Data tools - release notes

1.0 Known problems
   1.1 Possible corruption of views in the Data perspective when copying data object definitions to a project
   1.2 Primary key column might not appear in the correct compartment
   1.3 Deploying certain table user-defined functions (UDFs) results in SQLSTATE -458 error
   1.4 Class location is not discovered for Cloudscape database connections if WebSphere Application Server is installed separately from the workbench
   1.5 DB2 server may shut down if the database contains a large number of UDFs

1.0 Known problems

1.1 Possible corruption of views in the Data perspective when copying data object definitions to a project

After you copy a data object from the Database Explorer view to a project in the Data Definition view (Copy to project from the Database Explorer pop-up menu), the object tree in the Data Definition view might become unusable. To work around this problem, repeat the Copy to project action.

1.2 Primary key column might not appear in the correct compartment

When working with a database table displayed in an open IDEF1X diagram, adding or removing a primary key will not immediately move the primary key column to the correct compartment. To work around this issue, close the diagram. The next time you open the diagram, the primary key column is displayed in the correct compartment.

1.3 Deploying certain table user-defined functions (UDFs) results in SQLSTATE -458 error

If you deploy certain table UDFs that were exported using the Include DROP statement option in the Export Routines wizard, you may see an error message with SQLSTATE -458. This is because of an error in the generated DROP FUNCTION statement. For example, if this is your UDF source:
The DROP FUNCTION statement is generated like this:
To work around this problem, remove the parentheses from the end of the DROP FUNCTION statement.

1.4 Class location is not discovered for Cloudscape database connections if WebSphere Application Server is installed separately from the workbench

In the following scenario, the Class location field in the Database Connection wizard or page is not automatically filled in:

  1. Install the workbench without installing WebSphere Application Server (WAS). Install WAS.
  2. Start the workbench.
  3. Create a connection to a Cloudscape™ database (Right-click > New connection from the Database Explorer view of the Data perspective, or using the Database connection page of another wizard).

To work around this problem, fill the Class location field in manually, or restart the workbench and create the connection again. If you restart the workbench the Class location field is automatically filled in.

1.5 DB2 server may shut down if the database contains a large number of UDFs

When there are a large number of UDFs stored in a DB2 database, the server may shut down when the UDF information is being retrieved as you make a database connection in the Database Explorer. After this shutdown occurs, further attempts to use the server will result in an error message such as: "IO Exception opening socket to server on port 50000. The DB2 Server may be down." To work around this problem, you can increase the agent stack size configuration parameter. This is a command window example to increase the agent stack size:
D:\SQLLIB\BIN>db2 update database manager configuration using agent_stack_sz 128
DB20000I The UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION command completed successfully

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