Database Configuration

About this task

Open the Administration Console as detailed in the previous section.


  1. Navigate to <DomainName> > Services > JDBC > Data Sources;
  2. Click the New button;
  3. Enter the following fields:

    Name: "curamdb"

    JNDI Name: "jdbc/curamdb"

    Change the Database Type to be "Oracle"

  4. Click the Next button
  5. Set the Database Driver to be "Oracles Driver (Thin XA) for Instance connections; Versions:9.0.1,9.2.0,10,11";
  6. Click the Next button
  7. Leave the default for Transaction Options and click the Next button.
  8. Set the following fields:

    Database Name : This setting depends on how you want to connect to the Oracle database; i.e., either using the Oracle service name or Oracle SID name.

    Set this value to the value of in <SERVER_DIR>/project/properties/ to connect to database using the Oracle service name, e.g..

    If you want to connect to an Oracle database using the SID name, then set this value to the value of in <SERVER_DIR>/project/properties/ e.g. "yourhost".

    Hostname : Set this value to the value of curam.db.servername in <SERVER_DIR>/project/properties/, e.g. "gonzo.<host_name>".

    Port : Set this value to the value of curam.db.serverport in <SERVER_DIR>/project/properties/, e.g. "1521".

    Database Username: Set this value to the value of curam.db.username in <SERVER_DIR>/project/properties/, e.g. "curam".

    Password: Set this value to the value of curam.db.password in <SERVER_DIR>/project/properties/ Note that password in the property file is encrypted, and you need to set the unencrypted, plain-text version of this password here.

    Confirm Password : confirm the entered password.

  9. Click the Next button
  10. Here if you are connecting using Oracle service name, then change the URL value as shown below before testing the configuration:


    Where serverName is the name of the server hosting the database.

    Where port is the port number the database is listening on.

    Where databaseServiceName is the service name of the database.

    Leave all other fields untouched unless a specific change is required.

    Click the Test Configuration button to test settings.

  11. Click the Next button;
  12. Review the settings and click the Next button;
  13. Select AdminServer as the target server;

    For manual configuration you will need to set the value of property in file to be AdminServer.

  14. Click the Finish button;

    It is a good idea to restart the AdminServer at this point, to ensure the changes are correct. To do this:

    1. Navigate to <DomainName> > Environment > Servers;
    2. Select the Control tab, then select AdminServer in the Server's list and click Shutdown > When work completes;1
    3. Click the Yes button to shutdown the AdminServer.
1 Although it is very easy to kill managed servers by using Ctrl + C when it is running in a command prompt, never do this. Always use the Administration Console to shutdown all managed servers as described above. Using Ctrl + C from a Command Prompt will significantly slow down a machine after a couple of restarts. This is because memory is not released as it should be and the only remedy is to restart the machine.