################################################################################ # IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms # # Windows Clients # # README # # Release # # Nov. 9, 2007 # # # # 5724-J33 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORPORATION 2007 # # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # ################################################################################ Welcome to the Installation Notes for IBM Content Manager OnDemand Server CDROM. For the latest information about OnDemand, see the OnDemand Web site at: http://www.software.ibm.com/data/ondemand ================================================================================ 1. Contents 2. Client Change History 2.1 Windows 32-bit Client Release ( Release ( 2.2 Windows 32-bit Administrator Release ( Release ( 3. Testing Environment 4. Reference ------------------end of Contents----------------------------------------------- 2. Client Change History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Windows 32-bit Client Note: The Arabic and Hebrew OnDemand 8.4 Clients have the following known limitations: - The 'cut-and-paste' function between the 'Search Criteria and Document List' dialog window and Microsoft's Notepad or Wordpad does not work. The Arabic and Hebrew characters are not being 'pasted' correctly. - The 'Full Report Browse' function displays the document in a normal/regular view instead of the Full Report Browse view. - The 'Graphics Text Note' function saves Arabic and Hebrew characters in Left-to-Right order instead of Right-to-Left order. - The 'Copy Document Pages To File' function with a Line data document creates an output file where the Arabic and Hebrew characters are 'reversed/mirrored'. The above limitations will be corrected in a future release. Note: Enhancements that require dialog changes will only be available in the English versions of this Client until a Translation of the other language versions is completed. Release ( - Pre-reqs - Windows XP SP2 or later - Windows Vista or later Enhancements: - Updated AFP Viewer to Version Release ( Enhancements: - Updated AFP Viewer to Version APARs: PK41634 - Client issues err msg opening a userdefined PDF doc - Provided special handling for PDF extension files when launching UserDefined document applications PK41681 - Trans index search fixed to allow short search value - Redesigned transaction key processing in Common Server during Client search PK43581 - FULL REPORT BROWSE issues 'insufficient mem' error msg - Redesigned memory management for the Linedata Viewer PK45489 - Ctrl + n doesn't work quite right in the OD Client - Force CTRL key off when launching other window from hotkey sequence PK43881 - OD client might crash accessing fldrs on multi CPU HW - Manage threads for dual core processor during hitlist creation PK47413 - OD server crashes processing empty tokenized strings - Do not tokenize SQL if NULL string value found PK45824 - Default search for Date/Time field not working in OD Client - Fixed a typo in integer date-to-string conversion when setting search field default value PK53201 - -5016 Pixtrans err w/G4 TIFFs using OD OLE method PrintDoc - Updated the Pixtrans Dlls PK49549 - Viewing AFP docs can fail w/CM OD OLE CONTROL - Changed the OLE Client call to ignore return codes from AFP Viewer Log Creation API PK48304 - Problem of sorting unmapped fields on OD winClient - Force unmapped fields to be lowest in sort order PK54631 - BETWEEN search on CD/Local Srvr returns invalid results - Added a check to make sure the lowest index is used PK55130 - OD Client fails with SFA back-end - Do not query cabinets for servers prior to 8.4 PK46006 - Large paper size AFP docs may cause invalid ASCII output PK48602 - Unsupported code points in AFP display as empty boxes PK51247 - ARSGUI32 crashes printing/opening docs w/alot of pgs PK44075 - Simultaneous AFP text searches cause OD server to crash PK41489 - Folder TEXT SEARCH field does not work with AFP DBCS chars PK41406 - ARSGUI32 crashes when printing/scrolling together PK34407 - DBCS search in APW data does not work PK27199 - AFP Viewer not mapping (0x00) to space char PK55353 - SPACE characters added between HANKAKU KATAKANA PK53258 - TEXT selection mode displays inverted text for AFP - Updated the AFP Viewer to Versin --------------end of Windows 32-bit Client-------------------------------------- 2.2 Windows 32-bit Administrator Note: The English OnDemand 8.4 Admin running in either an Arabic or Hebrew workstation has the following known limitations: - The date in the 'Summary' reports is not being formatted correctly. - Objects (such as Application Groups, Applications, Folders, etc...) created with a mixture of English and Arabic or Hebrew characters in the Name and Description fields will be saved in mirrored/reverse order. The above limitations will be corrected in a future release. Note: Enhancements that require dialog changes will only be available in the English versions of this Client until a Translation of the other language versions is completed. Release ( - Pre-reqs - Windows XP SP2 or later - Windows Vista or later Enhancements: - Advanced Indexing dialog for Cluster Indexes Release ( APARs: PK41493 - ADMIN crashes started as CMD: arsadm32.exe /S /U /P - Added the server parameter to a call to process the return code PK46565 - DB length is wrong when defining field using DBCS string duplicate - Changed the length calculation to remove graphic characters that represented SOSI control characters. PK37830 - Admin FOLDER - FLD INFO - NAME fld causes err msg - String length checking is now done on the Client side PK52598 - Admin crashes with large MAX NUM OF ROWS value - Increased the size of the character array PK52244 - IDX DATA never expires if EXP TYPE=SEG and no AG seg date - Added a check to make sure an applgrp can't be added if the Expire Type is set to Segment and no segment date has been specified --------------end of Windows 32-bit Administrator------------------------------- 3. OnDemand Testing Environment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This following is a list of the environments in which IBM tested the latest Release/PTF. Windows: Windows - XP SP2, 2003, Vista ------------------end of OnDemand Testing Environment--------------------------- 4. Reference -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find information updates by searching the Web Based Technical Support web site at: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/ondemand/mp/support.html You can find the following additional documents by entering the document # or title in the search field: Document # Document title 1236920 Microsoft ClearType Function Causes OnDemand AFP Documents to display improperly 1282998 Can I run CM OnDemand Client in combination with 7.1.2.x Server? 1256518 Cannot get search result from CD-ROM server with Operator Or Mapping Type 1172088 Why do I get duplicate copies of a document archived on CD-ROM? 1271158 A CD-ROM mastered with the OnDemand client is displaying a longer hit list than from the OnDemand server ------------------end of Reference----------------------------------------------