################################################################################ # IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms # # Windows Clients # # README # # Release # # Sept. 12, 2005 # # # # 5724-J33 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORPORATION 2005 # # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # ################################################################################ Welcome to the Installation Notes for IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server CDROM. For the latest information about OnDemand, see the OnDemand Web site at: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/ondemand ================================================================================ 1. Contents 2. Client Change History 2.1 Windows 32-bit Client Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 2.2 Windows 32-bit Administrator Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( Release ( 3. Testing Environment 4. Reference ------------------end of Contents----------------------------------------------- 2. Client Change History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The OnDemand 32-bit Client and Administrator have been tested with and support Adobe Acrobat 7 Standard and Professional for display and indexing of PDF Data. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Windows 32-bit Client Release ( - Pre-reqs - Windows XP - Windows 2000 or later Enhancements: - Document properties are now avaliable include a partial LoadId - Server Print Page Restriction has been removed - Columns are now autosized in the Document List Release ( Enhancements: - Filtering of Folder names is now avaiable - When connected to an OD/390 V2 Server, folder filtering requires PTF UQ93577 to be applied to the server. - Updated AFP Viewer to Version APARs: PQ90598 - AFP VIEWER shaded boxes display as 'zebra' stripes - Corrected problems viewing shaded boxes in AFP documents PQ95324 - VIEW ALL SELECTED with .xls docs will crash client - Corrected problems viewing all Excel documents PQ95490 - SEND with TIFF images causes Client to crash - Corrected problems sending documents with TIFF images PQ97177 - Client GUI does not display DBCS chars in - Corrected various problems displaying DBCS characters PQ97188 - Multiple copy print of LO data prints wrong pgs - Corrected problems printing multiple copies of Large Object data Release ( Enhancements: - Updated AFP Web Viewer to Version APARs: PK00758 - ENU chars in CHT locate AFP doc NOTE print - Corrected problems printing notes in Traditional Chinese PQ97030 - Client does not display ARA chars correctly - Corrected problems viewing Arabic Documents PQ99502 - Incorrect ICU SOSI conversion in the client - Corrected problems viewing DBCS data with SOSI support Release ( Enhancements: - Added the Ability to perform a "Full Report Browse" - Added the Ability to perform a "Full Report Reprint" - Updated AFP Web Viewer to Version APARs: PK01550 - EXPRESSION FIND 'grayed-out' w/DBCS LOG VIEW FLD - Accept DBCS characters in addition to alpha in field names PK02551 - CDROM fails from OD OS/390 when hitlist is too large - Corrected error handling for blank fields PK03446 - Search of CDROM image produces incorrect or 0 hits - Corrected a memory overwrite problem with small strings PK04812 - ADHOC CDR Folder->Application mapping is not honoured - Corrected memory corruption problems in string conversions PQ98078 - AFP VIEWER font change causes text to overlap PQ98736 - AFP VIEWER can't scroll to page 2 of document - Updated AFP Web Viewer to Version Release ( Enhancements: - Updated AFP Web Viewer to Version - Updated PDF Data support for Acrobat 7 APARs: PK04531 - WINDOWS menu options should be swapped - Swapped the Tile Horizontal and Tile Vertical menu items in the View Window Menu for the German Client PK04067 - AFP VIEWER renders 'narrow' chars - Updated AFP Web Viewer to Version PK08633 - Client has 'invisible' cursor after PRT ALL SEL - Corrected mouse display problem after printing all selected PK08956 - Adobe PRINT dialog appears behind OD Client window - Updated the Adobe Plugin interface PK04245 - Arabic words before LAM-ALEF char are inverted - Corrected Bidi Layout Engine to handle Lam Alef Characters --------------end of Windows 32-bit Client-------------------------------------- 2.2 Windows 32-bit Administrator Release ( - Pre-reqs - Windows XP - Windows 2000 or later Enhancements: - Individual Applications can now be exported APARs: PQ90750 - CHT Client FIND function fails with SCS-EXTENDED data - Redesigned due to a change in AFP Viewer API Release ( APARs: PQ94748 - RPT WZRD cannot select spooled file w/British Sterling Pound Sign - Corrected problems viewing the data from the iSeries server PQ96509 - GPF occurs when adding an Index in graphical indexer - Corrected problems adding indexes with the Graphical Indexer Release ( Enhancements: - Updated the Graphical Indexer to support a maximum of 48 triggers and GROUPRANGE2 - Added the ability to select "Single table for all loads" for an Application Group. This option for an OS/390 server only. APARs: PK00662 - ADMIN crashes with 'left-click' and LOGON - Corrected problems trying to Logon before selecting a server PK01549 - DBCS chars with X'5F' in 2nd byte are considered invalid - Corrected problems entering DBCS characters where the second byte matched a restricted character PQ98499 - Admin crashes when updating user permissions - Corrected problems re-initializing Folder Structures Release ( APARs: PK01939 - 'icon' view of APPLICATIONS causes ADMIN to crash - Corrected problems determining the Application Group name Release ( Enhancements: - Added Unicode support for Graphical and PDF Indexer - Updated PDF Indexer support for Acrobat 7 - Added new Restrictions when Deleting an Application Group - Added support for DBCS SOSI characters in line data graphical indexer - Added a Font Selection dialog to line data graphical indexer --------------end of Windows 32-bit Administrator------------------------------- 3. OnDemand Testing Environment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This following is a list of the environments in which IBM tested the latest Release/PTF. Windows: Windows - 2000, 2003, XP ------------------end of OnDemand Testing Environment--------------------------- 4. Reference -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find information updates by searching the Web Based Technical Support web site at: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/ondemand/mp/support.html You can find the following additional documents by entering the document # or title in the search field: Document # Document title 1009044 Can I create a user administrator without granting administrator rights to that user? 1178782 Exporting applications from the OnDemand Administrative client 1181449 Graphical annotation limitation 1188995 IBM® DB2® Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms Version 8.3 documentation 1198445 OnDemand32 client: AND and OR logical operator options 1199144 CM OnDemand, Microsoft Windows and TCP/IP sockets left in a TIME_WAIT state 1199568 How to load all application group index data in one database table and dynamically extend the database table as needed (zOS and iSeries only) 1200124 OnDemand Java™ APIs and OLE Control Interface 1200813 Opening Folder or Application Group on local server caused Dr. Watson 1204836 Changing the SCS Default Codepage 1206974 SCS and SCS-extended data types are not selectable in the OnDemand application. 1207558 Note Icon Column in Folder Document List 1211277 When using the CD-ROM mastering feature, is the data that is transferred from the server to client into the staging drive readable by any OnDemand Windows client version, once burned onto a CD? 1211278 Does the OnDemand Windows client feature File->Send work with Adobe Reader when the application's data type is defined as PDF? 1212145 How can I disable the OnDemand Client splash screen? 1215957 Selecting a font for use by the line data graphical indexer 1215983 Defining indexer parameters with line data that contains SOSI characters ------------------end of Reference----------------------------------------------