==================================================================== New Era of Networks Rules and Formatter Extension for IBM WebSphere Message Broker for Multiplatforms, Version 6.0 Fix Pack 3 October, 2006 Copyright (c) 2003-2006 New Era of Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ==================================================================== This readme may have updates, which are posted on the web. For the latest Readme, go to: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=849&uid=swg27006041 ==================================================================== How To Use This Document: To Print the Readme file, open the file in Notepad, and then use the Print Command on the File menu. ==================================================================== Contents: Part 1: General Issues Part 2: Rules and Formatter GUI Issues Part 3: Formatter Issues ====================================================================== Part 1: General Issues ====================================================================== PMR: CMVC: 32416 Wrong permissions on inst_db directory QTS: 346272 Problem: Unable to successfully run inst_db. The install sets the wrong user permissions on inst_db directory on UNIX installs. Resolution: The workaround is to manually change the permissions on the inst_db directory in order to be able to write to the inst_db.log. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================================================================== Part 2: Rules and Formatter GUI Issues ====================================================================== PMR: CMVC: 36194 Installation of Rules and Formatter Extension for WBI fails QTS: 356245 Problem: The Rules and Formatter extension will not install properly. Resolution: The installer has been modified to address the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------- PMR: CMVC: 42864 Error deleting Output Control after Jump To Rules QTS: 428712 Problem: Error deleting Output Control after Jump To Rules. Resolution: The control can now be deleted. -------------------------------------------------------------------- PMR: CMVC: 44179 Error exporting from RFE formatter GUI QTS: 428706 Problem: When using the RFE Formatter GUI to export formats, the GUI hangs after export if the window focus remains on the NNFie export window. Resolution: Changed the action of the message. -------------------------------------------------------------------- PMR: 85571 JumpToRules fails on V5 fp4 CMVC: IC38091.1 JumpToRules fails with MMC cannot open the selected file QTS: 370428 Problem: Using a specific connection profile in Sybase Central, opening a connection can cause the server to crash (inSA). Resolution: Found an obscure difference in the connection profile loading method used to parse the connection profile into a ConnectionInfo object that is used in creating the actual connection. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================================================================== Part 3: Formatter Issues ====================================================================== PMR: 16306 Regular Expression delimiter on AIX APAR: IY80518 EVAL FUNCTION CALL IN NEW ERA NOT WORKING PROPERLY. QTS: 416760 Problem: When parsing the message, the input field should be populated with 'GN' followed by 10 spaces (total length of 12), but instead the input field gets populated with the message till the end of the message. Resolution: Under Windows, regular expressions are matched until a null is encountered, which is interpreted to mean the end of the input string however, under UNIX, this constraint does not exist, so we now match everything, and then return the number of bytes matched or the size of the remaining buffer, whichever is less. -------------------------------------------------------------------- PMR: 42464 £character converts to "ą" in EBCDIC APAR: IY80569 CONVERSION FROM ASCII TO EBCDIC DOES NOT PRODUCE THE CORRECT RESULT QTS: 415002 Problem: The reformat is not converting the pound sterling symbol correctly. Resolution: Use ICU libraries for conversion. This fix only applies to AIX and Windows. --------------------------------------------------------------------