IBM Rational® Synergy for Team Concert Interface 1.2 Readme

IBM Corporation
September 3rd, 2013



This file contains product information and updates to the IBM® Rational® Synergy for Team Concert Interface 1.2

It is divided into the following sections:

To access the latest news and information on the Rational Synergy for Team Concert Interface Web site, go to

System requirements

  • One of the following operating systems installed on your computer:
    • Windows® 7 Enterprise
    • Windows® Server 2003 or 2008
    • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 6
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
  • IBM Rational Team Concert: Server
    • 3.0.1 or Higher
    • 4.0.3
  • IBM Rational Team Concert: Client (32 bit)
    • 3.0.1
    • 4.0.3
  • One of the following versions of IBM Rational Synergy:
    • 7.2.1
  • IBM JDK 6, 32-bit

For additional information about system requirements, including recommended configurations, visit the Rational Synergy Change Support Web site at

Available features in version

This version of the interface contains the following components:

o    Rational Synergy for Eclipse Interface. This component can be used to perform version control operations using Rational Synergy from inside the RTC Eclipse client.

o    Rational Synergy and RTC Bridge. This component can be used to link RTC Work Items to Synergy tasks from within the Rational Synergy client.

o    Rational Synergy and RTC Synchronizer. This component can be used to export Synergy Repository Projects  to RTC Repository

Installing Rational Synergy for Team Concert Interface

1.    Install and configure Rational Synergy (per server)

Install the supported version of Rational Synergy or upgrade an existing installation. Please refer to the Rational Synergy Information Center for installation instructions.

You must configure each Rational Synergy database that will use the Rational Synergy and RTC Bridge, as described below.

·         Rational Synergy bundles Rational Team Concert 4.0 compatible jar files. If you need to use the interface with version 3.0.x, perform the following steps:

o   Download Plain Java Client libraries for Rational Team Concert 3.0.x

o   Unzip the jar files to a location on your system.

o   Edit the file CCM_HOME/etc/ and modify the value of crtool.jardir.rtc to point to RTC 3.0.x jar files. For example:


·         Run the script setup_rtc present in CCM_HOME/bin. You will need to pass the Synergy database path, your Rational Team Concert server URL, Project Area, User Id and Password. For example:

setup_rtc \\<Synergy_Server>\ccmdb\base71_rtc https://<RTC_Server>:9443/ccm Sync <RTC_Admin_Id> <RTC_Admin_Password>

Where RTC_Admin_Id and RTC_Admin_Password are user id and password for an Admin user in RTC. Rational Synergy uses this account to communicate with RTC and modify work items.

2.    Install and configure Rational Team Concert Server (per server)

Download and install a supported version of the Rational Team Concert server and configure the Server and CCM application.

The RTC Server Public URI should be a fully qualified name. For example, use https://<RTC_SERVER_NAME>.<RTC_SERVER_DOMAIN>:9443/ccm. Do not use https://localhost:9443/ccm.

3.    Install Rational Synergy client (per user)

Install a supported version of the Rational Synergy client on the same system where you will be running this interface.

Edit the file and specify the following properties, if not present already:

crtool.user.tool.<db name>=rtc<RTC_User_Id>

crtool.rtc.user.password =<RTC_ User_Password>

where RTC_User_Id and RTC_User_Password are the user id and password for this end user in RTC. Rational Synergy uses this account to retrieve the user's list of assigned work items.

Note: From release onwards, setting the client side RTC user name and password shall be done through executing the script $CCM_HOME/bin/setup_client_rtc_user. This script shall create a file with name .ccmrtcuser under the user’s home directory, which stores the RTC user name and password. The password shall be stored in encrypted format.

If the user details are updated in the file prior to release, then the setup_client_rtc_user script needs to be run again to set the user details in .ccmrtcuser file.

4.    Install and configure Rational Team Concert Client (per user)

Install a supported version of the Rational Team Concert client on the same machine where you will be running this interface.

After you have installed Rational Team Concert client, configure it use JRE 1.6 from Rational Synergy installation.

