Configuring For a Type 2 JDBC Universal Driver (RRS)

Set up DB2 Environment Variables

  1. Navigate to Environment > WebSphere variables;
  2. Note: The appropriate scope where the data source will be defined should be selected at this point.
  3. Select the DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH link from the list of environment variables. This will open the configuration screen for this variable;
  4. Set the Value field to point to the directory containing the Type 2 driver. This is normally the DB2 installation path containing the db2jcc.jar file.
  5. Press the OK button to confirm the changes.
  6. Select the DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_NATIVEPATH link from the list of environment variables. This will open the configuration screen for this variable;
  7. Set the Value field to point to the directory containing the DB2 for z/OS shared library links for the Type 2 driver. This is the DB2 for z/OS installation path containing the Type 2 Driver libraries (such as, which will vary by DB2 for z/OS version and 31/64 bit implementation);
  8. Press the OK button to confirm the changes.

Set up the Database Driver Provider

  1. Navigate to Resources > JDBC > JDBC providers;
  2. Note: The appropriate scope where the data source is to be defined should be selected at this point.
  3. Press the New button to add a new driver. This will open a configuration screen;
  4. Select the DB2 drop down from the list of database types supplied;
  5. Select the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider drop down from the list of provider types supplied;
  6. Select the Connection pool data source drop down from the list of implementation types supplied;
  7. Press the Next button to continue;
  8. Review the properties on the configuration screen that opens ensuring that the settings for Classpath and Native library path are correct, based on the values previously set for the environment variables DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH and DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_NATIVEPATH. No changes should be required;
  9. Press the Next and then the Finish button to confirm the changes.

Set up the Database Driver Data Source

The following steps should be repeated for each of the application Data Sources, substitutingcuramdb,curamsibdb andcuramtimerdb for <DatasourceName> (without the angle brackets) in the following steps:

  1. Select theDB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider now displayed on the list of JDBC Providers. This will open the configuration screen for the provider;
  2. Select the Data Sources link under Additional Properties;
  3. Press the New button to add a new data source;
  4. Set the fields as follows:

    Data source name : <DatasourceName>

    JNDI name : jdbc/<DatasourceName>

    Component-managed authentication alias and XA recovery authentication alias : <valid for database>

    where the alias used is the one set up in Creating the Data Source Login Alias;

  5. Click Next to continue;
  6. Set the fields as follows:

    Database name: The name of the DB2 for z/OS database;

    Driver type: 2;

    Server name: The name of the DB2 for z/OS database server;

    Leave all other fields untouched unless a specific change is required and click Next;

  7. Press the Finish button to confirm the changes and continue;
  8. Select the newly created DatasourceName data source from the displayed list;
  9. Select the Custom Properties link under Additional Properties;
  10. Select thefullyMaterializeLobData entry;
  11. Set thevalue to be false;
  12. Click the OK button to confirm the change.

Set up the JVM Property db2.jcc.propertiesFile (optional)

If you wish to use an external configuration file identified by the db2.jcc.propertiesFile property for your DB2 Type 2 Universal JDBC Driver then:

  1. Navigate to Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers;
  2. Select the appropriate server from the list;
  3. In the Server Infrastructure panel expand Java and Process Management;
  4. Select the Process definition link;
  5. In the processType panel perform the following steps for each item in the list (Adjunct, Control, and Servant):
    1. Select the processType link;
    2. In the Additional Properties panel Select the Java Virtual Machine link;
    3. In the Additional Properties panel Select the Custom Properties link;
    4. click the New button and set the property as follows:

      Name : db2.jcc.propertiesFile

      Value : fully qualified name of the property file

      Click the OK button to add the property.

      See the information in WebSphere Application Server Configuration on how to setup the property file.