
BIA ETL programs require credentials to authenticate to a database and read/write data. The credentials for this connection are supplied in a configuration file (

When an ETL program is ready to be used in production and/or when database builds are being prepared, the person who configures it will provide a file containing the batch programs production credentials. Since this is sensitive information, the production copy of this file (or the folder it is contained in) should be access-controlled to your satisfaction, e.g. so that the file can be accessed only by administrators and the batch program itself.


For best practices, we advise you review your production copies of the following files, to ensure that they are access-controlled in line with your security policies:

You may also have automated packaging and/or deployment tasks for your application. If this automation is used to package or deploy production releases, you should consider the configuration files that support those automated processes.

BIA Reporting also has a sample create schema creation script (initoracleschemas.sql and, this is only intended for use within development environments as a quick-start mechanism to getting a Reporting sandbox created and running. If these files are used for any other purposes other than within development environments then you must ensure the these files are access controlled and secure.

Please ensure any default values are replaced with secure values in line with your local security policies. We advise that you create your own secure copy of any scripts that create the BI schemas.

We also highly recommend the use of encrypted passwords in the file. Please refer the password section in Appendix A