Apply Phase

Once the Pre-Apply phase has successfully completed, processing proceeds to the Apply Phase. In this phase, the infrastructure will iterate over each Business Object and then invoke either an upsert or delete operation, depending on whether the Business Object is to be upserted or deleted1. To perform these operations, either the ReadAndUpsertBOM or DeleteBOM are invoked as appropriate. After all Business Objects in the Change Set have been upserted or deleted, the PreCommitActionBOM for each Business Object is invoked. This is in order to perform any pre-commit activities that are required for the Business Object. Following this, the PreCommitActionTypeBOM is invoked for every Business Object Type which has at least one Business Object instance in the Change Set.

As part of this phase, BOMs are used as follows:

1 Note that deletion of Business Objects is currently only supported in the revert Change Sets that are automatically created for Undo purposes