Customizing the Build Script

The Build scripts are delivered as Ant scripts and are in xml format. A customer can extend the build scripts to add in their own functionality e.g. the customer may wish to copy files to a backup folder after creating the schemas.

If a customer wants to amend or create additional tasks we recommend the following process:

  1. the customer creates a new ant file, e.g. components\core\mybuild.xml file
  2. the customer adds any new tasks into mybuild.xml
  3. call the new build commands through the build.bat by importing the new build file, e.g. by editing component\core\build.xml adding the line <import file="mybuild.xml"/>
  4. or by creating a new batch file to execute the new build commands, e.g. copy our component\core\build.bat to mybuild.bat and ensure <mybuild.xml> is referenced