The Dependency Manager

The Dependency Manager is internal to Cúram and no access from custom code nor any customization is supported.

All artefacts pertaining to the Dependency Manager are contained in the curam.dependency code package and its sub-packages1. You must not place any of your own classes or interfaces in the curam.dependency code package or any of its sub-packages.

The following database tables are owned by the Dependency Manager:

These database tables must not be customized in any way, and the data on these database tables must not be read or written other than by the Dependency Manager itself.

Initial population of these database tables via DMX files is not supported, with the exception of DMX files included with the application; moreover it is not supported to customize or omit the population of these database tables via the DMX files included with the application.

1 Some artefacts in this code package are contributed by CER and others by the core application.