Device Manager Fix Pack 1 README

Last updated: November 28, 2005

This document contains information for Device Manager Version Fix Pack 1.


This Readme includes the following information:

Updates included with this Fix Pack

This Fix Pack includes corrections for the following problems:


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Installing the Product Update tool

Device Manager Fix Pack 1 requires the Product Update tool, which is included with the Device Manager Fix Pack.

The Product Update tool creates a backup of your configuration in case you need to remove the Fix Pack later. Before you install this Fix Pack, verify that you installed IBM® WebSphere® Everyplace® Device Management, Version 6.0.

To install the Product Update tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a command prompt and create a new directory (update_home) for the Product Update tool. Use the following directory locations for the update_home directory:


    C:\Program Files\IBM\Updatertool

    AIX or Linux:




  2. Copy the Product Update tool ZIP file,, to the directory (update_home) you just created.

  3. Unzip the file.


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Installing Device Manager Fix Pack 1

Fix Pack 1 requires that you install the Product Update tool.

The Fix Pack should be applied where the Device Manager product root was installed and configured. If Device Manager was installed to the Deployment Manager, then you install the Fix Pack at the Deployment Manager.

Before you install this Fix Pack, verify you have enough disk space:

Installing the Fix Pack

To install the Fix Pack, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a command prompt and change to the update_home directory, such as:


    C:\Program Files\IBM\Updatertool

    AIX or Linux:




  2. AIX, Linux, or Solaris only:   Use the following command to change the file permissions of the scripts:
    chmod +x update*.sh

  3. Copy the Fix Pack JAR file, DMS_PTF_1801.jar, to the directory that contains the Product Update tool (update_home).

  4. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

    Each time you open a new command prompt, you need to set the JAVA_HOME environment, so if you are performing these steps on multiple computers, make sure to set the JAVA_HOME variable.

    1. Open a command prompt window.

    2. Change directory to the was_home/bin directory, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server on the computer.

    3. Issue the appropriate command:



      AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

      . ./

      Note: When running this command in a AIX, Linux, or Solaris shell, be sure to use the syntax " . ./ ". If you do not precede the command with the period and space, the Java environment will not be properly set for the active shell.

  5. Stop the Device Manager servers.

    Change to the was_home /bin directory, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server is running.


    stopServer.bat DMS_AppServer -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password

    AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

    ./ DMS_AppServer -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password

  6. Run the preUpdate command.

    Navigate to the dms_home/bin directory and run the following command, where was_username is the WebSphere Application Server administrator ID and was_password is the password for the administrator ID:


    preUpdate -user was_username -password was_password

    AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

    ./ -user was_username -password was_password

  7. Open a command prompt and change to the update_home directory, such as:


    C:\Program Files\IBM\Updatertool

    AIX or Linux:




  8. Install the Fix Pack files using the Product Update tool.

    Note: The commands shown below spans multiple lines for clarity, but the command begins with updateProduct and must be entered on a single line.

    For example:

    updateProduct -fixpack -installDir "dms_home"
    -fixpackDir "update_home"
    -install -fixpackID DMS_PTF_1801
    -productID DMS -productVersion

    Where dms_home represents the full path to the installation directory of Device Manager server.

    Windows example:

    updateProduct -fixpack -installDir "C:\Program Files\IBM\DeviceManager" 
    -fixpackDir "C:\Program Files\IBM\Updatertool" 
    -install -fixpackID DMS_PTF_1801
    -productID DMS -productVersion

    AIX or Linux example:

    ./ -fixpack -installDir "/usr/IBM/DeviceManager" 
    -fixpackDir "/usr/IBM/Updatertool" 
    -install -fixpackID DMS_PTF_1801
    -productID DMS -productVersion

    Solaris example:

    ./ -fixpack -installDir "/opt/IBM/DeviceManager" 
    -fixpackDir "/opt/IBM/Updatertool" 
    -install -fixpackID DMS_PTF_1801
    -productID DMS -productVersion

  9. Run the postUpdate command.

    Change to the dms_home/bin directory and run the following command, where was_username is the WebSphere Application Server administrator ID and was_password is the password for the administrator ID:


    postUpdate -user was_username -password was_password

    AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

    ./ -user was_username -password was_password

  10. Start the Device Manager servers.

    Change to the was_home /bin directory, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server is running, then use the startServer command file.


    startServer.bat DMS_AppServer -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password

    AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

    ./ DMS_AppServer -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password

  11. Navigate to the dms_home/config directory. Run the following DMSconfig command.

    Note: If your configuration file is not named, use the -file your_config_file_name parameter in place of the -file parameter in the examples below.

    Windows example:

    DMSconfig.bat -target dms-console-repackage -file

    For Windows, make sure the properties file identified by the -file parameter exists. If the properties file does not exist, no error message is displayed.

    AIX, Linux, or Solaris example: -target dms-console-repackage -file

    Result from the DMS config command:

    If the HTTP server is on a remote computer, then the file is copied to the dms_home/www/dms/console directory.

    If the HTTP server is on the local computer, then the DMSconfig command creates the file in the IBM_Http_Server\htdocs\language_code\dms\console directory, such as:

    Windows example:

    C:\Program Files\IBMHttpServer\htdocs\en_US\dms\console

    AIX or Linux example:


    Solaris example:


  12. You must reinstall the Device Manager console on all computers where the console is installed. Go to
    and follow the instructions.