Modify the eclipse.ini in <RTC_INSTALL_DIR>\jazz\client\eclipse, where RTC_INSTALL_DIR is the directory containing Rational Team Concert.

o    Change the -vm argument to the location of the IBM JRE 1.6.

o    Set the -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion= argument to 1.6.

Note: You do not need to modify eclipse.ini for JRE if you are using Rational Team Concert 4.0.

5.    Installing the interface - Rational Team Concert client side

·         The installer is located under CCM_HOME's integrations\teamconcert folder.

·         Locate the update site \client\synergyrtcbridge

·         Use  Rational Team Concert menu Help->Install New Software… to install the update site from \client\synergyrtcbridge.

The installer for this interface contains two client side components.

IBM Rational Synergy for Eclipse Interface

Rational Synergy for Team Concert Interface


Both of these components need to be installed in the Rational Team Concert Eclipse Client.

6.    Installing the interface - Rational Team Concert server side

The installer for the interface contains two server side components.

<CCM_HOME>\integrations\teamconcert\server\ synergylinktype



Both of these components need to be installed in the Rational Team Concert server.

1.    The "synergylinktype" component is an update site with the directory structure as shown below.



                               |              |


                               |              |



2.    The “SynergyParticipantUpdatesite” component is an update site with the directory structure as shown below.



                           |         |____<buildnum>.jar







                  Follow the steps below to install these server side components -

·         Start Rational Team Concert Server.

·         Using a web browser go to the URL http://<RTCServer>:<Port>/ccm/admin/cmd/requestReset. Where RTCServer is the fully qualified name your Rational Team Concert Server and Port is the port. For example Login to the server and you will get a message saying "The Jazz Server has been flagged to reset and reload from the configured update-site when it is next restarted".

·         Close the browser and shut down the RTC server.

·         Place the update sites synergylinktype  and SynergyParticipantUpdatesite into RTC server installation directory <RTCinstallDir>\server\conf\ccm\sites

·         Go to <RTCinstallDir>\server\conf\ccm\provision_profiles

·         Copy profile.ini and paste it in the same directory, then rename the file to synergylinktype-profile.ini

·         Open the synergylinktype-profile.ini and edit the url and featureid as shown below:

o    url=file:ccm/sites/synergylinktype


·         Copy profile.ini and paste it in the same directory, then rename the file to SynergyParticipantUpdatesite-profile.ini

·         Open the SynergyParticipantUpdatesite-profile.ini and edit the url and featureid as shown below:

o    url=file:ccm/sites/SynergyParticipantUpdatesite


·         Start RTC server.

7.    Project Area Process Configuration

Select the Project Area for which you want to enable this interface and configure it as described below -  

Using RTC Eclipse client connect to the RTC Server. You must have Admin role for to perform this process configuration.

·         In the Team Artifact View, select the Project Area that will be used by this integration

·         Right Click and select Open

·         Select Operation Behavior  in Team Configuration

·         Click Process Configuration Tab

·         In the list of Operations scroll to the bottom where you should see Save Work Item (server) listed

·         Click the column everyone (default) in the Save Work Item (server) row.

·         Preconditions actions (xx available) --- Click Add button to select precondition WorkitemProhibitSave and press OK

·         Follow-up actions (xx available) -- Click Add button to select follow-up action SynergySaveParticipant and then press OK

·         The above precondition and follow-up actions will not be available to configure, if the Server-side Plug-ins are not installed correctly.


8.    Installing Synchronizer (Optional)

This interface contains Rational Synergy and Rational Team Concert source code synchronizer component. You need to install on the machine which is used by the build manager and running RTC client.

You typically need only one installation of the Synchronizer.


To install this component, follow the steps below –


·         The installer assumes that you have already installed the bridge part of this interface which would have also installed the help. The bridge component is available as update site which you can find at <CCM_HOME>\integrations\teamconcert\client\ synergyrtcbridge.

·         Install the client side of the Synchronizer. Locate the update site at <CCM_HOME>\integrations\teamconcert\client\SynergyExportUpdateSite. Use RTC menu Help->Install New Software… to install the update site.

