Configuration for BIA Charts

This section will guide you through the steps required to view BIA charts in Eclipse, BIA charts are BIRT charts which have been configured to render in Flex. Build environment support to automate the steps below may be provided in a future service pack release.

The commands below are based on BIRT 2.6.1, with the version number part of the directory name changing as the version of BIRT is upgraded, e.g. when upgrading from BIRT 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 the following directory name changed from plugins\ to plugins\

  1. Copy the JDBC drivers you require from CURAMSEDJ_DIR\drivers e.g. the Oracle or DB2® JDBC drivers to TOOLS_DIR\eclipsebirt\plugins\\drivers where TOOLS_DIR is the parent directory of your BIRT Eclipse installation.
  2. Copy all files in the directory (the flex extensions) from CURAM_DIR\BIApp\CuramBIRTViewer\WebContent\webcontent (i.e. just the files located in webcontent are required a deep copy of the whole webcontent is not required) to TOOLS_DIR\eclipsebirt\plugins\\birt\webcontent.
  3. Copy 3 jar files (the flex extensions) from CURAM_DIR\BIApp\CuramBIRTViewer\WebContent\WEB-INF\platform\plugins to TOOLS_DIR\eclipsebirt\plugins.
  4. Copy 1 Jar file from the directory (the flex extensions) from CURAM_DIR\BIApp\CuramBIRTViewer\WebContent\WEB-INF\bicontent\resources\scriptlib (e.e. just the file with a naming convention of curam-birt-jar) to TOOLS_DIR\eclipsebirt\plugins\\birt\scriptlib.