Using the Container Element in a Cluster

When the container element is used in a cluster to group questions, the questions will be displayed alongside each other and the title for the container will be displayed alongside the grouped questions instead of the individual question labels. A container can be used in a cluster as follows:

Figure 1. Cluster Container XML
  <title id="ContactNumber.Title">Contact number:</title>

  <question id="countryCode">

    <label id="CountryCode.Label">Country code</label>

  <question id="areaCode">

    <label id="AreaCode.Label">Area Code</label>

  <question id="phoneNumber">

    <label id="PhoneNumber.Label">Phone number</label>

Note that when questions are wrapped in a container, although the container title is displayed instead of the individual question labels, a label should still be included for each question. The question label will be displayed as a tool tip, in the example above, if the mouse is hovering over the second text field in the phone number the label 'area code' will be displayed as the tool tip.