Release Notes for Platform™ Analytics™

Version 7.5

June 2009

Comments to:



What's New in Platform Analytics Version 7.5

Analytics upgrade package

The Analytics upgrade package provides you with an easier way to upgrade Analytics from version 7.1 to version 7.5 without requiring you to reinstall Analytics or manually migrate all your data and settings.

The Analytics upgrade package has the following features:

What's Changed in Platform Analytics Version 7.5

Data loaders

Analytics has the following changes to currently existing data loaders:

Cubes and datamarts

Analytics has the following changes to currently existing cubes and datamarts:

User groups

Analytics now supports user group names of up to 512 characters (increased from 128 characters) for LSF jobs associated with a user group (that is, jobs submitted using bsub -G).

Compound resource requirements

Analytics now supports LSF jobs with compound resource requirements (that is, jobs submitted using bsub -R):

Fixed bugs and known issues

Analytics 7.5 includes fixes for various bugs and for the following known issue from Analytics 7.1:

System requirements

Analytics server host

Hardware requirements for the Analytics server host vary, depending on the number of hosts in the cluster, number of finished jobs daily, and whether the database is installed on the same machine as the server. The requirements described in the table below are for an LSF cluster consisting of 500 hosts and 300 000 finished jobs daily: a cluster with fewer hosts and running fewer jobs will have lower hardware requirements.

The Analytics server host must be a Windows or Solaris host to install the Cognos tools. For additional requirements, refer to the Cognos documentation.

If you do not wish to generate cubes with the Analytics server, you may proceed with the installation if the host does not meet the Cognos requirements. The Analytics server host can be a Linux, Solaris, or Windows host if you are not installing Cognos tools.

A Solaris machine may not be powerful enough to host both the Analytics server and an Oracle database. You may wish to install the Oracle database on a different host.

Host operating system
2 x 3.0 GHz
3 GB
2 x 1.0 GHz
3 GB
2 x 3.0 GHz
4 GB

Disk space requirements

Disk space requirements for the Analytics server vary, depending on the number of hours in the cluster, the number of finished jobs daily, and whether the database is installed on the same machine as the server. The requirements described in the table below are for a cluster consisting of 500 hosts and 300 000 finished jobs daily with six months of data, and list the approximate requirements for each component: a cluster with fewer hosts and running few jobs will have lower disk space requirements.

Disk space required
Required for...
10 GB
Analytics server installation, including Cognos
2 GB
Temporary space required on the server for concurrently building each additional customized cube, if any.

Supported operating systems

The following table describes the supported operating systems:

Platform and hardware
Kernel version
Operating systems
Linux x86 32-bit
(Intel x86)
kernel 2.4, glibc 2.2
RedHat 8
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8
kernel 2.4, glibc 2.3
RedHat Enterprise Linux 3
kernel 2.6, glibc 2.3
RedHat Enterprise Linux 4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
kernel 2.6, glibc 2.4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
kernel 2.6, glibc 2.5
RedHat Enterprise Linux 5
Linux x86 64-bit
(AMD64, EM64T)
kernel 2.6, glibc2.3
RedHat Enterprise Linux 4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
kernel 2.6, glibc 2.4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
kernel 2.6, glibc 2.5
RedHat Enterprise Linux 5
Solaris 64-bit
(SPARC: Sun Ultra 5, Fire V100)
Solaris 10
Windows x86 32-bit
(Intel x86)
Windows XP SP2 (for non-production clusters only)
Windows 2003
Windows x86 64-bit
(AMD64, EM64T)
Windows 2003

Database host

Tablespace requirements

Disk space requirements for the tablespace vary, depending on the number of hosts in the cluster and the number of finished jobs daily. For example, for an LSF cluster consisting of 500 hosts and 300 000 finished jobs daily with six months of data, you require at least 100 GB of space in your database host.

Oracle database requirements

The following are the supported versions of Oracle:

Analytics node hosts

The requirements described in the table below are minimum system requirements. The actual hardware requirements vary, depending on the number of hosts in the cluster, the number of finished jobs daily, and the number of license usage combinations. For example, for an LSF cluster consisting of 500 hosts, 300 000 finished jobs daily, and 4000 license usage combinations, the machine needs 2 GB of memory.

Host operating system
3 GHz
2 GB
3 GHz
2 GB
3 GHz
2 GB
3 GHz
2 GB
3 GHz
2 GB

Disk space requirements

A minimum of 500 MB of free disk space is recommended for the binary and data collection files. In addition, the Analytics node host running the FLEXnet usage data loader requires at least 2 GB of free space in /tmp.

