Visit our Home Page on the Internet: Host Publisher Support ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Date: 04/07/2000 Product/Version: Host Publisher V2.1 Studio Readme file for APAR: JR14498 This APAR addresses the following Error Symptom(s): When the user selects File->New from the menu, they will be prompted to save changes to the currently open Integration Object. Even if they specify that the changes should be saved, not all of the appropriate files will be saved. The .macro files will be saved, but the .hpi file will not. This causes a problem because the Java beans that get generated are based on both the .macro files and the .hpi file. _________________________________________________________________________ PROBLEM(s) FIXED: (This is a cumulative list of problems fixed for this component) JR14017 STUDIO: USING THE "BACK" BUTTON SOMETIMES CAUSES THE DATA MACRO TO BE DELETED JR14051 IF LOOP EXECUTION RESULTS IN ONLY ONE SCREEN, LOOP WILL NOT EXECUTE CORRECTLY. JR14128 HOST ACCESS MACROS CONTAINING ARABIC CHARACTERS FAILING JR14315 CREATING AN IO USING A CONNECTION POOL PREVIOUSLY CREATED WILL NOT ASSOCIATE WITH ITS NEW CONNECT MACRO AND DISCONNECT MACRO JR14498 FILE->NEW MAY PROMPT TO SAVE CHANGES, BUT WILL NOT SAVE ALL APPROPRIATE FILES INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Be SURE to download the JR14498.exe file in BINARY format. 2) Create a Temporary directory and copy the JR14498.exe file into it. 3) Within the temporary directory, unpack the EXE file by running JR14498.exe 4) Stop Host Publisher Studio. IMPORTANT! Carefully compare the dates of the files supplied with this APAR fix to the files being replaced. If ANY of the files being replaced are more recent than the files shipped with this APAR, discontinue the installation of this fix and contact Customer Support for clarification. 5)Run Instfix.bat as shown below: Instfix c:\HostPub (where c: is the install directory for Host Publisher) 6) Restart Host Publisher Studio. FILES INCLUDED This APAR fix is self extracting and contains the following files: SHIPPED (fn.ft) File Destination hostaccess.jar hostpub\studio\hostaccess.jar instfix.bat - the batch file for installing the fix on Windows NT/95/98 - contains the APAR numbers whose fixes are being applied to this system addfixdata.exe - an executable for updating the fixdata file for Windows NT/95/98 TECHNICAL SUPPORT For technical assistance or questions, please call the IBM SUPPORT CENTER for your Country. For example in the USA call: 1-800-237-5511 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 1999. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system, transmitted, or translated into any language without the express written consent of the publisher: International Business Machines Corp. P.O. Box 12195 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2195 USA Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. LIMIT OF LIABILITY License to the contained APAR fixes is conditioned upon the recipient holding a license to the prerequisite product. The license terms and conditions of the APAR fixes are the same as those for the prerequisite product. Please see the product license for specifics.