Web tools - release notes

1.0 Known problems
   1.1 Client data cannot be added to templated Faces JSP pages
   1.2 Client data cannot be created from Faces Managed Bean nodes

1.0 Known problems

1.1 Client data cannot be added to templated Faces JSP pages

Client data cannot be created on a page that already has a template applied.

To work around this, create a Faces JSP, add the client data, and then apply the template to the page.

1.2 Client data cannot be created from Faces Managed Bean nodes

Client data cannot be created from any node that appears under "Faces Managed Beans" in Page Data View (these nodes will not appear in the "Add Client Data" dialog box).

To work around this issue:

  1. Right-click in Page Data View and select New > JavaBean.
  2. Select the Add existing reusable JavaBean (Faces Managed Bean) radio button.
  3. Select a JavaBean and click Finish.
  4. The bean will now appear as a top-level node in Page Data View, and will be available for selection in the "Add Client Data" dialog box.

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