documentation for problem determination (Integrated Runtime Documentation -> Troubleshooting -> Service and Support -> Problem Determination and Reporting) mis-states the location of the Windows LaunchPad log file. The location is controlled by the value of the temp environment variable. If this location is a hidden location, ensure that the Web browser is set up to display hidden files and folders.

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