################################################################################ # IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms # # Windows Clients # # README # # Release # # Dec. 26, 2003 # # # # 5697-G34 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORPORATION 2003 # # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # ################################################################################ Welcome to the Installation Notes for IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server CDROM. For the latest information about OnDemand, see the OnDemand Web site at: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/ondemand ================================================================================ 1. Contents 2. Client Change History 2.1 Windows 32-bit Client Release ( 2.2 Windows 32-bit Administrator Release ( 3. Reference ------------------end of Contents----------------------------------------------- 2. Client Change History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Windows 32-bit Client Release ( - Pre-reqs - Windows XP - Windows 2000 or later - Update Client to keep printing preferences - Updated Client to work with Adobe Acrobat 6.0 - Converted help files to HTML - Added Server Version to Status Bar - Added option to AutoSize Hitlist columns - Corrected problems with Text Selection - Corrected character spacing problems in AFP on Windows XP --------------end of Windows 32-bit Client-------------------------------------- 2.2 Windows 32-bit Administrator Release ( - Pre-reqs - Windows XP - Windows 2000 or later - Update the Administrator to support Report Distribution - Converted help files to HTML - Added Server Version to Status Bar - Added ability to specify server order - Corrected Locale problems with Paper Size --------------end of Windows 32-bit Administrator------------------------------- 3. Reference -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find information updates by searching the Web Based Technical Support web site at www.ibm.com/support. You can find the following additional documents by entering the document # or title in the search field: Document # Document title 7004520 Migrating from previous releases 1154614 Copying and sending SCS data from the OnDemand client for Windows 1154986 OnDemand for Multiplatforms Version 7.1.1: Installing the information center 1155436 Automatically Starting the ARSRD program 1155460 Utilizing an OnDemand server printer definition in Report Distribution 1155471 Double byte character set fonts required for Adobe PDF Distributions ------------------end of Reference----------------------------------------------