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Verifying the version of Device Manager

After you have applied the Device Manager Fix Pack, you can verify the version using the update tool.

  1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
    1. Open a command prompt window.

    2. Change directory to the was_home/bin directory,

      where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server, such as:


      C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\bin

      AIX or Linux:



    3. Issue the appropriate command:



      AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

      . ./

      Note: When running this command in a AIX, Linux, or Solaris shell, be sure to use the syntax " . ./ ". If you do not precede the command with the period and space, the Java environment will not be properly set for the active shell.

  2. Change to the update_home/puibin directory, where update_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Everyplace Device Management update tool, such as:


    C:\Program Files\IBM\Updatertool\puibin

    AIX or Linux:




  3. Set the PUI_PRODUCT_HOME environment variable using the following command, where dms_home is the installation directory of Device Manager server:

    Note: When providing the path for the PUI_PRODUCT_HOME environment variable, you must not place quotes around the path.


    set PUI_PRODUCT_HOME=dms_home

    Windows example:

    set PUI_PRODUCT_HOME=C:\Program Files\IBM\DeviceManager

    AIX or Linux:

    export PUI_PRODUCT_HOME=/dms_home

    AIX or Linux example:

    export PUI_PRODUCT_HOME=/usr/IBM/DeviceManager


    export PUI_PRODUCT_HOME=/dms_home

    Solaris example:

    export PUI_PRODUCT_HOME=/opt/IBM/DeviceManager

  4. Run the following command from the update_home/puibin directory to display the current version for the Device Manager server:



    AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

    chmod +x pui*.sh

  5. Look for the Installed Product topic of the information that is printed to the screen. Verify the Device Manager version as


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Removing the Device Manager Fix Pack 1

To remove Device Manager Fix Pack 1, do the following steps:

  1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

    Each time you open a new command prompt, you need to set the JAVA_HOME environment, so if you are performing these steps on multiple computers, make sure to set the JAVA_HOME variable.

    1. Open a command prompt window.

    2. Change directory to the was_home/bin directory, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server on the computer.

    3. Issue the appropriate command:



      AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

      . ./

      Note: When running this command in a AIX, Linux, or Solaris shell, be sure to use the syntax " . ./ ". If you do not precede the command with the period and space, the Java environment will not be properly set for the active shell.

  2. Stop the Device Manager servers.

    Change to the was_home /bin directory, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server is running.


    stopServer.bat DMS_AppServer -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password

    AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

    ./ DMS_AppServer -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password
  3. Run the preUpdate command.

    Change to the dms_home/bin directory and run the following command, where was_username is the WebSphere Application Server administrator ID and was_password is the password for the administrator ID:


    preUpdate -user was_username -password was_password

    AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

    ./ -user was_username -password was_password

  4. Open a command prompt and change to the update_home directory, such as:


    C:\Program Files\IBM\Updatertool

    AIX or Linux:




  5. AIX, Linux, or Solaris only:   Use the following command to change the file permissions of the scripts:
    chmod +x update*.sh

  6. Remove the Fix Pack 1 files using the Product Update tool.

    Note: The command shown below spans multiple lines for clarity, but the command begins with updateProduct and must be entered on a single line.

    For example:

    updateProduct -installDir "dms_home"
    -fixpack -uninstall -fixpackID DMS_PTF_1801 

    Where dms_home represents the full path to the installation directory of Device Manager server.

    Windows example:

    updateProduct -installDir "C:\Program Files\IBM\DeviceManager" 
    -fixpack -uninstall -fixpackID DMS_PTF_1801 

    AIX or Linux example:

    ./ -installDir "/usr/IBM/DeviceManager" 
    -fixpack -uninstall -fixpackID DMS_PTF_1801

    Solaris example:

    ./ -installDir "/opt/IBM/DeviceManager" 
    -fixpack -uninstall -fixpackID DMS_PTF_1801

  7. Run the postUpdate command.

    Change to the dms_home/bin directory and run the following command, where was_username is the WebSphere Application Server administrator ID and was_password is the password for the administrator ID:


    postUpdate -user was_username -password was_password

    AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

    ./ -user was_username -password was_password

  8. Start the Device Manager servers.

    Change to the was_home /bin directory, where was_home is the installation directory of the WebSphere Application Server is running.


    startServer.bat DMS_AppServer -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password

    AIX, Linux, or Solaris:

    ./ DMS_AppServer -user was_admin_userid -password was_admin_password
  9. Navigate to the dms_home/config directory. Run the following DMSconfig command.

    Note: If your configuration file is not named, use the -file your_config_file_name parameter in place of the -file parameter in the examples below.

    Windows example:

    DMSconfig.bat -target dms-console-repackage -file

    For Windows, make sure the properties file identified by the -file parameter exists. If the properties file does not exist, no error message is displayed.

    AIX, Linux, or Solaris example: -target dms-console-repackage -file

    Result from the DMS config command:

    If the HTTP server is on a remote computer, then the file is copied to the dms_home/www/dms/console directory.

    If the HTTP server is on the local computer, then the DMSconfig command creates the file in the IBM_Http_Server\htdocs\language_code\dms\console directory, such as:

    Windows example:

    C:\Program Files\IBMHttpServer\htdocs\en_US\dms\console

    AIX or Linux example:


    Solaris example:


  10. You must reinstall the Device Manager console on all computers where the console is installed. Go to
    and follow the instructions.


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(c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1994, 2005. All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.