·         This component requires JDK 1.6 32-bit. Please install JDK 1.6 before installing the synchronizer.

Note: You do not need to install JDK 1.6 if you are using RTC 4.0.

·         This component also needs Rational Team Concert Build System. Please install the right version of Build System for your installation of RTC.

·         Navigate to the directory <CCM_HOME>\ integrations\teamconcert\synchronizer and choose the installer for your platform.

·         Follow the installation wizard to install the Synchronizer.

·         Refer to help on the Synchronizer help for configuration and further details.

Uninstalling the Interface

Use the standard Eclipse un-installation mechanism to uninstall the features that you installed using update site. The Synchronizer can be uninstalled using “Add or Remove Programs” or “Programs and Features” from the control panel on Windows 

On Linux, run the uninstaller for Synergy_RTC_Interface_1_2 created during installation. 


·         IBM Rational Synergy for Rational Team Concert Bridge Connector

o    Part-1:

o    Part-2:

Limitations and Known Problems

This version of the interface has following known problems or the limited support:

Rational Synergy and RTC Bridge:

  • Drag Drop of Synergy Task to RTC Workitem doesn't associate the tasks to the Workitem.
  • If a RTC Workitem has tasks of old format (prior to Synergy, refreshing the views would not update the tasks to have OSLC format. Using the context menu option 'Update Synergy Tasks Links' would resolve the issue.
  • If the Synergy client is integrated with RTC and when the Synergy server is restarted, an error is thrown in the client. Synergy client needs to be restarted to resolve the problem. This issue is not seen in RTC Eclipse client.

Rational Synergy and RTC Synchronizer:

  • The RTC-Synergy Synchronizer does not work with 64-bit JDK.
  • Once a synchronization stream has been created in RTC for a Synergy project, do not modify the project name in Synergy or viceversa.
  • Synchronization might not work when reverted to older snapshots.
  • Synergy restricted characters cannot be used in file names within RTC . For a list of restricted characters in Synergy, refer to
  • If you modify any of the synchronization stream properties, restart the build system for it to take effect.
  • To avoid synchronization process virtual memory limitations, it is best to initially select synchronization roots such that each root has no more than 50,000 files below it. Once these roots have been successfully imported, then you can select a parent synchronization root that is located above all of the initial synchronization roots. Once that parent has been imported, the children synchronization roots can be removed from the list of synchronization roots for that synchronized stream.
  • Rational Team Concert does not have the ability to re-use the same file in multiple components. If you have used a file in more than one Synergy project and you synchronize that project to Team Concert, the re-used file will be treated as separate and distinct files in Team Concert.
  • The Synergy Synchronized Streams view can sometimes report a synchronization success or a blocked synchronization before the Build Results have been updated. To work around this problem, right-click the stream and click Latest Synchronization Details. Refresh the build Summary page to update the synchronization status.
  • Most synchronization failures or blocks occur because process controls in one repository reject a change made in the other repository. The message in the log from Rational® Synergy ( if Rational Synergy rejected the change) or Rational Team Concert™ process (if Rational Team Concert rejected the change) tells you what went wrong. Fix the problem, and run the synchronize operation again.
  • Synchronization blocks can also be caused by network errors (failure to contact one repository or another), permissions errors (the synchronization process Jazz™ account does not have sufficient rights in the Jazz repository, or the synchronization process itself is running with credentials that do not allow access to the specified Rational Synergy stream), or both. The details of the error messages are different for different cases. Fix the problem, and then run the synchronize operation again.
  • When you change the Jazz Provider Properties of a Synergy Synchronized Stream, you might see a Save workspace failed message in the Team Advisor view. You can ignore the message.

Contacting IBM Rational Software Support

If the self-help resources have not provided a resolution to your problem, you can contact IBM® Software Support. IBM Software Support provides assistance in resolving product issues.

For more details about enrolling in Passport Advantage and submitting problems, see the “Contacting IBM Software Support” topic in the Rational Synergy information center at




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