Supported operating systems (LSF 7.x)

The following table describes the supported operating systems for the Analytics node installed in an LSF 7.x cluster:

Platform and hardware
Kernel version
Operating systems
AIX 64-bit
AIX 5.3
HP-UX 64-bit (IA64)
HP-UX 11.23
Linux x86 32-bit
(Intel x86)
kernel 2.4, glibc 2.2
RedHat 8
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8
kernel 2.4, glibc 2.3
RedHat Enterprise Linux 3
kernel 2.6, glibc 2.3
RedHat Enterprise Linux 4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
kernel 2.6, glibc 2.4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
kernel 2.6, glibc 2.5
RedHat Enterprise Linux 5
Linux x86 64-bit
(AMD64, EM64T)
kernel 2.6, glibc2.3
RedHat Enterprise Linux 4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
kernel 2.6, glibc 2.4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
kernel 2.6, glibc 2.5
RedHat Enterprise Linux 5
Solaris 64-bit
(SPARC: Sun Ultra 5, Fire V100)
Solaris 10
Windows x86 32-bit
(Intel x86)
Windows XP SP2 (for non-production clusters only)
Windows 2003 Server (Enterprise and Standard)
Windows x86 64-bit
(AMD64, EM64T)
Windows 2003 Standard

Supported operating systems (LSF 6.2)

The following table describes the supported operating systems for the Analytics node installed in an LSF 6.2 cluster:

To ensure that your LSF 6.2 cluster works properly with Analytics, you must install the latest Maintenance Pack to your LSF 6.2 cluster.

Platform and hardware
Kernel version
Operating systems
Linux x86 32-bit
(Intel x86)
kernel 2.4, glibc 2.2
RedHat 8
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8
kernel 2.4, glibc 2.3
RedHat Enterprise Linux 3
kernel 2.6, glibc 2.3
RedHat Enterprise Linux 4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
Linux x86 64-bit
(AMD64, EM64T)
kernel 2.6, glibc2.3
RedHat Enterprise Linux 4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
Windows x86 32-bit
(Intel x86)
Windows XP SP2 (for non-production clusters only)
Windows 2003 Server (Enterprise and Standard)
Solaris 64-bit
(SPARC: Sun Ultra 5, Fire V100)
Solaris 10

System ports

You need to ensure that the system ports for Analytics and the Cognos OLAP tools are open for the hosts and components to communicate with one another. You also need to ensure that your web server port is open.

Analytics system ports

Analytics hosts use the following TCP ports:

Determine the Cognos system ports

The port numbers for some of the Cognos OLAP tools are randomly assigned during installation. If you need to ensure that the Cognos ports are open, you must determine what port numbers are assigned to the Cognos OLAP tools.

  1. Log into the Analytics server host.
  2. Start the Cognos Configuration Manager.
  3. Determine the Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server port number.
    1. Navigate to server_host_name > Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server > Dispatcher > General.
    2. The Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server port number is shown in the PowerPlayer Server Port Number parameter.

  4. Determine the Cognos Upfront port numbers.
    1. Navigate to server_host_name > Upfront > Data Store > General.
    2. The Cognos Upfront data store port number is shown in the Data Store Port parameter.
    3. The Cognos Upfront search engine port number is shown in the Search Engine Port parameter.
    4. Navigate to server_host_name > Upfront > Server > Administration Connection.
    5. The Cognos Upfront server administration port number is shown in the Server Administration Port parameter.

  5. Determine the Access Manager Server port number.
    1. Navigate to server_host_name > Services > Access Manager - Server > General > Ticket Service.
    2. The Access Manager Server port number is shown in the Port parameter.

  6. Determine the Access Manager Directory Server port numbers.
    1. Navigate to server_host_name > Services > Access Manager - Directory Server > General.
    2. The Access Manager Directory Server port number is shown in the Port parameter. The default value is 389, which is the same as the Sun Java Directory Server port number.
    3. The Access Manager primary ticket service port number is part of the Primary ticket service parameter, which is in the following format:
    4. server_host_name:port_number 

FTP directory contents

The Analytics FTP directory contains the necessary files to install Platform Analytics. The files are grouped into directories containing the installation files.


This directory contains the files for the Platform Analytics node installation package.

The following table describes the files for the supported operating systems in the nodes directory:

Supported operating systems
File name
Linux 32-bit
Linux 64-bit
Solaris 10 on Sparc 64-bit
Windows 32-bit: Windows XP, Server 2003
Windows 64-bit: Windows XP, Server 2003


This directory contains the files for the Platform Analytics server installation package.

