Creating your first Sample Report for a BIA licensed tab

About this task

Only follow these steps if you are creating a report for a licensed BIA Reporting tab.


  1. You will need to place a file in the <Curam_DIR>\Reporting\project\properties directory. Copy the sample file and rename it to Change the centraldm properties to point to to datamart you intend to work from. You only need to configure the properties for the datamart, i.e. centraldm. #

    You will also need to encrypt the passwords before entering them into the file. Encrypting a password is done as follows

    1. Open a command prompt from Reporting\components
    2. Run the following: 'appbuild encrypt.password -Dpassword=<p>' where <p> is the assigned password to be encrypted
    3. Enter the full encrypted password returned, for example: qqnscP4c4+s== as the password in the file.

    See example below.

                db.type=<databasetype> (e.g. ORA or DB2 - just put this in the property file once)
                 # ORACLE connection properties for the data mart 
                centraldm.db.SID=<SID> (e.g. ORCL)
                centraldm.db.password=<encrypted password> (e.g. qqnscP4c4+s==)
  2. Select <Curam BI Content> project.
  3. Go to Window Menu -> Preferences -> Tomcat ->JVM Settings. On the classpath widow select the button directory and add in the full path to the <Curam_DIR>\Reporting \project\properties directory for your stream.
  4. Create a new report e.g. if creating a report for the CEF application which is associated with a license then save the report to this location:


    Platform reports associated with a license should be saved here, etc.


  5. Verify that the library is still available in the Resource View (from the previous steps).
  6. Go to the Outline View->libraries->right click and select use library, select the "CEFLibrary" from the popup.
  7. Go to the Resource Explorer, select CEFLibrary and do the following:
    1. Data Sources->CuramDM, right click and select add to report.
    2. Select the data source and right client to edit the data source to point to your local source database by editing the values in the data source as follows:
      • Driver Class: (v3.57)
      • Driver URL: jdbc:db2://silverstreak:50000/curam
      • User Name: db2admin
      • Password: ********

      The settings within this panel will used for the Eclipse embedded preview mode only. Test your connection.

  8. Create a new data set using the data source configured in the previous step, paste in the SQL as an example

    select casetypecode as status, count (casetypecode) as casecount from caseheader group by casetypecode.

  9. Add a chart to the report we recommend that you copy and paste in a chart from one of the reports in the Cúram BIRT Viewer Samples project. Ensure the chart uses the newly created data set. Chart styling will be enforced through CSS in future version of the Cúram BIRT Viewer.
  10. In order to test your report via the application pages, copy the report to be executed from the Cúram BIRT Viewer:
    • 1. If your Cúram BIRT Viewer is already configured (see Eclipse Installation section), then execute the following command from the web client directory to make your reports available to the Cúram BIRT Viewer: appbuild client.birt.
    • 2. Run your report from the Cúram BIRT Viewer test window or view from the application page
