
document-oriented web services (DOWS)
There is no formal, industry-accepted definition for DOWS, it is generally accepted that these are defined by the use of style="document" attribute in the WSDL binding section. In the context of Cúram the concept of DOWS also includes the option to model Cúram operations (web services) to process XML documents directly.
inbound web services
Inbound web services refers to web services that you implement and are accessed by external clients.
outbound web services
Outbound web services refers to web services that you would access, hosted externally.
Service-Oriented Architecture

As defined by IBM® ( "Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a business-centric IT architectural approach that supports integrating your business as linked, repeatable business tasks, or services." Typically, web services take a significant role in a SOA implementation.

Simple Object Access Protocol

SOAP is an XML-based protocol for processing web services over HTTP. For a more comprehensive definition see:

A stub refers to the Java code that's generated at build time by the Cúram scripts by invoking Axis2 (or Axis 1.4) tooling; they are stubs in that the code does not stand alone: you must code a Java main program, or provide some other context, where you instantiate its various objects and call their methods to invoke (outbound) the web service, process results, etc.
Web Services Description Language

WSDL is an XML-based format for describing web services. For a more comprehensive definition see:

WS-I (Web Services Interoperability Organization)
The WS-I is part of OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) standards organization and as their website ( their mission is to advance: "... Best Practices for Web services standards across platforms, operating systems, and programming languages."