Program Name IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms (5697-G34) Specified Operating Environment The Program Specifications and Specified Operating Environment information can be found in the Installation/User Guide provided with this program. Additional Terms and Conditions Authorization for Copy and Use on the Home/Portable Computer Not Applicable for this program. Transfer of Program Program is fully transferable. Proof of Entitlement The Proof of Entitlement for this program should be retained in order to support the eligibility provided by IBM or its authorized reseller for warranty services, future upgrade programs prices (if announced), potential special or promotional opportunities (if any), and as evidence of the end user's authorized use of this IBM licensed program. Use-based Charges - Users Users Logged On - Charges for ths program are based upon the number of users connected. You must acquire one authorization for each user logged on. The total number of users logged on may not exceed the number authorized by the applicable Proof of Entitlement. If the total number exceeds the quantity in the Proof of Entitlement, you must notify IBM or its reseller as stated in the IPLA. Program Services Availability/Duration of Program Services: Statment of Service IBM provides defect support through Program Services. A defect related problem means the program does not conform to the specifications and could be either a code or documentation error. For information on how you may access Program Services, or other fee-based support services, please contact IBM or its reseller from whom you acquired the program. Warranty Yes. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by the GSA ADP Schedule Contract with the IBM Corporation. Any other documentation with respect to this licensed program, including any such documentation referenced herein, is provided for information purposes only and does not extend or modify the material contained in the License Information.