Adding Additional Data

About this task

Here are the steps to add additional data to CPIData.


  1. Add an entry in the CPI xml data of type 'AdditionalData'. Here is an example of how some additional data is stored on CPIData:
        type='AdditionalData' label='Communications'>       
            <node attr='Email Sent' value='Date : 20/01/2007'/>
            <node attr='Letter Sent' value='Date : 19/01/2007'/>  
            <node attr='Letter Sent' value='Date : 14/01/2007'/>
           type='AdditionalData' label='Employment'>              
             <node attr='Civil Service' 
             value='Start Date : 10/01/2000'/>
             <node attr='Curam' value='Start Date : 10/01/2001'/>
             <node attr='Accenture' value='Start Date : 10/01/2002'/>
             <node attr='Cybertrust' 
             value='Start Date : 10/01/2002'/>
             <node attr='Deloitte' value='Start Date : 10/01/2002'/>  
           <AdditionalData type='AdditionalData' 
           label='Education Facilities Attended'>               
             <node attr='Primary School' value='Saint Johns'/>
             <node attr='Secondary School' value='Hartstown CBS'/>
             <node attr='University'
             value='Dublin City University'/> 
           <AdditionalData type='AdditionalData' 
             <node attr='Bachelor of Science Computer Applications' 
             value='Undergraduate Degree'/>
             <node attr='Diploma Archaeology' 
             value='Postgraduate Diploma'/>
             <node attr='Master of Science' value='Masters Degree'/>  
          <AdditionalData type='AdditionalData' 
          label='Alternate Names'>              
             <node attr='Also Known As' value='Bob Muprhy'/>
             <node attr='Also Known As' value='Bobby Muprhy'/>
          <AdditionalData type='AdditionalData' 
          label='Bank Accounts'>              
             <node attr='Bank of Ireland' value='555-1111'/>
             <node attr='Ulster Bank' value='555-1112'/>
             <node attr='AIB' value='555-1113'/>
             <node attr='NIB' value='555-1114'/>
  2. It is recommended that you add entries to the BPOClientAccessAdditionalFields.xml file located at <your-dev-directory>EJBServer\components\CaseParticipantIndex\message. By accessing these CPIData fields via the codetable descriptions in java, it will ensure that future DatastoreEntry attribute name changes won't break your java code.
  3. Data gets loaded onto the DatastoreEntity table via the CPIWebservice or the CPILoader batch job. See Chapter 2 Using Case Participant Index APIs for more information.
  4. To allow Social Enterprise Collaboration to read new CPI data, the ConcernRole table (and its related tables) should be updated to include any new CPI records that are added via the CPILoader or the CPIWebservice.