The following table describes the files for the supported operating systems in the servers directory:

Supported operating systems
File name
AIX 5.3 64-bit
HP-UX 11.23 on IA 64-bit
Linux 32-bit
Linux 64-bit
Solaris 10 on Sparc 64-bit
Windows 32-bit: Windows XP, Server 2003
Windows 64-bit: Windows XP, Server 2003


This directory contains the files for the Platform Analytics documentation package.

The following table describes the files in the docs directory:

File name
Platform Analytics release notes
Administering Platform Analytics
Platform Analytics cube descriptions
Installing Platform Analytics
Upgrading Platform Analytics
README for Upgrading Platform Analytics (UNIX)
README for Upgrading Platform Analytics (Windows)
Platform Analytics cube data flow


This directory contains the files for the Platform Analytics database schema package.

The following table describes the files for the supported databases in the schema directory:

Supported databases
File name
Oracle database for Platform Analytics 7.5


This directory contains the files for the Platform Analytics node upgrade package.

The following table describes the files for the supported operating systems in the upgrade/nodes directory:

Supported operating systems
File name
Linux 32-bit
Linux 64-bit
Solaris 10 on Sparc 64-bit
Windows 32-bit: Windows XP, Server 2003
Windows 64-bit: Windows XP, Server 2003


This directory contains the files for the Platform Analytics server upgrade package.

The following table describes the files for the supported operating systems in the upgrade/servers directory:

Supported operating systems
File name
Linux 32-bit
Linux 64-bit
Solaris 10 on Sparc 64-bit
Windows 32-bit: Windows XP, Server 2003
Windows 64-bit: Windows XP, Server 2003


This directory contains the files for the Platform Analytics database schema upgrade package.

The following table describes the files for the supported databases in the upgrade/schema directory:

Supported databases
File name
Oracle database for Platform Analytics 7.5

Obtaining the Cognos installation files

Analytics supports Cognos 7.4 MR1 and later for generating cubes. Contact Platform for details on downloading the Cognos installation files.

Known issues

LSF 6.2, 7.0.4, and 7.0.5 cluster data loaders do not obtain any job data

After installing Analytics on a cluster running LSF 6.2, 7.0.4, or 7.0.5, the data loaders do not obtain any job data. This is because, by default, LSF 6.2, 7.0.4, and 7.0.5 do not enable the file for the exporting of LSF job event data, while Analytics requires this to be enabled for the data loaders to obtain job data.

To resolve this issue, you need to enable the file for the exporting of LSF job event data.

Enable the file
  1. Edit the lsb.params file
  2. In the lsb.params file, edit the Parameters section to enable the exporting of LSF job event data to the file.
  3. Add the following lines to the Parameters section:

    # Enable streaming of lsbatch system events 
    # Determines the location of the file. This parameter is optional. 
    # The default location is: $LSB_SHAREDIR/{clustername}/logdir/stream. 
    # EVENT_STREAM_FILE=/tmp/lsb.mystream 
    # Determines the maximum size of the file. This parameter is optional. 
    # The default size is 100MB. 
  4. Reconfigure mbatchd to apply these changes.
  5. badmin mbdrestart

  6. To verify that these changes are in effect, verify that the files exists.
  7. By default, is located at the following directories:

Analytics cube views cannot open if Cognos is installed in a non-default locale

When installing Cognos, you must select the default locale (United States) and language (English); otherwise, you cannot open published cube views and you may see an error message stating that "The request failed because there is no valid cube mapping to handle the request".

If you encounter this problem, you must reinstall Cognos using the default locale and language, then reinstall the Analytics server.

LSF event data loader may report "Could not parse the record" if an Analytics node is running on an AIX or HP-UX host

If you have an Analytics node running on an AIX or HP-UX host, the LSF event data loader (lsfeventloader) may report "Could not parse the record" in the log.

This issue occurs because the field length for each event is limited to 512 characters, which may not be enough for AIX or HP-UX hosts.

To resolve this issue, download and apply the appropriate patches for LSF 6.2 or LSF 7.0.5 from the Platform FTP site ( for LSF. These patches do not work for other versions of LSF.

LSF data loaders fail to work on Windows if installing Analytics with EGO-enabled LSF before restarting Windows

If you installed LSF (with EGO enabled) on a Windows host and wish to install the Analytics node on this host, you must restart Windows before you install Analytics; otherwise the LSF data loaders might not work correctly when you start the loader controller.

Analytics node does not send events after installation if it is started before the Analytics server

After installing Analytics using a clean database, if you start the Analytics node before starting the Analytics server, the node will not send events. This problem only occurs the first time after installation.

The EVENT_MANAGER_CONF table for the event locator is not initialized until you start the Analytics server for the first time. Therefore, if you start the Analytics node without first starting the Analytics server after initial installation with a clean database, the event sender does not have access to the EVENT_MANAGER_CONF TABLE until you start the Analytics server.

To resolve this issue, restart the Analytics node after you start the Analytics server.

When upgrading Analytics on a shared file system, the upgrade package may stop responding

When upgrading Analytics from version 7.1 to version 7.5, if Analytics is installed on a shared file system, the upgrade package may stop responding if the shared file system is not fully stable.

This is an issue with the InstallShield Multiple Platform (ISMP) on which the upgrade package is built.

To work around this issue, kill the upgrade process and run the upgrade package again.

Data loaders may not activate immediately when the database host is physically disconnected from the network

If the database host is disconnected from the network, DLP does not activate within 15 minutes, resulting in data loss. This does not occur if the database goes down, but the database host is still physically connected.

This is an issue with the Oracle JDBC driver. To work around this issue, restart the loader controller after the database host is physically disconnected from the network.

FLEXnet events data loader does not support mapped network drives on Windows

In the FLEXnet events data loader properties file (, if you defined the LicenseLogFile parameter to point to a Windows UNC file path or to a mapped network drive, the data loader log file shows a "not a valid file" or "does not exist" error for "".

The FLEXnet events data loader (flexliceventsloader) does not support mapped network drives and has limited support for UNC file paths.

To work around this issue, use a slash (/) to define a UNC file path or a local Windows file path rather than a backslash (\). For a mapped network drive, use the UNC file path instead of the mapped network file path.

For example,

FLEXnet usage data loader could not obtain license usage data due to insufficient disk space in /tmp

If you have an Analytics node running on a Solaris host, the FLEXnet usage data loader (flexlicusageloader) log may report "Failed to obtain license usage from the license server" and "Not enough space" errors.

This error occurs if you have insufficient space allocated to /tmp on that host. To work around this issue, extend the /tmp space so it has at least 2 GB of free space on that host before starting the Analytics node on the host.

In certain configurations, the Analytics Console shows that the loader controller is down, but perfadmin or egosh shows it is running

In the Analytics Console, if you click Data Collection Nodes, you may see that the loader controller is Down. However, if you examine the loader controller service (plc) in the Analytics node (using perfadmin list or egosh service list) the loader controller service is STARTED.

This issue may occur because you incorrectly defined the loopback IP address ( as the name of your host rather than localhost in the /etc/hosts file.

To fix this problem, either delete the line in the /etc/hosts file where you defined the loopback IP address ( as the name of your host, or change the loopback IP address to localhost.

License servers with the same license feature must run in the same time zone

If you have two or more license servers in different time zones, the wi_licutilfeaturemart datamart contains inaccurate information. This issue occurs when you have license servers with the same license feature running in different time zones.

To work around this issue, ensure that license servers with the same license feature are running in the same time zone.

The BuildCubes process does not stop when you stop the Analytics daemons on Solaris hosts

On Solaris hosts, when you stop the Analytics daemons (using stop) the BuildCubes Java process does not stop.

To work around this issue, after stopping the Analytics daemons, find the cube build Java processes by running ps -ef | grep -i java | grep -i cube, then manually kill the relevant Java processes.

A crashed InstallShield database may cause the Analytics installation to fail

If you failed to install Analytics, you may need to manually remove the InstallShield Multi-Platform (ISMP) database.

Remove the ISMP database from the following directories:

Get technical support

Contact Platform

Contact Platform Computing or your Analytics vendor for technical support. Use one of the following to contact Platform technical support:


World Wide Web


Platform Support
Platform Computing Inc.
3760 14th Avenue
Markham, Ontario
Canada L3R 3T7

When contacting Platform, please include the full name of your company.

See the Platform Web site at for other contact information.

Get patch updates and other notifications

To get periodic patch update information, critical bug notification, and general support notification from Platform Support, contact with the subject line containing the word "subscribe".

To get security related issue notification from Platform Support, contact with the subject line containing the word "subscribe".

We'd like to hear from you

If you find an error in any Platform documentation, or you have a suggestion for improving it, please let us know:



Information Development
Platform Computing Inc.
3760 14th Avenue
Markham, Ontario
Canada L3R 3T7

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Although the information in this document has been carefully reviewed, Platform Computing Inc. ("Platform") does not warrant it to be free of errors or omissions. Platform reserves the right to make corrections, updates, revisions or changes to the information in this document.


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